Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections by Anton Minashkin

Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

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Page 1: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections

by Anton Minashkin

Page 2: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

Usual JAVA codepublic class Payroll { ...

public long getWithholding(long payInDollars) { ... return withholding; }

public long getAfterTaxPay(Employee employee) { long basePay = EmployeeDatabase.getInstance() .getBasePay(employee); long withholding = getWithholding(basePay);

return basePay - withholding; }}

Page 3: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

Usual JAVA codepublic class Payroll { ...

public long getWithholding(long payInDollars) { ... return withholding; }

public long getAfterTaxPay(Employee employee) { long basePay = EmployeeDatabase.getInstance() .getBasePay(employee); long withholding = getWithholding(basePay);

return basePay - withholding; }}

Page 4: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

Usual JAVA codepublic class Payroll { ...

public long getWithholding(long payInDollars) { ... return withholding; }

public long getAfterTaxPay(Employee employee) { long basePay = new EmployeeDatabase() .getBasePay(employee); long withholding = getWithholding(basePay);

return basePay - withholding; }}

Page 5: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

What is DI?

In software engineering, dependency

injection is a software design pattern that

implements inversion of control for software


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What is DI?

Page 7: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

Say “Hi!” to DIpublic class Payroll { ... EmployeeDatabase mEmployeeDatabase; public Payroll(EmployeeDatabase employeeDatabase) { mEmployeeDatabase = employeeDatabase; } public long getWithholding(long payInDollars) { ... return withholding; } public long getAfterTaxPay(Employee employee) { long basePay = mEmployeeDatabase.getBasePay(employee); long withholding = getWithholding(basePay);

return basePay - withholding; }}

Page 8: Антон Минашкин "Dagger 2. Right way to do Dependency Injections"

Say “Hi!” to DIpublic class Payroll { ... EmployeeDatabase mEmployeeDatabase; public Payroll(EmployeeDatabase employeeDatabase) { mEmployeeDatabase = employeeDatabase; } public long getWithholding(long payInDollars) { ... return withholding; } public long getAfterTaxPay(Employee employee) { long basePay = mEmployeeDatabase.getBasePay(employee); long withholding = getWithholding(basePay);

return basePay - withholding; }}

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Was:new Payroll().getAfterTaxPay(employee);

Now:new Payroll(EmployeeDatabase.getInstance()) .getAfterTaxPay(employee);

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Was:new Payroll().getAfterTaxPay(employee);

Now:new Payroll(EmployeeDatabase.getInstance()) .getAfterTaxPay(employee);

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Java! To the rescue!


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JSR-330public class Payroll { … @Inject public Payroll(EmployeeDatabase employeeDatabase) { mEmployeeDatabase = employeeDatabase; }…}

ORpublic class Payroll { … @Inject EmployeeDatabase mEmployeeDatabase; ...}

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DI frameworks

● Google Guice● Spring DI● Java EE6 CDI● Dagger● etc.

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DI frameworks

● Google Guice● Spring DI● Java EE6 CDI● Dagger● etc.

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Dagger 2. History

Developed by SquareAdopted by Google (Dagger 2)

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Dagger 2. Main features

● Android friendly● JSR-330● Compile-time DI validation● Full stack code generation● User mimic code● Easy to debug & understand

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Dagger 2. API

class Thermosiphon implements Pump {

private final Heater heater;


Thermosiphon(Heater heater) {

this.heater = heater;




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Dagger 2. API

class CoffeeMaker {

@Inject Heater heater;

@Inject Pump pump;



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Dagger 2. API


class DripCoffeeModule {

@Provides Heater provideHeater() {

return new ElectricHeater();


@Provides Pump providePump(Thermosiphon pump) {

return pump;



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Dagger 2. API

@Component(modules = DripCoffeeModule.class)

interface CoffeeShop {

CoffeeMaker maker();


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Dagger 2. API

CoffeeShop coffeeShop = DaggerCoffeeShop.builder()

.dripCoffeeModule(new DripCoffeeModule())


CoffeeShop coffeeShop = DaggerCoffeeShop.create();

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Dagger 2. API

public class CoffeeApp {

public static void main(String[] args) {

CoffeeShop coffeeShop = DaggerCoffeeShop.create();




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Dagger 2. Scope

@Provides @Singleton Heater provideHeater() {

return new ElectricHeater();


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Dagger 2. Lazy

class GridingCoffeeMaker {

@Inject Lazy<Grinder> lazyGrinder;

public void brew() {

while (needsGrinding()) {

// Grinder created once on first call to .get() and cached.





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Dagger 2. Provider Injection

class BigCoffeeMaker {

@Inject Provider<Filter> filterProvider;

public void brew(int numberOfPots) {


for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPots; p++) {

maker.addFilter(filterProvider.get()); //new filter every time.







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Dagger 2. Qualifiers




public @interface Named {

String value() default "";


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Dagger 2. Qualifiers

class ExpensiveCoffeeMaker {

@Inject @Named("water") Heater waterHeater;

@Inject @Named("hot plate") Heater hotPlateHeater;



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Dagger 2. Qualifiers

@Provides @Named("hot plate") Heater provideHotPlateHeater() {

return new ElectricHeater(70);


@Provides @Named("water") Heater provideWaterHeater() {

return new ElectricHeater(93);


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Dagger 2. Compile-time validation


class DripCoffeeModule {

@Provides Heater provideHeater(Executor executor) {

return new CpuHeater(executor);




[ERROR] error: java.util.concurrent.Executor cannot be provided without an @Provides-

annotated method.

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Dagger 2. Generated code @Override public DataManager get() { DataManager provided = module.provideDataManager(authApiProvider.get(), articleApiProvider.get(), commentsApiProvider.get()); if (provided == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Cannot return null from a non-@Nullable @Provides method"); } return provided; }

public static Factory<DataManager> create(DataManagerModule module, Provider<AuthApi> authApiProvider, Provider<ArticleApi> articleApiProvider, Provider<CommentApi> commentApiProvider) { return new DataManagerModule_ProvideDataManagerFactory(module, authApiProvider, articleApiProvider, commentApiProvider); }

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Dagger 2. Debugging

Here should be example of Guice stacktrace:VERY-VERY-BAD-STACKTRACE

And here is Dagger stacktrace:Mmmm… What a lovely stacktrace!

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Dagger 2. What should I inject?

● Anything that has constructor parameters● Anything that is out of local scope● Infrastructure● Anything that is shared between >1 objects● Diferent obj-graphs for diferent flavors

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Dagger 2. Where should I inject?public class MyApp extends Application {@Overridepublic void onCreate() {registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() {... @Override public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { inject(activity); }...});}

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Dagger 2


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