A .Net developer experiences with Web 2.0 and social media From Azure Cloud computing to Iceland’s Ash Cloud… Eyjafjallajökull From north 15.5.2010 Roy Lachica Internal presentation 20.5.2010

A .net developer experiences with web2.0 and social media

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Page 1: A .net developer experiences with web2.0 and social media

A .Net developer experiences with Web 2.0 and social media

From Azure Cloud computing toIceland’s Ash Cloud…

EyjafjallajökullFrom north


Roy LachicaInternal presentation


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1. Background2. What is this stuff3. Why does it matter4. Who’s using it5. How will it affect us (.Net developers)6. How to use it7. My personal experiences with social media and web 2.0

stuff8. What’s next

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1. Background for presentation

• About me– Web enthusiast.– Done web development since 1995.– Followed Web 2.0/social media

since it’s inception.– Master thesis on the socio-semantic

web.– Started experimenting with Web2.0

early.• Gartner hype curve said it was

coming• Now culminates

– Used by businesses• Small companies are using it.• Multinational corporations are

beginning to use it in Norway. – Interest from government

• FAD Nettskap 2.0– Everybody is talking about it

• See our Yammer discussions.

Timeline2001 Wikipedia2002 Technorati, RSS 2.02003 LinkedIn, Wordpress, Delicious2004 Digg, flickr2005 youTube public launch2006 facebook public to all, Twitter2009 Google Wave

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2. What is it

Web 2.0, Social media, Enterprise 2.0, Mashups, Open data all connected


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Enterprise 2.0

• What– Social software/web2.0 for the enterprise– The new Knowledge Management

• Why– Leveraging knowledge for innovation and better

decision making• Wisdom of the crowds• Codifying knowledge• Knowledge sharing• Making tacit knowledge visible• Social networks spanning outside of the firewalls

– Efficiency through relevance • Personalization• Recommender systems• Subscriptions• Intelligent search

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3. Why does it matter?

• Social media revolution

• End users use it for:– Free speech, Democracy? (saying what’s on your mind: blogging, twitter)– Getting prompt networked information as opposed to slow broadcasted,

when I want it and from who I want– Easy and simple way of documenting (codifying knowledge) (wikis, blogs)– Unite and collaborate on shared goals– Don’t need to register an account with yet another service– Sharing stuff on a well known platform– Reach. Getting noticed

• Corporations use it for:– Brand management (Power to define and control a brand is shifting from

corporations to individuals and communities)• Take part in conversation, create opinions

– Customer support– Connect/reach

• Recruitment– Crowd sourcing

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4. Who’s using it

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Why are company x using social media

• External strategy– Take part in conversations

• Listen. What are people saying about us

• Create buzz• Opinions

– Build relationships• Recruitment

• Solution– Information hub with API– Mobile support– Widget dashboard site like

BBC/iGoogle– Personalization– Both online and offline

presence– Integrate with and use social

media platforms like linkedIn, youTube, twitter, flickr etc

• Internal strategy– Share knowledge– Find relevant employees – Engage and innovate

• Solution– Intranet features

– Personalization– Widgets– SharePoint audience

targeting– FAST search

– Customized SharePoint building blocks

– SharePoint 2010 upgrade

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5. How will it affect us?

• Users expecting continuous updates (BETA-sticker mindset)– Frequent and leaner deployments

• Next generation users will demand Web 2.0 style applications (or they will use free services e.g. Basecamp, Rally)– We can’t compete so integrate– More Ajax– More demand on better design

• Intranets are getting more social– We need to know what social software is out there

• More API’s and open data available– We need knowledge about what API’s can be used to create mashups

• iPhone/Android apps based on open API’s– Sooner or later well have to develop an iPhone/Android app

• Push towards open data standards– oData, RDF

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6. How to use it

1. Use facebook fanpages, youTube channels etc. – No programming

2. Use JS plugins/widgets etc.– Usually requires that you register with a service.

Wordpress has social modules you can drag and drop onto your blog.

– Copy and paste code snippets into your html3. Facebook app, oAuth integration, OpenSocial,

mashup etc.– Need a developer API key. – Program against one or more RESTful API’s.– Develop on top of social platform (e.g. facebook, google app

engine) or develop your own app that integrates4. Develop from scratch

– Develop social features including request friendship– Lots of logic. Time consuming.

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• What– Share data with other applications without

giving away username/password– Open standard– Not the same as OpenId

• Why– Create mashups– Use as login provider– You save development time. You get, almost for

free: • (Depending on service) user registration, login, profile

storage, user avatar, friends/network, status updates, user messages, social navigation, free data storage

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7. Experiences

• From working with company x, fuzzzy.com, gophermap.com, Cancer research database, gtkd.no and other projects:– Lots of API’s available– Lots of code snippets and open source code available– Fun. Lots of features for little development– Watch out. Solution may become Frankenstein– Not all services are stable– Most services limit http calls to their API’s– .Net traditionally for the enterprise

• Now with .Net4.0 dynamic languages, even better support for REST like services with WCF, Linq, Asp.Net MVC, and jQuery more RAD development is possible

– You will be spammed• Even if you have captchas and moderation• Developing a new social service requires a lot of work over time

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8. What's next

• Where 2.0– Google and others are tracking wifi networks

• Research 2.0 (eScience)– Knowledge synthesis and federation

• Enterprise 2.0– Web2.0 in the enterprise

• Web 3.0– Social + Semantic = Socio-semantic Web

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• List of Mashups and API’s– http://www.programmableweb.com/

• Web2.0 / Mashups news– http://mashable.com

• Open data in Norway– http://data.norge.no/– http://datakilder.no/

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EyjafjallajökullFrom south
