YNPN Chapter Congress Checkin _________ 6.12.12

YNPN Chapter congress checkin - 6.12.12

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Slides from the second All-Congress meeting of the YNPN Chapter Congress. Slides include great report-outs from each of the three task forces.

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YNPN Chapter Congress Checkin



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Plan for tonight:

• Task force status updates

• Proposal Plan(end of June)

• Feedback on Feedback Plan (through July)

•Wrap up & Next Steps

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What we’ve seen so far – big picture: • Awesome participation – • 100% Affiliate-level Chapter

Participation• 72% Emerging-level Chapter

Participation• 61% Novice/Startup-level Chapter

Participation*• 67% Overall Chapter participation!!

• Lots of clarity re: where we’re already really strong and where we need support

• Chance to practice working together

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Shared Standards: The work thus far…

• Had 3 really thoughtful conversations to date on key challenges chapters have and core benchmarks to achieve in their growth

• Novice: settled on 7 benchmarks ranging from logo standards to number of events per year to structure of board

• Emerging: Building on the 7 benchmarks, an additional 6 to sustain growth (annual report, sustainability plan, and signature event)

• Flirting with the concept of introducing a new points system that speaks to the differences chapters have and ability to customize their growth

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Shared Standards: What’s up next

• 2 more conversations planned - one to tackle Affiliate chapters and another to come to consensus on overall standards; likely to create and introduce templates for each level

• Questions for all:- what’s one resource you wished you had when your chapter started that was not available?

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Shared Standards: Why we’re psyched• Excited about the removal of vague

standards that at times limits growth; better understanding of what it means to be a YNPN chapter; and a clearer map for “graduating” to the next level.

• A new and improved Chapter Levels Guide (4 sections, including a new start-up overview)

• List of useful resources (incorporated into the BPRC)

• Excited about templates and forms for chapters

• Seems to be a renewed interest in group for bringing back the mentoring program for the network

- will need to hammer out details of how to make this successful. Maybe third time is a charm?

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Data Center: The work thus far…

• The role of data within chapters, across network and across nonprofit sector.• Important to understand perspectives

on data from each chapter.

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Data Center: What’s up next

• Send survey to understand data across chapters• Congress members to fill out survey

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Data Center: Why we’re psyched

• Great opportunity to be able to use data to tell story in cohesive way.• Long-term ability to inform overall

nonprofit sector.

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Chapter Input/Decision Making: The work thus far…

• Thinking About Decision Making• What types of decisions are made at the

national level vs. the chapter level? • Where is there room for shared input? • How has the history of the network

contributed to the current set-up?• Examining Other Models• Setting Goals• Focusing our discussions more on the process

not the decisions themselves• Harnessing power of the network without

sacrificing the strengths of each chapter

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Chapter Input/Decision-Making: What’s up next

• Creating a New Approach to Decision Making• Using what we’ve learned over time and

from other networks, what decision-making methods make the most sense for YNPN?

• How can we thoughtfully combine establish an innovate new framework for handling decisions as they arise?

• Soliciting Chapter Feedback• How will chapter leaders be involved and what

will be expected of them/the national board?

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Chapter Input/Decision-making: Why we’re psyched

• We have the opportunity to paint a picture of what a network with a coordinated approach to decision making will look like and then to make that picture a reality, setting a standard for similar organizations everywhere.

• We also look forward to the continued, increased involvement of chapter leaders in setting strategies and strengthening the network.

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Getting to Proposals (by June 29th):

• What is the expectation for chapters/national to participate

• What it looks like to adopt the plan (chapter vote, signing on)

• What does implementation look like (time line, materials needed, etc.)

• At what point/who checks in to see that the process is working

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Getting Feedback:

• June 29 - all the task forces will have submitted proposal in the above format

• July 9th – webinar (Open to all chapter leaders)

• July 10 - 20th = chapter reps submit feedback (via Athena Bridge or wiki)

• July 27th - the proposals are revised

• August 4th - present at conference

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Next Steps:

Keep an eye out for next steps from your task force leader

Share with your chapters!

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YNPN Chapter Congress Checkin

