Twitter: @matthiasnoback Matthias Noback A Series of Fortunate Events

A Series of Fortunate Events - Symfony Camp Sweden 2014

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What is an event really? How can you best describe an event in your code? What types of events are there, and how do you decide whether or not to implement something as an event? In this talk we start with a straightforward command-only piece of code. We extract events from it and start moving the event handling code out, trying different design patterns on the way. First we try Observer. Then we introduce event data, event handlers and a Mediator between our code and the event handlers. Finally we pick a well-known event dispatcher implementation (the Symfony EventDispatcher) and see how it uses the Chain of Responsibility design pattern to control the entire flow of a web application request. In the end I will answer some burning questions like: is it safe to use events all over the place and rely on event handlers to do some really important stuff? How do I overcome the indirection in my event-driven code? And how can I quickly find out what happens where?

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Twitter: @matthiasnoback

Matthias Noback

A Series of Fortunate Events

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What are events, really?

Things that happen

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They trigger actions

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Just now...Attendees arrived,

triggered me to turn on microphone,

which triggered you to stop talking,

which triggered me to start talking

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Events in software Events model what happened in a system

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Other parts of the system can respond to what happened

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Imperative programmingOnly commands




return $something;

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Extracting eventsdoThis();// this was done

doThat();// that was done

updateSomething($something)// something was updated

return $something;

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Starting positionclass PostService{ ... function addComment($postId, $comment) { $post = $this->fetchPost($postId); $post->addComment($comment); $this->save($post);

$this->logger->info('New comment'); $this->mailer->send('New comment'); }}

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Starting positionclass PostService { function __construct( Mailer $mailer, Logger $logger ) { $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->logger = $logger; }

function addComment($postId, $comment) { ... }}

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Making events explicitclass PostService { function addComment($postId, $comment) { ... $this->newCommentAdded(); }

function newCommentAdded() { $this->logger->info('New comment'); $this->mailer->send('New comment'); }}

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Dependency graph




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Design issues (1)I don't think the PostService should know how to use a Mailer and a Logger

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Design issues (2)I want to change the behavior of PostService without modifying the class itself

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Fix the problems

By introducing events!(later)

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Observer patternNotify other parts of the application when a change occurs

class PostService { function newCommentAdded() { foreach ($this->observers as $observer) { $observer->notify(); } }}

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Observer contract

interface Observer{ function notify();}

Subject knows nothing about its observers, except their very simple interface

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Concrete observersclass LoggingObserver implements Observer{ function __construct(Logger $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; }

function notify() { $this->logger->info('New comment'); }}

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Concrete observers

class NotificationMailObserver implements Observer{ function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; }

function notify() { $this->mailer->send('New comment'); }}

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Configurationclass PostService{ function __construct(array $observers) { $this->observers = $observers; }}

$postService = new PostService( array( new LoggingObserver($logger), new NotificationMailObserver($mailer) ));

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Design Principles Party

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Single responsibilityEach class has one small,

well-defined responsibility

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Single responsibility● PostService:

“add comments to posts”

● LoggingObserver: “write a line to the log”

● NotificationMailObserver: “send a notification mail”

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Single responsibilityWhen a change is required, it can be isolated to just a small part of the application

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Single responsibility● “Capitalize the comment!”: PostService

● “Use a different logger!”: LoggerObserver

● “Add a timestamp to the notification mail!”: NotificationMailObserver

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Dependency inversionDepend on abstractions, not on concretions

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Dependency inversionFirst PostService depended on something concrete: the Mailer, the Logger.

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Dependency inversionNow it depends on something abstract: an Observer

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Dependency inversionOnly the concrete observers depend on concrete things like Mailer and Logger

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Open/closedA class should be open for extension and closed for modification

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Open/closedYou don't need to modify the class to change its behavior

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Observer Observer


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Open/closedWe made it closed for modification,

open for extension

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Event data

Mr. Boddy was murdered!● By Mrs. Peacock

● In the dining room

● With a candle stick

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Currently missing!

class LogNewCommentObserver implements Observer{ function notify() { // we'd like to be more specific $this->logger->info('New comment'); }}

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Event objectclass CommentAddedEvent { public function __construct($postId, $comment) { $this->postId = $postId; $this->comment = $comment; }

function comment() { return $this->comment; }

function postId() { return $this->postId; }}

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Event object

We use the event object to store the context of the event

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From observer...

interface Observer{ function notify();}

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… to event handler

interface CommentAddedEventHandler{ function handle(CommentAddedEvent $event);}

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Event handlersclass LoggingEventHandler implements CommentAddedEventHandler{ function __construct(Logger $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; }

public function handle(CommentAddedEvent $event) { $this->logger->info( 'New comment' . $event->comment() ); }}

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Event handlers

class NotificationMailEventHandler implements CommentAddedEventHandler{ function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; }

public function handle(CommentAddedEvent $event) { $this->mailer->send( 'New comment: ' . $event->comment(); ); }}

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class PostService{ function __construct(array $eventHandlers) { $this->eventHandlers = $eventHandlers; }}

$postService = new PostService( array( new LoggingEventHandler($logger), new NotificationMailEventHandler($mailer) ));

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Looping over event handlersclass PostService{ public function addComment($postId, $comment) { $this->newCommentAdded($postId, $comment); }

function newCommentAdded($postId, $comment) { $event = new CommentAddedEvent( $postId, $comment );

foreach ($this->eventHandlers as $eventHandler) { $eventHandler->handle($event); } }}

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Introducing a MediatorInstead of talking to the event handlers

Let's leave the talking to a mediator

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In codeclass PostService{ function __construct(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) { $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; }

function newCommentAdded($postId, $comment) { $event = new CommentAddedEvent($postId, $comment);

$this->dispatcher->dispatch( 'comment_added', $event ); }}

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Event class

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

class CommentAddedEvent extends Event{ ...}

Custom event classes should extend Symfony Event class:

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Configurationuse Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

$loggingEventHandler = new LoggingEventHandler($logger);

$dispatcher->addListener( 'comment_added', array($loggingEventHandler, 'handle'));...

$postService = new PostService($dispatcher);

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Symfony2● An event dispatcher is available as the event_dispatcher service

● You can register event listeners using service tags

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Inject the event dispatcher# services.yml


post_service:class: PostServicearguments: [@event_dispatcher]

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Register your listeners# services.yml

services: ...

logging_event_handler:class: LoggingEventHandlerarguments: [@logger]tags:

- { name: kernel.event_listenerevent: comment_addedmethod: handle


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Events and application flowSymfony2 uses events to generate response for any given HTTP request

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The HttpKernel$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

// $kernel is in an instance of HttpKernelInterface

$response = $kernel->handle($request);


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Kernel events

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kernel.request● Route matching

● Authentication

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● Replace the controller

● Do some access checks

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● Render a template

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● Modify the response

● E.g. inject the Symfony toolbar

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● Generate a response

● Render a nice page with the stack trace

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Special types of events● Kernel events are not merely


● They allow other parts of the application to step in and modify or override behavior

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Chain of responsibility

Handler 3Handler 1 Handler 2

Some sort of request

Some sort of request


Some sort of request

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Symfony example

Listener 3Listener 1 Listener 2

Exception! Exception!


I've got an exception! What should I tell the user?

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Propagationclass HandleExceptionListener{

function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event

) {$event->setResponse(new Response('Error!'));

// this is the best response ever, don't let// other spoil it!



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Priorities$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

$dispatcher->addListener( 'comment_added', array($object, $method), // priority 100);

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Concern 1: Hard to understand“Click-through understanding” impossible

$event = new CommentAddedEvent($postId, $comment);



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interface EventDispatcherInterface{ function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null);


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SolutionUse Xdebug

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Concern 2: Out-of-domain concepts● “Comment”

● “PostId”

● “Add comment to post”

● “Dispatcher” (?!)

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We did a good thing

We fixed coupling issues

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She's called Cohesion

But this guy, Coupling, has a sister

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Cohesion● Belonging together

● Concepts like “dispatcher”, “event listener”, even “event”, don't belong in your code

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Solutions (1)Descriptive, explicit naming:

● NotificationMailEventListener becomes SendNotificationMailWhenCommentAdded

● CommentAddedEvent becomes CommentAdded

● onCommentAdded becomes whenCommentAdded

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Solutions (1)

This also hides implementation details!

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Solutions (2)Use an event dispatcher for things

that are not naturally cohesive anyway

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Solutions (2)Use something else

when an event dispatcher causes low cohesion

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Example: resolving the controller

$event = new GetResponseEvent($request);

$dispatcher->dispatch('kernel.request', $event);

$controller = $request->attributes->get('_controller');

$controller = $controllerResolver->resolve($request);

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Concern 3: Loss of control● You rely on event listeners to do some really

important work● How do you know if they are in place

and do their job?

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Solution● “Won't fix”

● You have to learn to live with it

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It's good

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Inversion of control

exercise control

give up control!

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Just like...● A router determines the right controller

● The service container injects the right constructor arguments

● And when you die, someone will bury your body for you

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I admit, inversion of control can be scary

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But it will● lead to better design

● require less change

● make maintenance easier

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Symfony, service definitions, kernel events


Pay even less ;)

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Class and package design principles


Get a $10 discount!

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Design patterns● Observer

● Mediator

● Chain of responsibility

● ...

Design Patterns by “The Gang of Four”

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SOLID principles● Single responsibility

● Open/closed

● Dependency inversion

● ...

Agile Software Development by Robert C. Martin

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Images● www.ohiseered.com/2011_11_01_archive.html

● Mrs. Peacock, Candlestick:www.cluecult.com

● Leonardo DiCaprio: screenrant.com/leonardo-dicaprio-defends-wolf-wall-street-controversy/

● Book covers:Amazon

● Party:todesignoffsite.com/events-2/to-do-closing-party-with-love-design/

● Russell Crowe: malinaelena.wordpress.com/2014/04/18/top-8-filme-cu-russell-crowe/

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Twitter: @matthiasnoback


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