Accessible Websites With Lotus Notes/Domino, presented at the BLUG day event, March 30th, 2010

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Accessible Websites

Martin Leyrer


About me

What you are not going to hear

What is Accessibility (a11y)

Web Content A11y Guidelines (WCAG)

Best Practices


Wrap Up and Q&A

About Me

Martin Leyrer just Martin is fine :)

From Vienna, Austria

Notes Dev. & Admin. since 1995 (R3.1)

Web Developer even longer

Work for a large IT service organization

One large Client

The NOT Slide

I am NOT a W3C spokesperson

I am NOT a WCAG editor

I am NOT certifying your site accessible

No definitive answers, only best practices

Focus on technical issues

What is Accessibility

Accessibility make content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these.

Following these guidelines will also often make your Web content more usable to users in general.

Understanding accessibility requires an awareness of the special needs of multiple user groups, including people with disabilities and mature users with age-related disabilities. A person with a disability may encounter one or more barriers that can be eliminated or minimized by the software or Web developer, the assistive technology, or the underlying operating system software and hardware platform. The four main categories of disabilities are visual, hearing, mobility, and cognitive.

Accessibility Is More!

It's not about the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (UK), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or any other law.

It's not making Websites uglier

It's not that hard

It's about enabling people to communicate!

It's about god webdesign.It's about the willingness tp make your website available to everybody.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Recommendations for making Web content more accessible

1.0 was vague, hard to test

Succeeded by 2.0

Lot of content but very detailed

Lots of tests and best practices


Motivates to implement more

Standards Compliance

Yes, it's still a topic

Using Xpages? Then you are fine.

Classic Web Apps. have work to doDominoCompleteDoctype=1

Do the HTML, CSS, JS yourself


Test AND Fix!

Tables (1)

Still using them for Layout?

You can and should use tables ...

for data!

Supply some metadata and you are fine

Tables (2)

SearchresultlistNrHeadline 1Headline 2 ......

The Good, The Bad and ...

Javascript is not as bad as you may think

Don't rely on it

Xpages/Dojo Dijit Accessibility (a11y)

Ugly Code

Have you read our terms and conditions?

Only Slightly Better Code ...

Have you read our terms and conditions?

Now This Code Is Fine ...

Have you read our terms and conditions?

But This Code Would Be Better

Have you read our terms and conditions?

window.onload = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0, link; link = links[i]; i++) { if (link.className == 'sidenote') { link.onclick = function() { var href = this.href;, 'popup', 'height=500,width=400,toolbar=no'); return false; } } } }

Unobstrusive Javascript

Make your App. work without Javascript

Progressive Enhancement afterwards

Don't write inline JS

Modify DOM after page has loaded

Unobtrusive JavaScript with jQuery

Page Structure

Have you checked the Tab-sequence?tabindex="x"

Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigation-Shortcuts for Screenreaders
to Navigation

Soft Topics

Foreground/Background Contrast


Alt-Text for Images

Simple Text

Links (1)

Firefox & Web Developer Toolbar

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar


NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)

Coblis Color Blindness Simulator

Colour Contrast Analyser FF Extension

Contrast Analyser

Links (2)

IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center Developer guidelines for Web checklist

W3C WCAG Homepage

WAI-ARIA - Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite

Local Accessibility Groups

Wrap Up And Q&A

Accessibility is not hard

But it is also never finished.

WCAG is your friend

(Do use unobtrusive JavaScript)

Thank You!

Contact me:Email: [email protected]


Twitter: @leyrer

Skype: martin.leyrer

Jabber: [email protected]