EXAMPLE - watch the sun come up AGATHA TUKENDORF

VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

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Page 1: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

EXAMPLE - watch the sun come up


Page 2: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

We start in Examples room, where its dark, plain and gloomy. There is a close up of his face singing, showing emotion and his feelings. This is where the music video and song begin simultaneously.

Page 3: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

This is an interesting cut, as his face turns into a black and white sketch as he's looking at his own reflection in the mirror. We see the side of his face on the left, suggesting that there is a change of scene to come. This is also a close up of the main character.

Page 4: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

Example then walks into another room, which contrasts with the previous room. The room is bright and lively, with vibrant colours everywhere. There is also a woman in his bed and he is wearing different clothes, suggesting this is that this is not his room and that this is a previous experience, as do the lyrics as he is singing about a holiday romance that he wishes never ended. This is a mid shot of the main character to show the change of scene.

Page 5: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

This is an interesting shot, as through the use of editing, they have changed where Example is. He starts in the previous room, but when he stands the room transforms into his room, which shows a great contrast of setting as well as feelings, as it connotes that he felt happier when in the other room. He then begins to walk and ends up walking on a street, which is done using editing techniques. The sound continues to be the same song. Example walking on the street connotes that he is back to everyday, dull life which is also shown through the dullness of the shot. Both shots are mid shots of his whole body.

Page 6: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

He carries on walking up the busy street onto the beach, where the mood changes from a dull one to a happy one as he sees a woman in a red dress running around, connoting love. The scene is short and quiet cloudy, suggesting a possible end to their romance. This is a 2 shot which shows the feelings between the 2 people.

Page 7: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

The scene then continues in a small empty alleyway, abroad somewhere. The two main characters are walking closely. The lighting and the small empty area suggest romance between the couple. The woman is also wearing a red dress, connoting love. This is a long distance shot of the two characters.

Page 8: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

The scene then cuts to a scene were Example is watching a woman in red dancing in a club. This scene suggests that this happened previously, that they are newly found lovers. The red again connotes love. The editing here is done so it can be linked to the next scene. The red dress also makes her stand out from the crowd, showing the he means something to her. This is a mid shot.

Page 9: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

In this scene we see a random woman walking along the street and Example watching her, whilst sitting in a cafe. This suggests that there are reminders of his holiday love everywhere and he cannot forget her. Also, the red coat stands out against the greyness of the rest of the picture which connotes Examples dullness of being back home.

Page 10: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

The next scene is where he is walking by a pub with some mates and he then walks into this scene, which is a bar strip by the beach of which shows his longing feelings to be back. The contrast of colours also connotes his feelings.

Page 11: VIDEO ANALYSIS - EXAMPLE; watch the sun come up

Here is a back mid shot of the two characters, holding hands connoting that they are romantically involved. The setting is of an old town, with nothing but a few lights, lighting up the scene, giving the scene more of a romantic feel.