Emperor Penguin By Bryce

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Emperor Penguin

By Bryce

Page 2: 5 S Penguin

About The Author Hi my name is Bryce,I like

cheeseburgers,bowling,golfing,Mac&cheese and drawing.

My hobbies arebowling,legos,video games.

I chose the emperor penguinbecause penguins are my favoriteanimals and I chose the emperorpenguin because there the mostinteresting kind of penguin.

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Who Am I ?????? The Emperor Penguin is the

largest of all penguins. A Emperor Penguin lives the

coldest climate on earth.Temperatures go down-140Fahrenheit!

Penguins can live to be 20years.

They live breed at thebeginning of winter inAntarctica.

The shape of a penguinsbody helps it survive.

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The Early Years When they hatch from a egg

they are cared from theirdad because their mothersare out at sea to get food.

When there with their dadsthey will eat the regurgitatedfood from their dad.

When their moms are backfrom sea they now go to theirmoms.

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Habitat Sweet Habitat Emperor penguins live in a

cold,icy,habitat. The sundoesn't come out a lot. It hashilly places in this habitat.They sleep while standing inhuddles

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What’s on the menu???

They eat fish likeherring,squid andcrustaceans like crabsand crayfish.

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Making Tracks

They make kina swirltracks in the snow.Youwould find the tracksthrough out the regionsthey live.

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Simply Irresistible!!!

The males when they findfood they travel up to 60miles to find food!

Their main enemy is theleopard seal.

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Where in the world?

They live in Weddell andRoss Sea regions ofAntarctica

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Did you Know?

The Emperor penguin isthe largest penguin.

The babies start as graywhen there born.

Emperors have veryinsulated feathers 60feathers for sq in.

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Fun Fact!

Emperors have by far thedeepest and longest divefor any bird.

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Resource List http://emperor-penguins.com/emperorpenguinchick.jpg

picture on slide 4 http://images.aad.gov.au/img.py/2c57.jpg picture on

slide 7 http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-

bytes/animalia/eumetazoa/coelomates/deuterostomes/chordata/craniata/aves/sphenisciformes/images/pic-emperor-penguin-03.jpg picture on slide 1

http://www.answersingenesis.org/assets/images/articles/aqua/Emperor_Penguin.jpg picture on slide 3


penguin.jpg picture on slide 8

http://www.theanimalfiles.com/images/emperor_penguin_range.jpg picture on slide 9

Tux Paint Pictures on slide 6,11 and 10.