A toolset for a modern development company BarCamp 2015 // Hovhannes Kuloghlyan

A toolset for a modern dev company

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A toolset for a modern development company

BarCamp 2015 // Hovhannes Kuloghlyan

Don’t trust your tools too much

1. Use tools only when it’s justified.2. First of all you need right people, and then

tools to help them.3. Tools are not remedy for all illnesses

Organization of business

1. Finance, profitability2. Strategic planning3. Resource management, HR4. Client relationship management, Sales5. Accounting

Application Areas

1. Communication / Storing Information2. Development3. Utility


1. Task management2. Daily communication3. Knowledge base4. Project documentation5. File storage6. Company documentation


1. Writing code2. Storing code3. Reviewing code4. Hosting + Network Services 5. Dev environments6. QA7. CI


1. Password storage2. Own notes

Communication / Info base

Task Management

1. Jira2. Redmine3. Asana4. Basecamp5. Taiga.io6. Podio7. Trello8. Scrum Board

Daily communication

1. Slack2. HipChat3. Skype4. Hangouts

Knowledge base / Documentation

1. Confluence2. GitHub Wikis3. Redmine Wikis4. TeamWork5. Apiary6. Read The Docs

File storage

Google DriveDropboxFile server ( syncing to GD)

Company Documentation

Google Drive rules!Google Apps


Writing Code

1. JetBrains - Yeeeah2. Eclipse - Meh3. NetBeans - Meh

Storing Code

1. BitBucket - pay per user2. GitHub - pay per repo

Reviewing Code

1. Gerrit2. Pull requests

Hosting + Network services

1. Hetzner2. Digital Ocean3. Linode4. AWS5. Mandrill6. Google Apps7. Cloudflare

Development environments

1. Vagrant - Manage dev environments2. Docker - Package applications into



1. Test plans2. Unit tests3. Testflight / Crashlytics4. NewRelic5. BDD/Gherkin6. Selenium7. Appium


1. Jenkins2. TeamCity3. Travis-CI - Excellent github integration4. Circle-CI - CI + Deployment


Password Storage

1. Keepass/KeepassX/MacPass - Offline2. Lastpass - Online 3. PassPack - Online

Use diceware to generate your master pass

Own notes
