8 Steps to a Thriving Web Community – The Role of Open Source Drupal Rachel Happe Cofounder The Community Roundtable Lynne Capozzi VP Marketing Acquia

8 Steps to a Thriving Web Community - The Role of Open Source Drupal

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Building and nurturing a community and using social media to cultivate your community is moving from a "nice to have" to a business requirement. Those businesses that leverage this social momentum increase loyalty, brand value and revenue. However, this transition can be very difficult and disruptive because it requires cultural, leadership, strategy, workflow, and operational changes. Social media experts from The Community Roundtable have developed a Community Maturity Model with eight competencies to help guide organizations through this complex management transformation and to provide a best practices benchmark.

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8 Steps to a Thriving Web Community – The Role of Open Source Drupal

Rachel Happe Cofounder

The Community Roundtable

Lynne Capozzi VP Marketing Acquia

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Community Management Primer

Rachel Happe & Jim Storer Principals

The Community Roundtable

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Trends Organizations Want to Leverage

•  Membership in online communities has more than doubled in only three years.

•  54% of members log into their community at least once a day.

•  71% of members said their community is very important or extremely important to them.

•  55% say they feel as strongly about their online communities as they do about their real-world communities

–  2008 report from the Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School for Communication

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Yet…Enterprise social software has only been tracked since 2007 as a viable market

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Rapid growth is causing a lot of confusion

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What is The Community Roundtable?

The Community Roundtable is a peer network for community managers and social media practitioners who’s mission is:

#LaunchCamp @TheCR  @jimstorer @rhappe 

  Further the discipline of community management

  Provide support and resources for community managers

  Aggregate, document, and share community management best practices


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Who We Are

Rachel Happe

Background: PRTM, IDe, Bitpass, IDC, Mzinga

Skills: Facilitation, Communication, Analysis, Management, Coaching, Content Creation

Domain Expertise: Internet trends, Social Media, Communities, New Product Development

Jim Storer

Background: DCI, SharedInsights, Mzinga

Skills: Facilitation, Communication, Community Management, Coaching, Content Creation

Domain Expertise: Social Media, Communities, Programming & content

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Our customers have diverse experiences with community management

Members have an average of 4.7 years of community management experience 

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Community Maturity Model TM




Community Management

Content & Programming

Policies & Governance


Metrics & Measurement

Stage 1

Hierarchy Stage 2

Emergent Community

Stage 3

Community Stage 3


Familiarize & Listen

Command & Control



Formal & Structured

No Guidelines for UGC

Consumer tools used by individuals






Some user generated content

Restrictive social media policies

Consumer & self-service tools

Basic Activities




Defined roles & processes

Community created content

Flexible social media policies

Mix of consumer & enterprise tools

Activities & Content




Integrated roles & processes

Integrated formal & user generated


‘Social’ functionality is integrated

Behaviors & Outcomes

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#SMBNH  @TheCR  @rhappe 

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You Need An Engaged Network





Having a passive constituent base is no longer enough


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Customer PerspecSve 

Brand Messaging 



Product InformaSon 

Available InformaSon 

Product Experience 


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Expectations – Reality = Satisfaction

@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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What To Do

•  Acknowledge and articulate who you are as a organization –  The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

•  Align how you talk about your company and products with what customers think about you

•  Think of customers as marketing partners •  Determine how socially-enabled your

constituents are

•  Identify the drivers that will help you build a network

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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Be Transparent hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/22971881@N02/3104553057/in/set‐72157611215947198/ 

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Be Authentic Photo by T.McEnroe 

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Be Modest

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Lead from the Back

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What You Need To Do

•  Practice conversational and facilitated communications internally

•  Take small steps toward transparency

•  Experience self-organizing environments – developer communities, India, Wikipedia, user groups

•  War game radically different communications cultures – using games like Bafa Bafa

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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Tone hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/jspad/142160659/ 

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Storytelling hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/kiwanja/3169447879/ 

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Feeling of Power/Control hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/gargi/2483623130/ 

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What You Need To Do

•  Listen/Ask/Measure how communications and decisions are made

•  Translate between groups

•  Be as responsive to various constituents in their own modality

•  Encourage and reward change

•  Set expectations clearly

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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Who Are Your Cheeseheads?

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Bring Catnip

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Ride The Waves hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/tk_five_0/2279894817/ 

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Donʼt Ignore

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What You Need To Do

•  Build a mission that attracts passionate fans

•  Offer rewards and recognition to encourage ‘good’ behaviors

•  Ride the wave of community interest rather than trying to start waves

•  Donʼt ignore problems – address immediately even if you don’t have the answer

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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Be Notable

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Keep A Regular Schedule

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Be Multi-Modal

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Be Valuable

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What You Need To Do

•  Attract attention

•  Create a schedule of events that have a cadence

•  Develop content in different modalities – text, images, video; synchronous & asynchronous

•  Focus on value – build content that will be contextual and relevant to your audience

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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Have Rules hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/strandloper/1385105547/ 

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hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/cibergaita/62123585/ Take Calculated Risks

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hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/lrargerich/3107809174/sizes/l/ Protect Your Base

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What You Need To Do

•  Define expected culture through rules. Be Firm

•  Articulate and plan for the risks but remember too, risks make things fun & worthwhile

•  Define the constituent groups for whom you are responsible and how – both legally and ethically – and what will harm them

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/docman/36125185/ Find Good Tools

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What You Need To Do

•  Understand where tools can help - not everything requires or has a tool that can help

•  Evaluate which investments have higher payoff – those that streamline repetitive or expensive tasks

•  Understand tool externalities – tools don’t work in a vacuum. How do they work with existing processes and people?

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/aussiegall/286709039/ Measure

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hFp://www.flickr.com/photos/captkodak/272746539/ Account & Reconcile

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What You Need To Do

•  Know where you want to go- measurement is not all that useful if you don’t know what success looks like

•  Understand data influencers – if you don’t know how to change a measurement or its cost, it is also not all that useful

•  Keep it simple – the easier it is for everyone to understand, the better. Three clear metrics are better than 20.

•  Develop accounting standards – what are your priorities and values and how well does your budget reflect them?

•  Donʼt forget your common sense. Measurement is one guide post to good decision making, not the sole factor.

Resource: hFp://www.thesocialorganizaSon.com/social‐media‐metrics.html 

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Community Maturity Model TM




Community Management

Content & Programming

Policies & Governance


Metrics & Measurement

Stage 1

Hierarchy Stage 2

Emergent Community

Stage 3

Community Stage 3


Familiarize & Listen

Command & Control



Formal & Structured

No Guidelines for UGC

Consumer tools used by individuals






Some user generated content

Restrictive social media policies

Consumer & self-service tools

Basic Activities




Defined roles & processes

Community created content

Flexible social media policies

Mix of consumer & enterprise tools

Activities & Content




Integrated roles & processes

Integrated formal & user generated


‘Social’ functionality is integrated

Behaviors & Outcomes

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@TheCR  @acquia  @rhappe  

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Community Management Primer Package

Our Community Management Primer Package is a mix of presentations, discussions, individual exercises, and group exercises – all designed to ensure and reinforce alignment and community success

1.  Advisory Services

–  Kick-Off & Introduction Call – Two hours

–  Workshop Preparation Call – One hour

–  Check-up Calls Post-Workshop – 2 one-hour calls

2.  Workshop – 2 Days

–  12 sessions designed to elicit opportunities, barriers, concerns, and challenges around eight core community competencies

3.  Two (2) annual memberships in TheCR Network.

Package Price is $15,000

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Workshop Exercises

Strategy: Group Exercise –  3 Strategies; Pros & Cons of each

Culture: Individual Exercise –  Picture your culture

Community Management: Group –  War Game - Handling two common scenarios

Leadership: Group –  Network Mapping – Influencing the Influencers

Policies: Individual –  Mix & Match – Behaviors and policies

Metrics & Measurement: Individual –  Draw Your Dashboard

Content & Programming: Group –  Mix & Match – Outcomes, programming, & budgets

Tools: Individual –  Build a homepage

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Example: Tool Exercise

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CMPP Customers Will Be Able To:

1.  Write a comprehensive community strategy

2.  Develop a content & program plan aligned with their goals and budget

3.  Understand the role of influencers

4.  Address common community management scenarios

5.  Understand legal hurdles and draft a corporate social media policy consistent with business goals and cultural requirements

6.  Identify and track the metrics that matter from the start

7.  Better understand and assess the Acquia features that will drive business results

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Why Drupal as a community platform?

  Powerful CMS   Rapid deployment, speed to market   Content creation, organization and discovery   Social Networks   Community Forums & thread discussions   Ratings & votings   Single & Multi user blogs   Best platform for growth – start small

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

JackBe Developer Community http://www.jackbe.com/enterprise-mashup/

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Intuit QuickBase http://quickbase.intuit.com/developer/articles

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Greenopolis http://greenopolis.com/

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Novell Communities http://www.novell.com/communities/

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Nvidia Tegra Developer Zone http://tegradeveloper.nvidia.com/tegra/

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Atom Developer Community http://appdeveloper.intel.com/en-us/

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Symantec http://www.symantec.com/connect/

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Acquia is Your Drupal Guide

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Do you love working with Drupal?

  If so, Acquia is hiring: – Engineering & design – Client advisors and consulting – Inside sales

Check out openings at http://acquia.com/careers

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© 2009 Acquia, Inc. All rights reserved.

Questions   For more information, visit:

–  http://acquia.com –  http://twitter.com/acquia –  http://community-roundtable.com –  http://twitter.com/TheCR

  Contact us:

–  [email protected]

–  888.9.ACQUIA

–  [email protected]

–  @rhappe / @TheCR

–  Rachel: 617-271-4574

  Sign up for a free 30-day Acquia Network Trial

–  http://acquia.com/trial

Recording of today’s event and slides will be posted at:
