1 Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Note Data and transcript from HashTracking.com. #CHSOCM HashTracking.com Report 614 tweets generated 1,584,504 impressions, reaching an audience of 102,375 followers within the past 24 hours| Generated Tues Aug 30 2011 22:09:52 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Top 10 by number of impressions 1. paulsteinbrueck: 718,800 2. drothamel: 209,924 3. meredithgould: 153,996 4. iamepiscopalian: 127,466 5. tsudo: 119,823 6. rev_david: 31,857 7. rampracer: 26,712 8. denise205: 20,880 9. amyl_bishop: 17,561 10. eccsonline: 16,160 Top 10 by number of tweets 1. sm4faith: 43 2. meredithgould: 41 3. rev_david: 41 4. chsocm: 38 5. naaho: 36 6. tsudo: 33 7. revweb: 28 8. mirgray: 27 9. skenow: 26 10. drothamel: 26

8.30.11 CHSOCM Tweetchat Transcript

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Transcript from the 8.30.11 church social media tweetchat.

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Page 1: 8.30.11 CHSOCM Tweetchat Transcript


Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Note Data and transcript from HashTracking.com.

#CHSOCM HashTracking.com Report

614 tweets generated 1,584,504 impressions, reaching an audience of 102,375 followers within the past 24 hours| Generated Tues Aug 30 2011 22:09:52 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Top 10 by number of impressions

1. paulsteinbrueck: 718,800

2. drothamel: 209,924

3. meredithgould: 153,996

4. iamepiscopalian: 127,466

5. tsudo: 119,823

6. rev_david: 31,857

7. rampracer: 26,712

8. denise205: 20,880

9. amyl_bishop: 17,561

10. eccsonline: 16,160

Top 10 by number of tweets

1. sm4faith: 43

2. meredithgould: 41

3. rev_david: 41

4. chsocm: 38

5. naaho: 36

6. tsudo: 33

7. revweb: 28

8. mirgray: 27

9. skenow: 26

10. drothamel: 26

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chsocm: Welcome to our weekly church and social media (#chsocm) chat, especially folks joining us for the first time. paulsteinbrueck: @tijuanabecky Hi Becky, good to see you again in both chats. :) #getrealchat RevWeb: May peace be in this house and on this keyboard. chsocm: If this is your first tweetchat ever, please do not get discouraged by the pace! tijuanabecky: Hi @Denise205 @skenow @RyanMadanickMd @MeredithGould @AmyL_Bishop @WiredWitness chsocm: A transcript will be available in 2 forms by tomorrow morning here: http://t.co/74sXMbF paulsteinbrueck: @skenow Hi Steve! You know it. Denise205: @RevWeb That's an excellent opening prayer for our chat. chsocm: Recommend using Tweetchat b/c it automagically adds the hashtag and you can adjust the refresh speed. chsocm: We’ll get started in a minute with self-introductions, but as ever, we start with prayer. chsocm: Come, Holy Spirit, enkindle the fire of your love. Transform all that is fearful into boldness of heart... chsocm: Inspire your servants with wonder and awe at the mystery of your presence. Whisper discernment in the midst of confusion: Denise205: @ECCSonline Hello fellow Chicagoan! mirgray: @chrisduckworth How funny. I had a worship meeting followed by too. #ELCIC chsocm: be wisdom in time of trouble: Reverence in the fact of diversity: chsocm: Patience with the unfolding of life & forever anoint your messengers with joy. Amen! iamepiscopalian: Amen, amen. cbwaddell: RT @iamepiscopalian: Bring it! ECCSonline: @Denise205 @ECCSonline And back to you. Another gorgeous night in the Windy City! paulsteinbrueck: Amen! mwecker: wonder if twitter chats that start w prayers = more, less or equally likely to be fruitful. about to find out at rev_david: Amen! Come Holy Spirit!

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chsocm: Next up: self-introductions. In addition to your church affiliation, please let everyone how you’re currently engaged with --> chsocm: moderating this chat @MeredithGould, sociologist, author, keen on using social media to build community rampracer: RT : Welcome to our weekly church and social media (#chsocm) chat, especially folks joining us for the first time. chsocm: We will assume tweets during this chat yours & do not represent your church or organization mwecker: @revweb good to be here! agree re: the tone. just makes it a diff kind of chat. hope you've been well! mirgray: Canadian Lutheran lay person in a small suburban 100 family size congregation. I'm trying to low the mean age of worshippers. chsocm: Kindly remember that we’re here to share with & support one another. Please use DM or email to pitch products/services paulsteinbrueck: Elder & volunteer comm team member at a CMA church in the Tampa area. rev_david: Also Layla, #ELCA PK, keeping me amused and distracted :-) chsocm: @mirgray Good for you...bring it down to...70? Denise205: I work on Web content and projects for a Catholic publisher in Chicago. tsudo: Keith Crawford, Little Rock, AR - Baptist, interactive media manager & consultant that focuses on Chruches, @WiredWitness rev_david: @mirgray So ... younger mean worshipers? Denise205: @sm4faith Welcome to the chat! fsantoni: I'm the tweeter behind @techreligious tsudo: @rev_david Hey David good to see you again. Didn't realize you were in TX. What part? RevWeb: @penelopepiscopl @iamepiscopalian Yay all y'all. mwecker:intro: am not member of church, or Christian. report on faith tho. always learn something from @MeredithGould so I come when i can! chsocm: @fsantoni You also wrote a terrific post for our blog ThomasABecket: I'll be listening and looking for where to jump in. revrevwine: Christopher here... ELCA and host of #unco12

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Anj121: I work for a diocese supporting and encouraging parishes and leaders to use social tools. rampracer: Blog at Wheelie catholic about faith and disability tsudo: @fsantoni Nice to meet you, love the @techreligious tweets. Keep up the good work paulsteinbrueck: Wow, we're full of liturgical folks tonight. :) skenow: Steve - layperson, also the tweeter behind @christianwebres RevWeb: @rev_david @tsudo The kingdom of ice cream and salad dressing. MeredithGould: @paulsteinbrueck I'm lay...ity Denise205: @ThomasABecket Didn't expect to see a deceased friend join us. Welcome. rev_david: @revrevwine Awesome - didn't realize you were hosting - that's great tijuanabecky: I help with social media for one place and am here to learn more about social media and the church! chsocm: Gee, I almost hate to break up this delightful round of self-introductions with a topic! rev_david: @RevWeb @tsudo And BBQ! revrevwine: @rev_david host of #unco12 not chsocm: Normally we have 3 topics. Tonight, we’re going to focus on 1 topic and see what sub-topics emerge. paulsteinbrueck: @MeredithGould I meant by denomination rather than office, but that works too. :) chsocm: Note: this won’t be the only time we’ll discuss using social media during church, so don’t feel compelled to say everything tonight. skenow: @drothamel front pews are still open MeredithGould: @paulsteinbrueck Oh my multiple spirituality disorder would make your head whirl! Denise205: @skenow @drothamel How do we determine the front pews online? chsocm: T1 How might social media be used wisely and well during church? penelopepiscopl: @maggidawn Yes! Join us! We're from 9-10 Tuesday nights (your time) at hashtag #chsocm. Tonight's topic: using social media during church!? christinaauch: distributed learning MDiv seminarian @lutherseminary (ELCA) w/ tentmaking gig in fundraising & comms at Episcopal hs in western NC

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Denise205: Drumroll, please...chat topic is: RT : T1 How might social media be used wisely and well during church? drothamel: T1: If you have enough people in a church on twitter, a sermon hashtag could be useful. naaho: I'm late&new. Comm consultant, getting MS in inter comm online & endorsed by @socialphonics to coach min/non profs on social media paulsteinbrueck: T1: I tweet & FB quotes from the message that impact me during services. mirgray: Seeing tweeting pastors struggle with the text while writing their sermons has made me listen more closely to the sermon on Sunday. tsudo: I used it this past Sunday to get out the word about an urgent prayer need, but do so very rarely. tijuanabecky: A1: Social media might be used well during church if it's being used as a Bible (@YouVersion) or they're taking notes. RevWeb: T1 Use it to spread Good News. Did so last Easter. Got retweeted. Unwashed SM folks got it. skenow: RT @sm4faith: @Denise205 @skenow @drothamel anywhere you feel conspicuous and uncomfortable is a front pew. christinaauch: RT @denise205: @skenow @drothamel How do we determine the front pews online? naaho: T1 great when congregants retweet quotes from sermon...for both minister & those not there. tsudo: Obviously an online campus needs it but for me personally I need to be 100% present during worship & sermon rev_david: T1 - During a sermon, tweeting allows me to visualize the words - makes 'em stick in my mind. Sort of virtual sermon notes ECCSonline: A1: How to use #sm during church without giving impression it's ok to stay home/not be in church? skenow: T1 - using #socialmedia during church begs another question - is it social for those around you? iamepiscopalian: @cdbush They could have a laptop the lectern. Have someone helping them with gear. MeredithGould: @naaho I view it as an opt-in or out type of thing. Not a requirement mirgray: Friend has suggested asking people to tweet their reaction to a text before he writes his sermon so he know what cords are twanging. AmyL_Bishop: RT @RevWeb: Easter sermon quote I tweeted was heard by 40 but read on twitter by 500. Thats spreading Good News. iamepiscopalian: RT @redpiano1: More like "6.5 minutes. Wrap it up, Rev!" // Ha!

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christinaauch: RT @mirgray: Seeing tweeting pastors struggle w/ text while writing their sermons has me listening more closely on Sunday. Denise205: RT @skenow: T1 - using #socialmedia during church begs another question - is it social for those around you? skenow: @Denise205 @skenow @sm4faith @drothamel or maybe the back pew http://t.co/Jpoy1JX paulsteinbrueck: RT @RevWeb: Easter sermon quote I tweeted was heard by 40 but read on twitter by 500. Thats spreading Good News. iamepiscopalian: However. I've been places where mobile devices totally mess with the sound system, so... Denise205: @mirgray I like the idea of using social media for the prep part of worship. mwecker: wonder if too much social media in church ever approaches limit of crowd-sourcing sermons, messages, rather than bible-sourcing? chsocm: T1a: How would you respond to the criticism that it's disruptive to others during worship? MeredithGould: RT : T1a: How would you respond to the criticism that it's disruptive to others during worship? revrevwine: RT @rev_david: T1 - SocMed in worship takes the walls off the church, and opens the worship to the community & world ECCSonline:A1: I love the idea of Tweeting sermon quotes (I do it), but why can't it wait until after? AmyL_Bishop: RT : T1a: How would you respond to the criticism that its disruptive to others during worship? rampracer: RT @AmyL_Bishop: @naaho Absolutely, as with any new communication tool, you've got to ensure that it's something your congregation wants and uses. rev_david: If your message can't be boiled down to 140 char, your sermon needs some work - paraphrase of @CharlotteElia drothamel: @mwecker as long as you have a strong leader, the danger of crowd-sourcing can be avoided. mirgray: The whispering last week was distracting to me. I think my phone has a better silent mode than some members. naaho: RT @AmyL_Bishop: Absolutely, as with any new communication tool, uve got to ensure that its something your congregation wants & uses paulsteinbrueck: T1a: I don't see how tweeting during a service would be any more disruptive than taking notes w a pen. sm4faith: @tsudo @rev_david We got over talking in church, selectively - it will always be selective.

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MeredithGould: @paulsteinbrueck Or making palm crosses during the Palm Sunday liturgy or feeding kids Cheerios? skenow: RT @paulsteinbrueck: T1a: I dont see how tweeting during a service would be any more disruptive than taking notes w a pen. drothamel: @paulsteinbrueck I'm with you on that one. tsudo: that's the question I wrestle with, would my phone cause enough distraction to make someone miss the gospel? iamepiscopalian: The clergy should announce that folks will be tweeting in the pews, so that others won't freak out. MeredithGould: RT @iamepiscopalian: The clergy should announce that folks will be tweeting in the pews, so that others won't freak out. RevWeb: T1a @rev_david started my list. How bout the sound of the perforated check being torn from the checkbook. Denise205: I'm behind the idea of using it for prep or discussion after, but it's not something that would help me focus during. Not my style drothamel: @mwecker possibly, but resisting the temptation of public approval is one thing that make a strong leader. rampracer: RT @rev_david: @tsudo For me, it has opened my eyes as a preacher that not everyone listens / engages in the same way. Denise205: There, I said it. During a church-social media chat. mirgray: What about "How did you see God at work in the world this week?" tweets as a centering reflection at start? skenow: T1a - the context is important. What if that was the norm and not the exception? drothamel: When I'm speaking to a group, if they are more concerned with their phones then what I'm saying, that's MY fault, not theirs. iamepiscopalian: RT @mirgray: What about "How did you see God at work in the world this week?" tweets as a centering reflection at start? // Nice. mwecker: do any churches have particular pews/sections for folks wanting to live tweet to avoid distractions for those who don't? tsudo: @paulsteinbrueck I'm not sure, the light of the screen does bring attention, but of course I already use youversion on my iPad chsocm: RT @mwecker: do any churches have particular pews/sections for folks wanting to live tweet to avoid distractions for those who dont?

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ECCSonline: @drothamel Good point. Agree completely! revrevwine: MT @drothamel: When speaking to a group, if they are more concerned w/their phones then what Im saying, thats MY fault, not theirs. naaho: RT @mirgray: What about "How did you see God at work in the world this week?" tweets as a centering reflection at start? drothamel:@iamepiscopalian I did. I agree with that. It works other-way around, too, sometimes. mirgray: I think tech in the pews is something we'll have to get used to. My next bible is likely an IPad (with multiple versions loaded). RevWeb: @mwecker Have not heard of a tweeting room but that could either make sense or ghetto-ize SM. MeredithGould: Not the same but I ask if folks find people w/hearing aids, ASL translators, assistance animals or wheelchairs disruptive paulsteinbrueck: @mwecker Kind of like the tech version of the smoking section? :) SoulMunchies: Late, but here! Hi ya'll tsudo: @mwecker This pew reserved for tweeting. Ha. That makes me smile. revrevwine: T1a I think that mobile devices are becoming such a part of life that soon it wil be the norm & not a distraction ECCSonline: @iamepiscopalian Yes, indeed. Buzzing, clicking caused by audio devices definitely picked up on some sound systems. #distracting RevDow: Not many on Twitter in my congregation. We did have a lot of fun on Facebook during breakfast after Easter worship. sm4faith: At professional conferences, ppl tweet, take photos of slides, get it all out to friends. Creates buzz. Disruption is minimal. tijuanabecky: @mwecker Maybe we should have those who don't want to be distracted sit in one section..just a thought. Denise205: @MeredithGould I'm a mix of learning styles. But I like to keep my digital out of church. Same reason I disconnect during vacation. tsudo: @iamepiscopalian yes, as a sound guy we don't have any issues with it. Frequency spectrum should have solved most of that rev_david: It is not, for me, an issue of with my listeners, but an issue with me as preacher (1/2) drothamel: @mwecker well, at my church, the "twitter pew" is whichever pew my family is sitting in, LOL. tsudo: @naaho I'm a big supporter of location based social networking for churches

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skenow: @penelopepiscopl @cdbush @stbarts01 "for those of you who don't want to be disturbed by all the tweeting, watch from the web" MeredithGould: @naaho Hey, I spent years in a choir loft and congregants/parishioners do NOT want to know what goes on during liturgy up there!! drothamel: @MeredithGould whoa! I smell a T2 brewing, LOL. sm4faith: We don't have choir lofts here! We do have more techie and less techie services and congregations. paulsteinbrueck: @MeredithGould Crazy-___ is that a theological term? chsocm: T1b How would you respond to the criticism that it's disrespectful or diminishes reverence? MeredithGould: RT : T1b How would you respond to the criticism that it's disrespectful or diminishes reverence? rev_david: @tsudo That's what it's all about :-) We're learning together sm4faith: Well I think you just have a wired service and an unplugged one if you decide #SM in worship is missional for you. skenow: RT : T1b How would you respond to the criticism that its disrespectful or diminishes reverence? rev_david: T1b - I would start by asking what is meant by reverence? Wagstv: RT @iamepiscopalian: The clergy should announce that folks will be tweeting in the pews, so that others won't freak out. SoulMunchies: @klamach I think that's how I feel too. I also think there are times when we should focus on the community we are with f2f. sm4faith: It will diminish reverence for some - it must be one choice among many. mwecker: wonder if @kateshellnutt = on twitter atm. she live tweeted sermon @lakewoodch couple days ago b4 interviewing @joelosteen... tsudo: I resisted personally using @Evernote & @youversion & gradually that became ok. I suspect worship tweeting will be similar rev_david: @penelopepiscopl @SoulMunchies @klamach Yes, but how often in church are we f2f, and how often are we face-to-back of the head? naaho: T1b - definitely about education - hold a few workshops/meetings about social media...they have to be exposed to it 2 tsudo: this last wed 3 of 4 ppl on my pew were using bible on iPhone, 2 of them over 60

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RevWeb: T1b Reverence? or lighting a lamp for all the world to see. I'll light the lamp. SoulMunchies: T1b I think it in large part depends on the community that is worshipping together. For some, it will be disrespectful/irreverant. SoulMunchies: For others, it will be a welcome inclusion to the worship service. We have to balance the community's need with our own strengths mirgray: MT @rev_david: @penelopepiscopl @SoulMunchies @klamach How often in church are we f2f, & how often are we face-to-back of the head? Denise205: MT @SoulMunchies @klamach That's how I feel too. I think there are times when we should focus on the community we are with f2f. naaho: Sorry for the tweets, friends. joining in hour long tweetchat ab social media & the church. Follow along at or i'll send script tom. sm4faith: If ur demographic tweet eachother even when f2f, crowdsource thru txt, express joy thru txt, it has 2b part of worship sometimes. skenow: I wonder about the 1st time visitor - how will they know what to do if everyone is staring at their phone? rampracer: T1 for some technology is the only way they are able to communicate. sm4faith: MT @SoulMunchies: ... a welcome inclusion to the worship service. We have to balance the communitys need with our own strengths naaho: @tsudo @revrevwine @naaho I've seen them used in place of bulletin/announcements too. good for u! MeredithGould: RT @rampracer: T1 for some technology is the only way they are able to communicate. AmyL_Bishop: RT @RevWeb For centuries the organ was banned in church. Now, not so much. SM is exponential way of sharing Good News. paulsteinbrueck: @skenow Churches should probably announce what they consider appropriate use of cell phones during services. rev_david: @klamach @penelopepiscopl @soulmunchies Peace is that way where I am too. Rest of the service, we're looking at the back of heads mirgray: I think okay much of the time for most with some sense of discipline, self-awareness and respect for others. Like many other things. MeredithGould: @RevWeb Right, you LOVE walking into the studio audience when you preach it! revrevwine: T1b SM enables worshipers to be collaborative - sharing individual experiences within a corporate one & w/those outside the walls

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rev_david: @RevWeb Thanks - I do it because it engages people in a way that works for them RevWeb: @paulsteinbrueck @skenow You bet. No cell fones unless tweeting the Gospel, or a hymn, or a prayer. skenow: @naaho @skenow maybe a QR code as they walk in drothamel: @rev_david I've never been in a pulpit, but I hate speaking from behind a podium. It disconnects the message from the audience. iamepiscopalian: RT @revrevwine: SM enables worshipers to be collaborative - sharing individual experiences within a co… (cont) http://t.co/SIkifEq paulsteinbrueck: @rev_david: Who do I listen to? // Umm, God? ;) naaho: @skenow or they may decide they are not in the right place for them? I could see it frightening some away if all were doing it. colinscameron: RT @mirgray: I don't think the risk too much technology in the pew but too few techies in the pew. sm4faith: RT @mirgray: I dont think the risk too much technology in the pew but too few techies in the pew. skenow: @naaho @skenow worship schedule - 8am Traditional, 9am Contemporary, 10am Digital drothamel: @RevWeb of that, I have no doubt. naaho: @tijuanabecky @revweb @paulsteinbrueck @skenow but isn't that too controlling. u can't say "no daydreaming" but ppl will do it. mirgray: With changes in education & workforce people expect engagement with leaders and teachers while learning, not lectures. MeredithGould: Always amazed at how these convos get either/or instead of both/and rev_david: @drothamel @rev_david I preach in a number of diff ways, hoping to reach people who listen in diff ways SoulMunchies: I was just thinking a combo would be nice // RT @MeredithGould: Always amazed at how these convos get either/or instead of both/and drothamel: @ECCSonline I check-in at my church every Sunday on 4sq, G+, and FB. I'm the only one, for now, but I can hope. . . paulsteinbrueck: @RevWeb I don't know that every church needs to have the same "policy" but every church should probably have one. rev_david: Been interesting teaching about #ChSocM. If ppl *don't* have their phones out while I'm talking, I'm doing it wrong

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skenow: @ECCSonline I check in on Facebook every week - and tag several people tijuanabecky: True @naaho but if they are complaining and don't want to be distracted we could make a section for them. AmyL_Bishop: Exactly! Know your members' media usage! RT @mirgray: I don't think the risk too much technology but too few techies in the pew. rugger_lav: RT @MeredithGould: Always amazed at how these convos get either/or instead of both/and skenow: RT @rev_david: Been interesting teaching about #chsocm. If ppl *dont* have their phones out while Im talking, Im doing it wrong drothamel: @paulsteinbrueck hey, wait, weren't you against policies last week? ;-) rev_david: Every church, every community has diff norms. But we also need recognize that every person in that cong learns/hears in a diff way colinscameron: When I was in seminary a woman in the congregation would balance her checkbook during the sermon ... I'd prefer someone was tweeting ECCSonline:@mwecker I just read something on Twitter about churches & Foursquare. @MerGould was that from you? chsocm: T1c How would you respond to the concern that people are "just goofing off/around" with their smart phones? naaho: @colinscameron lol. wow. that's bad. mirgray: @MeredithGould Was thinking we were trending to both / and. ECCSonline: RT @mwecker I read something on Twitter about churches & Foursquare. @MeredithGould was that from you? tsudo: @ECCSonline 4sq & Gowalla can be great. Get 5 or 6 to check in & its easy to trend on Sun morn (giving away my secrets) RevWeb: 11 yrs ago I asked my Bay Area congregation if God was digital or analog. I hope they answered both. colinscameron: @naaho the worst part was that it was the priest's mother drothamel: T1c: not much you can do about that. People will always have different perspectives until they change their experiences. rev_david: @SoulMunchies Hey -- btw -- I may be coming to SES to do my thing sometime tsudo: @mwecker yes absolutely, I watch checking stats closely & find visitors & leave tips. An essential piece to digital presence.

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mirgray: How many times have we preached only to the ears? Tweeting engages another mode. SoulMunchies: T1c people do a lot of things during worship that can't be considered worship ... but it's their loss if they miss the opp. paulsteinbrueck: @drothamel :) I am against social media policies. I'm OK w suggesting appropriate use of cells during services. SoulMunchies: @rev_david OOOOOH - if you do, please let me know - would love to see you! iamepiscopalian: RT @mirgray: How many times have we preached only to the ears? Tweeting engages another mode. rev_david: T1c - "And sometimes, during a sermon, even I am thinking about the next thing in the liturgy, and not what God is saying to us" naaho: @tsudo @skenow I thot I saw that FB was doing away with place. mistaken? chsocm: @paulsteinbrueck We're going to zoom in on social media policies soon! sm4faith: That same user voice on likely consequences can be valued in worship MeredithGould: @sm4faith I'm not sure what that means...explain? SheRevSEA: @rev_david Both. No one is happy all of the time in worship. Sometimes it's abt discomfort so others can worship their way too. tsudo: @naaho they are killing checkins but places still there for now, I expect them to be revived later w/ local deals. We'll see mirgray: @sm4faith Yes, more talking in church might be a way to get engagement w/o the tech. sm4faith: @MeredithGould #SM users can tell you whether they will use it productively or not. chsocm: Shall we assume that in this instance "tweeting" also refers to "texting"? SoulMunchies: RT @rev_david The mistake is to assume that there is a one-size-fits all way to worship/listen - whether is tweeting or not tweeting mwecker: listening to vibrant chat on ways social media being used in church, wonder if it's used nearly as much in mosque, synagogue etc RevWeb: T1c - I think we need to discourage judgmental behavior during church rather than SM practices. tsudo: @ThomasABecket Hymn 226 please & don't rush it like you usually do. (and turn down the drums) ;) naaho: RT @RevWeb: T1c - I think we need to discourage judgmental behavior during church rather than SM practices.

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rev_david: Amen!! // RT @RevWeb: T1c - I think we need to discourage judgmental behavior during church rather than SM practices. tijuanabecky: If they have Twitter --> (ours doesn't yet) RT @thomasabecket: Perhaps the music director could take requests via Twitter? paulsteinbrueck: RT @rev_david The mistake is to assume that there is a one-size-fits all way to worship/listen - whether is tweeting or not tweeting revrevwine: what some consider a distraction is a way of life for all future generations klamach: anyone record and post their services on their web sites? I am sure I am breaking some rule asking ;-) klamach: RT @naaho: RT @RevWeb: T1c - I think we need to discourage judgmental behavior during church rather than SM practices. naaho: I do see textg as diff than tweetg. but i've used textg to comment on sermon thots to neighbor so won't distract others w/whispers drothamel: RT @revrevwine: what some consider a distraction is a way of life for all future generations sm4faith: @klamach We have some sites with sermons in FB notes, sermons streaming, etc. ThomasABecket: RT @tsudo: Hymn 226 please & don't rush it like you usually do. (and turn down the drums) ;) // Exactly. tsudo: @skenow the change implementation via mobile app is still fuzzy, waiting for app update to be sure iamepiscopalian: RT @ECCSonline: Maybe content is the answer. If it's the Gospel, seems to me 'anything goes'. Get the word out! sm4faith: @tsudo @skenow Yes, privacy changes rolling out now in FB to allow general location disclosure with each status update. tsudo: @RevWeb much like worship style preferences a mature Christian needs to be mindful it isn't about me #PreachingToMyself naaho: @klamach we're exploring it - by iphone to itunes. but having ppl tweet & using Twubs (or similar) wld give u "record" 2 yoboseiyo: @ThomasABecket @tsudo wait, your organ has drums?! mine doesn't. :/ rev_david: RT @tsudo: @RevWeb much like worship style preferences a mature Christian needs to be mindful it isnt about me #PreachingToMyself sm4faith: @skenow I have turned off location. chsocm: As we come up on the hour, T1d: what could you do right now to diffuse some of the passionate positioning that seems to emerge?

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SoulMunchies: RT @tsudo: @RevWeb much like worship style preferences a mature Christian needs to be mindful it isnt about me #PreachingToMyself naaho: unpack that please sm4faith: @Denise205 You can be sick of it on a post by post basis now if you wish! SoulMunchies: T1d: I think the only think to do is educate and dialogue about why incorporating SM is important drothamel: explicate that one for us. . . AmyL_Bishop: RT @SoulMunchies: T1d: I think the only think to do is educate and dialogue about why incorporating SM is important chsocm: @drothamel How to reduce the intense charge around discussion re: using social media in church revrevwine: @sherrirene1 has had success just being available in the narthex with her laptop on Sun morn and helping anyone with SM rev_david: "Attentive" and "Reverent" seem to be the issues - dialogue about what people really mean by those terms drothamel: ahhh, ok. Thanks. tsudo: @klamach yes, we publish audio via podcast & soon integrated with text transcription on our blog mirgray: Like lather, rinse repeat, we need to envision, discussion and revise continually. MeredithGould: RT @mirgray: Like lather, rinse repeat, we need to envision, discussion and revise continually. naaho: T1d - educate, educate, educate - this is not a fad, it's not going away, we need 2 talk ab the shift & bring others in drothamel: T1d: Educate as much as possible, share as much as possible, do both with as much grace as possible. rampracer: RT @tsudo: @klamach yes, we publish audio via podcast & soon integrated with text transcription on our blog tsudo: remind us that we are all different w/ different expectations. sm4faith: @skenow the co-existence is an issue. M-Learning establishments tend to be all or nothing. chsocm: Such a great chat tonight, folks! Lots to contemplate. naaho: RT @drothamel: T1d: Educate as much as possible, share as much as possible, do both with as much grace as possible.

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revrevwine: so heling individuals learn the tools and connect with others goes along way to taking the mystery out of SM (2/2) paulsteinbrueck: T1d: There definitely has to be dialogue so ppl can understand different points of view on social media. edkay77: RT @rev_david : T1d: Educate about how people learn. Educate about social media skenow: @sm4faith "M-Learning"? explain chsocm: Remember, the transcript will be available on our site by tomorrow morning. tsudo: @rev_david well put, I'll use those as talking points. Good way to frame the issue (add purpose & potential) sm4faith: Try it at a youth service first, with in-built evaluation. chsocm: Please join us in our closing prayer, taken from Compline: Ms_Confucious: RT @AmyL_Bishop: RT @RevWeb: Easter sermon quote I tweeted was heard by 40 but read on twitter by 500. Thats spreading Good News. sm4faith: @skenow Mobile learning - there debate is 2-3 years ahead. Good search term. naaho: excellent, fast-paced dialogue! Thanks for creating this ! What about a check-in for this chat? :) chsocm: Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work or watch or weep this night & give your angels charge over those who sleep. ECCSonline: A1d: Is this another time God calls us out of our comfort zone? Time for more prayer. "Show us the way" skenow: What we can learn about #socialmedia from nuns - http://t.co/R3BZHRc Ms_Confucious: RT @penelopepiscopl: Visit the blog for transcript: http://t.co/HBBVvkw RevWeb: And all for your love's sake. Amen. rampracer: RT @penelopepiscopl: Visit the blog for transcript: http://t.co/HBBVvkw ECCSonline: Amen! RT : Keep watch, Lord, with those who work, watch, or weep this night & give your angels charge over those who sleep. naaho: RT : Remember, the transcript will be available on our site by tomorrow morning. AmyL_Bishop: Amen. RT Keep watch, Lord, with those who work or watch or weep this night & give your angels charge over those who sleep. paulsteinbrueck: Thank you all for another fun and interesting chat. chsocm: #PBWY

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