1/25/12 Dear Coach, On behalf of everyone at Wingate International Soccer Academy, I would like to wish you a happy and successful 2012. As we approach another summer, it is hard to believe that WISA Team Camps have been going strong for 18 years. We pride ourselves on the top levels of coaching and competition and we are always looking to improve what we offer our teams, players, and coaches. We are excited about the summer ahead and feel that 2012 will be a great year for WISA and all who support us. I have enclosed a "Best of WISA Sessions" which highlights ten of the many top class sessions we have had at our camp over the years. Our contributions come from our staff coaches over the recent years. We have been lucky to have top club, college, and international coaches visit and work our team camps and I really believe that is what sets us apart from other camps. You may recognize one or two of the names or the exercises, and hope they bring back great memories. Feel free to share them with your colleagues and I would love any feedback that you may have. Next year we should have more sessions and a coach’s journal is in the pipeline. I would like to thank you for all your support throughout the years and hope that you find all our offerings of real benefit to your coaching and training armory. Our dates for 2012 have been posted at www.wingatesoccer.com and we look forward to seeing you again in July. Regards, Gary Hamill

Wisa best sessions

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Page 1: Wisa best sessions


Dear Coach,

On behalf of everyone at Wingate International Soccer Academy, I would like to wish you a

happy and successful 2012. As we approach another summer, it is hard to believe that WISA

Team Camps have been going strong for 18 years. We pride ourselves on the top levels of

coaching and competition and we are always looking to improve what we offer our teams,

players, and coaches. We are excited about the summer ahead and feel that 2012 will be a

great year for WISA and all who support us.

I have enclosed a "Best of WISA Sessions" which highlights ten of the many top class sessions

we have had at our camp over the years. Our contributions come from our staff coaches over

the recent years. We have been lucky to have top club, college, and international coaches visit

and work our team camps and I really believe that is what sets us apart from other camps. You

may recognize one or two of the names or the exercises, and hope they bring back great

memories. Feel free to share them with your colleagues and I would love any feedback that you

may have. Next year we should have more sessions and a coach’s journal is in the pipeline.

I would like to thank you for all your support throughout the years and hope that you find all

our offerings of real benefit to your coaching and training armory. Our dates for 2012 have

been posted at www.wingatesoccer.com and we look forward to seeing you again in July.


Gary Hamill

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Hello Coaches,

At the end of every summer, we always look back and talk about how great or how much we

enjoyed certain sessions from a variety of coaches from our WISA Camp Series. We have been

fortunate enough to have had coaches who have worked with top college, MLS and even

Premier League players, be a part of the WISA experience, each bringing different methods and


I have put together a small appreciation of what I felt have been the best sessions from a few of

our coaches throughout the years. Fabio Capello once said, "the best coaches are the greatest

of thieves”, and we are all continually learning from each other and taking ideas, progressions

and philosophies that we can use with our own team.

We intend to make this a regular thing with more WISA coaching documents coming soon. In

the meantime, please feel free to go to www.garycurneen.com where I have uploaded more

sessions and blogs from different coaches.

All the best,

Gary Curneen

[email protected]

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1. Defending As a Back Four (Willie McFaul) 2. 5v5 + 1 (Dave Carton) 3. Crossing And Finishing (Marty Gormley) 4. Technical Skills Exercises (Gary Curneen) 5. Passing Warm-Up (Gerald Boyle) 6. Possession with Target Players (Charles Edwards) 7. Passing Channels (Dave Bell) 8. Possession With Additonal Numbers (Ed Khouri) 9. Attacking Patterns in a 5v4 (Gavin Tate) 10. WISA Goalkeeper Warm-Ups

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Willie McFaul is a former Newcastle United and Guam National Team manager who also

played for Northern Ireland. Willie had a successful three year spell at Newcastle United where

he coached England legends Peter Beardsley, Chris Waddle, and the one and only Paul

Gascoigne. Willie is a UEFA assessor at the Irish Football Association.


The session takes place on a full field, using 22 players. The beginning work is in a 20x30

area on top of the 18 yd box.


In the first part of the session, we play four defenders against four attackers in a 20x30

area. The defenders were organized like a traditional back four with two center backs, a right

back, and a left back. The goal of the attackers is to run the ball over the goal line. (See below)

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Encourage the attacking players to keep the ball moving and play square passes. The

main coaching points are as follows:

- When an attacker receives the ball, the opposing defender then steps up to pressure.

- When the attacker passes the ball, the opposing defender then drops off to and takes up a

recovery position.

- If the attacker cuts inside with the ball, the defender should pass him on.

- However, if the attacker makes a diagonal run off the ball, the defender should track the


- Stay compact as a back four.

Progression 1:

We now do the same exercise but using the full width of the field. The same principles

are applied, but because there is a bigger area, the decisions need to be quicker. (See below)

The main coaching points for defenders are:

- Do not get caught flat - one ball should not be able to beat four defenders.

- If a ball goes back or square from a pass, the defenders step up and squeeze.

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Progression 2:

Now play in the defensive third with a goal for the attacking team to try and play into.

Also, add two center midfield players on the defending team so it now becomes a 6v4 in favor

of the defending team. (See below)

The coaching points for the defending team are:

- When defending a cross, make sure the two center backs open their shoulders out.

- When the ball goes wide, the outside defenders have to get tight to the ball.

- The center midfielders and center defenders work as a box together and always keep their

shape. (See below)

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- If the ball is played into the center forwards feet, the two center midfielders get tight and

double the ball.

Progression 3:

Finish with an 11v11 game. Encourage the attacking team to be direct and not to play

from the back. When this happens, the defending team will have to drop into two banks of four

and stay compact. (See below)

Coaching Points:

- When the ball is played long, make sure the midfielders on the defending team are in a

position to win the second ball.

- When the ball is played wide, make sure the defending team shifts across.

- When the ball is played back or square, make sure the defending team pushes up and steps.

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5v5 +1 – DAVE CARTON

Dave is the Assistant Coach at Winthrop University in SC. A native of Wexford in Ireland,

Dave has been working with WISA for the past three years. Dave is also the Academy Director

at Discoveries Soccer Club in South Carolina.

The following are three short, seven-minute games to progress to as a warm-up. They

are designed to get the players moving, working on their first touch and passing, as well as

making sure the tempo is set high for the session ahead. As the games are short and tempo is

high, you do not want to stop the players to deliver your coaching points. However, you are

looking for the following:

- Defensively - mark players

- Defensively - close down and pressure the scoring pass

- Offensively - movement to lose your markers

- Goalkeepers - Use feet to control the ball if it hits the ground before it reaches you


Two teams play 5 v 5 +1 with goalkeepers, on a 60x40 yard field. The yellow player plays

for the team in possession of the ball.

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Game 1:

The goals are not used. A goal can be scored by a lofted pass into the goalkeepers’

hands without the ball touching the ground. Each team can score at either end. After a goal, the

keeper distributes the ball to the scoring team, so they stay in possession. Keepers cannot leave

the width of their goal, so passes must be accurate.

Game 2:

Similar set-up as Game 1, but for two exceptions:

- Keepers can move across the whole width of the field

- Lofted passes to the keepers must now be played from the opposite half of the field

This now forces players to play quicker, keepers to move and anticipate a pass, and works on

long passes.

Game 3:

Teams are now organized where they are defending a goal in a regular 5v5 + 1. A goal

can only be scored with a one time shot. Players are restricted to three touches, in order to

keep the tempo high and work on technique and passing.

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Marty Gormley is a popular coach amongst the WISA faithful. Marty has worked with

the elite youth teams in Northern Ireland. Marty record of never losing a camp game famously

disappeared in 2011 when he experienced his first losing camp week. Marty provides a wealth

of experience to camp players and coaches.


The organization is very simple. Four lines of players around 25 yds out with two poles in

the box. Balls start on Player C.


To start the exercise, Player C passes the ball to player D and then overlaps. Players A and B

begin their runs into the box, in between the yellow poles. (See below)

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Player D then passes the ball down the line for Player C to run onto. After the pass,

Player D makes a run into the box. At the same time, Players A and B should be arriving at the

yellow poles. (See below)

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Player C then crosses the ball to Players A and B, who have made their runs near and far

post. Player D is coming in around the penalty spot for any service that is pulled back. (See


Coaching Points:

- Passing techniques - body shape and quality

- Speed of play

- Quality of the final ball - Encourage crosser to cross the ball into an area and not to try and

pick out players.

- Timing of the runs

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The players face each other seven yards apart. One ball for each pair, they are simply

passing back and forth. The player at the red cones is checking in for each ball, two yards in and

two yards back. This also works on quick feet and dynamic movements. After one minute,

change roles. We want the players to be on their toes when they receive the pass and to move

in line with the ball. (See below)

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Progression 1:

The set up is similar but the players are now 15 yards apart from each other with two

cones in the middle. The players’ pass back and forth with each pass, every pass must go

through the red cones. We now want to encourage players to be quick with their passing but to

be accurate. We also want them to use both feet for passing and receiving. (See below)

Progression 2:

We follow the same set up as before. This time the first player passes the ball through

the cone, and the receiver controls the ball and passes it back down the side of cones to his/her

partner. We now encourage the players receiving the ball to use both the inside and outside of

their feet to control the ball, and also to use both sides.

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Progression 3:

No organize players into groups of four with two balls per group. The playing area

remains the same. Now Player 1 and Player 2 face each other, and Player 3 and Player 4 face

each other. Player 1 and Player 4 each have a ball. Player 1 and Player 4 both pass to middle

where Player 2 and Player 3 return the pass and spin to receive the next ball from the other

server. Players in the middle must now have composure when they receive the ball as accuracy

is important, and also communicate when they want the ball. (See below)

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Gerald is a County Coach with the Northern Ireland Football Association. He holds a

UEFA ‘A’ License and also is heavily involved in high school soccer in Northern Ireland.


The players work in a group of six, organized into two teams of three. One player from

each team is in the middle and the two players on the outside have a ball each. The exercise

takes place in a 10x10 grid. (See below)

The start of the exercise focuses on the fundamentals of receiving the ball and moving.

Both red and blue groups work at the same time. Player 1 receives the ball from Player 2, then

passes it straight back. After the return pass, Player 1 then goes to receive the next ball from

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Player 3. Each player works in the middle for 45 seconds at a high intensity and then rotates.

The service can progress from feet and back, to thigh and back, chest and back, and a header.

(See below)

Progression 1:

We now want to focus on both sides passing the ball and moving. Each group will now

work with one ball. Player 1 checks in to receive it from Player 2 and must pass it across the

square to Player 3. Technically, we are now working on the body shape to receive the ball and

mentally, they have to process the information as two balls will go across the square at the

same time. After the pass, Player 1 then checks in to receive the ball from Player 3 and then

passes it back to Player 2, working constantly for 1 minute. (See below)

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It is now important to get the outside players (Players 2 and 3) to move after the pass

and then take a new position. This will not only add the movement phase to the exercise, but

also forces Player 1 to get his/her head up and see where Player 2/3's new position is. (See


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Progression 2:

Player 1 now starts in the middle with a ball. On the coaches signal, he/she must dribble

towards Player 2 (A). Player 2 then performs and takeover, and takes the ball and then dribbles

towards Player 3 (B) who does the same. (See below)

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Charles is a former Jamaican National Team coach who has worked with WISA for three

years. Charles is a successful Head Coach in Jamaican Women’s League and has won the league

title for the past three years.

This is a game where players must use their insight and get their heads up. As well as an

emphasis on passing and movement, there is a great focus on decision-making.


Field size is at the discretion of the coach but must be wider than it is long. Ten players

are used - two teams play 4v4 with one outside player on each team. There are three goals on

each side using cones; the size of these goals depends on how technically able your group are.

Smaller goals are used for elite players. (See below)

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The idea for the teams to score in any of the three goals, however behind the goals,

there is one outside player. The outside players do not touch the ball but run behind the line of

the three goals. If they are standing behind a specific goal, the other team cannot score into

that goal.

Below, we can see the pattern for the possession game and the outside player making his/her

way over to the goal that the blue team are attacking.

When the blue player in possession sees that the outside player is standing behind the

goal, he/she must then change the point of attack to another goal. We can see the blue team

do this below. This takes decision-making and vision on the player with the ball and movement

from his/her teammates to offer a position where they can receive the ball.

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Coaching Points:

- Vision

- See dummies to confuse the opposition as to which goal they are attacking

- Movement off the ball to offer options

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Dave is a former professional player in England with Blackpool and Bristol City. A former

coach of Manchester United Ladies Team, Dave now coaches with the Football Association of

Ireland. Dave is also a Pro License holder and a former assessor with the Welsh Football



The exercise takes place in a 60x40 yard area with two teams of eight players organized

into four separate areas. To begin, players are not allowed out of their defined areas.

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The team in possession attempts to transfer the ball to their teammates in a separate

area (see below). This practice allows you to focus on both attacking and defending principles.

The defending team focuses on staying compact as a unit and now allowing the ball to be

played through them. The attacking team attempt to pass forward quickly or switch play to find

a better passing option.


- Number of touches on the ball can be limited to increase the tempo of the practice.

- One touch to pass through.

- Eight passes max before transfer.

- Switch groups over to ensure each group has the opportunity to practice attacking and

defending movements.

- No passes can be over-head height.

- Change positions with other players in your group.

- Passing player switches zone with receiving player if ball passed through zones successfully.

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Ed has worked on the WISA Staff since it began 18 years ago. A director of Island Soccer

Club in Charleston, SC, Ed holds the record for championship wins with Bishop England High

School. During his distinguished playing career, Ed was one of the top goalkeepers in the

Jamaican first division.

Rarely in a game situation will you start with a 5v5 situation; Situations in games usually occur

when numbers are added to a particular part of the field. This exercise is designed to replicate

that situation in a game and challenges the layers in possession to deal with the changing

conditions that they will increase.


Players play 5v2 in a 15x15 yard square. Three defending players (numbered 3, 4, and 5)

wait on the outside. (See below)

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The game starts as a 5v2 possession game. Every thirty seconds a new defender will

come in from the outside. For example, after 30 seconds, Player 3 will enter (see below).

We want to get players to make the most of possession when it’s overloaded and be

prepared to protect the ball as more defenders are introduced.

0.00 5v2

0.30 5v3

1.00 5v4

1.30 5v5

When defensive player number 5 enters, the blue team must now use as much of the

area to create angles and give each other passing options. Switch sides every game and allow

both team opportunities to possess and defend.

Coaching Points:

- Keeping good possession

- Creating angles

- Protecting the ball / Strength on the ball

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Gavin has worked with the top players, past and present, in the English Premier League.

During his time at youth academy at Sunderland, Southampton, and Cardiff City, Gavin has

worked with players such as Alan Shearer, Craig Bellamy, and Theo Walcott. Gavin has also

worked as Head of Recruitment with Newcastle United.

The set-up for the exercise is below. You have two halves that alternate in attacking.

One half works and the other half rests. Both halves have a goalkeeper and a back four in place,

defending against three forwards. The midfielders who will start the attack, begin at the

goalposts. These midfielders will have to make long supporting runs to join the attack. (See


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The exercise begins from the two midfielders in the opposite half of the field. The

midfielder with the ball dribbles into the field (unopposed) and then plays it into the forward in

the other half. As soon as the forward touches the ball, the play is live and defensive pressure

can be applied 100%. The forwards are outnumbered until the two midfielders arrive, then

resulting in an overload for the attacking team. Once the midfielders arrive, this creates a 5v4

situation for the blues (attacking team). Therefore it is vital that the support runs from the

midfielders are made at 100% speed. (See below)

As the play now takes place in one half of the field, it is up to the blue team to use the

numerical advantage in their favor. As the red defense is set and almost static, the best way to

create a chance is by passing the ball quickly and with different movement patterns from the

attacking players. They want to stretch the red defense by using width in the attack, but the

width does not have to come from the wide forwards and can instead be caused by overlapping

midfielders or the center forward. It is also important to encourage an 'end product' to the

attack in the form of a shot or a goal. Below you can see the movement patterns that the blue

players can use to create spaces for the attack.

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Once the attack finishes, the next group attacks the other end. The flow of the exercise

is important as a high tempo will make decision making harder and challenge the players’

fitness levels as well as technical skills.

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WISA Goalkeeper Warm-Ups

Our goalkeeping coach works with the players for in specialized training each day of the

camp. Below we have the selected our three favorite exercises that are used to warm-up with

the keepers on a game day.

Practice 1:

Five cones at placed in a semi-circle around the edge of the six yard box, the starts on or

near his/her goal line, and coach stands centrally just beyond the markers. The keeper comes

off his/her line towards one of the wide-positioned markers, changes direction quickly, moving

quickly back into position to save a shot from the coach.

Practice 1

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The coach changes his starting position and the keeper has to "close down" a different

marker before moving to stop the shot- these two variations alter the axis through which the

keeper has to move; shots arrive at different heights and different speeds.

Practice 2:

Four cones are placed at right angles to the goal line, halfway across the goal,

interspersed with the poles, and just to their right, are three bigger cones. The coach stands to

the right of the six yd box and calls out and number between 1 and 3. The keeper has to run

vertically along the line of cones, move quickly to the right, knock over the big cone whose

number the coach had called out, switch position back to the left to stop a shot from the coach.

Practice 2

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The position of the cones and poles is reversed, so that the keeper always dives to

his/her right rather than his/her left; the coach then shoots from different angles, at different

heights and speeds.

Practice 3:

Using cones, mark out a square six yards in front of the goal (each side two yards long).

Give each cone a number. Keeper assumes the basic stance in the middle of the square. The

coach stands facing him/her with a number of balls. As the coach calls out a number, the

keeper must take quick, short steps around the cone and back to the middle of the square. Just

as the keeper is returning back to the middle of the square, the coach shoots at goal (e.g. low

drop kick). A progression is to use multiple numbers so the keeper now has to go to multiple


Practice 3

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