3 hours to Docker fundamentals: Jumpstart your Docker knowledge Presented by Aater Suleman Jay Patel Oct 3, 2014

3 hours to Docker fundamentals - Jumpstart your Docker Knowledge

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3 hours to Docker fundamentals: Jumpstart your Docker knowledge

Presented by Aater Suleman

Jay Patel Oct 3, 2014

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Today’s Presenters:Aater Suleman Co-founder & CEO Flux7

Faculty, University of Texas at Austin

Flux7: Cloud and DevOps SolutionsCloud and Devops for Web teams

Enterprise DevOps management

AWS Certified Team


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Today’s Presenters:Jay Patel Cloud Engineer at Flux7

MS, University of Texas at Austin

Flux7: Cloud and DevOps SolutionsCloud and Devops for Web teams

Enterprise DevOps management

AWS Certified Team


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Why Learn Docker?

Fastest growing IT Technology I have seen

in my career

50K+ downloads in less than 30 days of public


Over 100 Fortune 500s are toying with Docker


Docker is impacting the way we code, the way we test, and the way we deliver

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Docker is Attracting Investors!

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Today’s Agenda

Basic concepts and Docker terminology

Docker Commands

Must know Docker features

Docker in real world

(implemented by


Docker Hands-on Tutorial

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Today’s Agenda

Basic concepts and Docker terminology

Docker Commands

Must know Docker features

Docker in real world

(implemented by


Docker Hands-on Tutorial

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Lightweight Portable Cross Cloud Infrastructure

Docker’s attraction lies in its

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But, Why Docker?

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Sounds familiar?

Ineffective code pipeline management

Inconsistency across environments

Mismatches in dev and prod environments

Resource provisioning takes ages

Increasing bills

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Build Once, Configure Once & Run Anywhere

Docker in Docker terms...

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Docker Components & Elements

Docker Client is the user interface that allows communication between the user

and the Docker daemon

Docker Daemon sits on the host machine answering requests for services

Docker Index is a centralized registry allowing backup of Docker container

images with public and private access permissions

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Docker Components & Elements

Docker Containers are the actual containers running the applications and includes the operating system, user added files, and meta-data

Docker Images are all inclusive images that help launch Docker containers

DockerFile is a file containing instructions that help automate image creation

Layer: Each file system that is stacked when Docker mounts rootfs

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Today’s Agenda

Basic concepts and Docker terminology

Docker Commands

Must know Docker features

Docker in real world

(implemented by


Docker Hands-on Tutorial

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Installing Docker

Let’s discuss how to install Docker in Amazon Linux AMI

Install Docker using a single command:

sudo rpm install docker

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Basic Commands

docker pull Pull a pre-built image from the public repos

docker run Run the container in one of 3 modes: Background, Foreground, Interactive

docker logs View the logs of the running job

docker commit Save the container state as an image

docker images Obtain a list of all images

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More Docker Commands

docker diff List of changes in files and directories (one of the powerful commands Docker provides)

docker build Build docker images from Dockerfiles

docker inspect Low-level information about containers and images

docker attach Interact with running containers

docker kill Kill the main process of the container

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Today’s Agenda

Basic concepts and Docker terminology

Docker Commands

Must know Docker features

Docker in real world

(implemented by


Docker Hands-on Tutorial

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Automates Image creation process

Set of instructions to create an image

General DockerFile commands’ syntax:


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DockerFile Commands

MAINTAINER <author name> Set an author field for the image

RUN <command> Execute a command in a shell or exec form

ADD <src> <destination> Copy files from one location to another

CMD["executable","param1","param2"] Provides defaults for an executing container

EXPOSE <port>; Port on which container listens to

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DockerFile Commands

ENTRYPOINT [‘executable’,


Configure a container as an executable

WORKDIR /path/to/workdir Set Working Directory

ENV <key> <value> Set environment variables

USER <uid> Set UID for use when running an image

VOLUME [‘/data’] Enable access to a directory from a working container

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Docker Hub

Centralized Management of

User Accounts

Image Checksums

Public and Private Docker Repositories

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Today’s Agenda

Basic concepts and Docker terminology

Docker Commands

Must know Docker features

Docker in real world

(implemented by


Docker Hands-on Tutorial

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Docker Hands-on

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Install VMWare from USB stick

Install the Linux image from USB stick

Install Docker

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The BusyBox Test

Pull busybox container

Run ls inside of Docker

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Docker run

Run with only the main process

Run interactively

Run in daemon mode

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Docker diff

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Docker commit

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Docker create

Using Dockerfile

Tips on Dockerfile

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Create a new repo

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Docker push

Pushing a container to Dockerhub

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Create container with 2 volumes

Mount Data volumes into application container

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Port Forwarding

Auto-map all exposed ports to host

Binding a port to a host interface

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# sshd## VERSION 0.0.1

FROM ubuntuMAINTAINER Thatcher R. Peskens "[email protected]"

# make sure the package repository is up to dateRUN echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.listRUN apt-get update

RUN apt-get install -y openssh-serverRUN mkdir /var/run/sshd RUN echo 'root:screencast' |chpasswd

EXPOSE 22CMD /usr/sbin/sshd -D

Dockerfile to set up an sshd service in a container

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Today’s Agenda

Basic concepts and Docker terminology

Docker Commands

Must know Docker features

Docker in real world

(implemented by


Docker Hands-on Tutorial

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Docker in Real-World

Simplifying Configuration

Developer Productivity


Server Consolidation

App Isolation

Code Pipeline Management

Debugging Capabilities

Rapid Deployment

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Australia’s 5th largest solar panel installer

Application: Solar Panel Monitoring

Case Study 1: Quick and Easy Multi-tenancy using Docker

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Business Problem

Low customer engagement ⇒ limited upsell opportunities

Unhappy customers stuck by large electricity bills

Low collection rates on leased units

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Measure power output at solar panels Store data

Create reports

Status Indicator



Customer 1 Customer 2

Customer n


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Customer 2Customer 1

Measure power output at solar panels

Customer n

Status Indicator



Store dataCreate reports


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Status Indicator



Store dataCreate reports

Customer 2Customer 1

Measure power output at solar panels

Customer n


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The Dev Solution: Add Tenant ID in Code and Database

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Tedious Error prone Code



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The Ops Solution:

New set of servers per tenant

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Low Utilization High Cost


High Maintenance

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Page load time

Why not Leaner Servers?

> 5 seconds

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The DevOps Solution:

New Docker containers for every tenant

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Up to 30 tenants per large AWS


Page loads under 1 second



Implemented in under 2 weeks with NO code changes

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Take Aways

Dev or Ops alone >

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Case Study 2: Improved Developer Workflow using Docker

Application: National & International Automotive Listing

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Auto.com’s “Big Plan” for Cloud

Push-Button deployment of infrastructure:

Inclusive of everything from


App and Database servers

Load Balancing



Data Processing

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Local Dev Environment That Matches Prod

The “Holy Grail” of dev environment management

Now possible in all its complexity due to Docker.

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Why Developer Workflow?

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Web Developer Workflow

Developer Local Test QA Production

Least expensive but most executed

Most expensive but least executed

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Development Environment

Developer Local Test QA Production

Least expensive but most executed

Most expensive but least executed

95-99% of developer time is spent in

the development environment

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Developer environment must be ...

Quick Production-like Repeatable

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Each tier runs same OS & software versions

Tiers are isolated from each other as in production

Tiers are isolated from the developers device

[A client] never realized they needed to run gem install bundle on a tier until we put the two services on different servers.

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Our URL: http://xxxx.xxxxxx.xxx is not loading in IE and Safari but is in

Chrome/Firefox. This is only in AWS QA and not in AWS DEV or PROD. We are

wondering if there is something in the infra that is causing this behavior.


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Waiting Frustration Distraction

“When I fire a local QA run in a mature project, it takes 8 mins. I check cricinfo.com and facebook while it runs”

Developer at a Fortune 100 company

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Here is a Bash script to run on

your device

Follow these docs and ask away if any questions

Here is a Vagrant file

Install software PHP and MySQL on your device

Prone to human errors Prone to 3rd party changes

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Here is a Bash script to run on

your device

Follow these docs and ask away if any questions

Here is a Vagrant file

Install software PHP and MySQL on your device

Prone to human errors Prone to 3rd party changes

[A client] supported MySQL Percona v5.53x. Vendors updated the version to 5.54 and broke our software.

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Our Solution

Developer Local Test QA Production

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One Docker container for each application tier

Run a VM with folder sync and port forwarding

Installs Docker Downloads containers (if not available)

Used to bootstrap Docker containers in dev and AWS instances in prod

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Virtualbox VM

App Code and Logs


devenv.sh for interacting with

the setup

Docker Containers


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Result: We no longer hear ...

“works on my machine but not on yours”

“I have been helping the [new hire]

setup her environment all day”

“IT guys must do something differently in staging”

“I can’t try it because IT has not

updated the dev environment”

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Who sees the benefit?

Backend Developers

● Homogenous environment● Quick feedback● Agile: break it fearlessly

Front-end HTML Devs

● Quick visual feedback with populated data

● Avoid installations


Only one standardized dev environment to support


● Less conflict● Faster time to market● Happier engineers● Easier hiring

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Why we used Docker?

Minimal Performance


Fast Boot and Shutdown

Smaller files sizes and ability to diff


Container will run in the


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Variation: Today

Developer Local Test QA Production

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Developer Local Test QA Production

Use Docker alone with boot2docker and Dockerfiles

Requires docker in entire workflow including prod

Docker will release version 1.0 soon

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These Scripts Make a Working System


























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A Full Production Database on a Laptop?

Multi-GB Production database won’t run

on a laptop

Strategically sampled data set

The Solution

Rule: Development uses fresh production data

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SQS Runs In Cloud … Not A Laptop

Production uses Amazon SQS

Rule #2: No AWS Dependencies in Dev

Modified app to use RabbitMQ

Rule #1: Environment is Identical in Dev to Prod

The Solution

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Service Addressing In Dev

Production uses static IP addresses

dev uses /etc/hosts,

prod uses Route53

Rule: Service addressing transparent between Dev and

Prod for developers

The Solution

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Automation Benefits

Innovation: Easier to Innovate when cost of being wrong is low

Continuity: Organizational ownership of operations knowledge - very valuable for business continuity.

Faster Iteration: High fidelity and confidence in Dev and QA means means faster iteration of product

Talent: Willingness to experiment with advanced technology like docker attracts talented contributors to our team

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Application: e-invoicing, ERP, Dynamic Discounting, AP automation, Workflow, supplier self service, Treasury Strategy, vendor portal,

supply chain finance, e-invoicing network, and Oracle based solutions

Case Study 3: QA using Docker

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QA jobs take long

Tests need to run in parallel, but conflict with each other

Run different instances of test in different Docker container

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Jenkins runs QA jobs

Jenkins slaves are Docker hosts

Dockerfile is used to create a generic image

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Jenkins checks out latest code from Git

Jenkins starts a new container on one of

the slaves

A container is built using Dockerfile

Jenkins workspace is attached to

container as volume

Code is compiled and tests are run

Test results are put in the Jenkins


Jenkins copies results back as


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Application: 3D Printing

Case Study 4: Efficient and Easy Code Deployment using Docker

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Deploy code conveniently to production from laptop

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Use Dockerhub as code delivery mechanism

A staging environment, and a Production environment in AWS

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Build containers in Staging, test, and

push to DockerHub

Push triggers a pull of containers on instances

Containers are killed and new containers are


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Other Docker Projects Flux7 has impacted

Djed Studios

Trucking Office

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Docker Austin Meetup is participating in the Global Docker


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Thank You!

Twitter: @Flux7Labs

Blog: blog.flux7.com

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How to start the environment?

How to stop the environment?

How to edit code and refresh in the


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Docker on EB

10 Step Deployment Process

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Elastic BeanStalk

AWS Elastic BeanStalk

✓ PaaS

✓ Application deployment and scaling

Supports: PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, Java, .NET, and now Docker!

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EB Working in 3 steps

Choose Software stack

✓ Provisioning env✓ Deploying Code ✓ Load Balancing✓ Autoscaling ✓ Health Monitoring

URL to access the application

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Limited stack options

Forced to choose predefined versions

Limited AMI customization

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Docker provides flexibility

Ability to choose any stack (Go, C++???)

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3 Methods

Create a Dockerfile and

upload it to EB.Create a Dockerrun.aws.

json file to deploy an

existing Docker image.

Create a zip file with

Dockerfile, Dockerrun.

aws.json, and any

application file, then

upload to EB.

1 3 2

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3 Methods

Create a Dockerfile and

upload it to EB.Create a Dockerrun.aws.

json file to deploy an

existing Docker image.

Create a zip file with

Dockerfile, Dockerrun.

aws.json, and any

application file, then

upload to EB.

1 3 2

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no ADD commands in Dockerfile AND first exposed PORT is what I need AND base image is public

How to Choose your method?

Image is in a repo and no changes are needed, use Dockerrun.aws.json

Zip Dockerfile, Dockerrun.aws.json, and other files and upload

Use dockerfileUse Dockerrun.aws.json


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Deploy a pre-baked Container to AWS EB

Step 1: Create S3 bucket

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Step 2: Commit Docker image

Create and commit a Docker image with all required packages

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Step 3: Create Docker Auth Config File

Login to Docker repo

For each login, a .dockerconfg file will be created

Upload this file to S3

EB gains access to Docker repo through S3

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Step 4: Create Dockerrun.aws.json

Configuration file to deploy a container in EB: {"AWSEBDockerrunVersion" : "1", "Authentication": { "Bucket": "flux7.com", "Key": "dockercfg"}, "Ports": [ { "ContainerPort": "80" }]}

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Step 5: Create Dockerfile

Sample Dockerfile

# VERSION 0.0.1

FROM flux7/wp-site # This is the location of our docker container.

RUN apt-get install supervisor

RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor

ADD supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf


CMD supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf

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Step 7: Create IAM role

Create IAM Role

Set user access policy with S3 bucket access

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Step 8: Compress the files into a ZIP

Note: Do not copy into directory and ZIP

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Step 9: Create EB environment

Create a new application

Set appropriate configuration details and environment tags

Choose the appropriate VPC and VPC security group

Review configuration and launch the environment

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Step 10: Update Docker Containers

To deploy new code to EB

Create a new Docker image

Push to Docker repo