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Six pack training losing the mommy pouch

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When trying to lose your mommy pouch after your child grows a bit, you may want to practice six pack training. What do you do, when do you do it, and what is a mommy pouch?

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Six Pack Abs V

Six Pack Training and Losing the “Mommy Pouch” [Type the document subtitle]

Kathy C March 3, 2012

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Six Pack Training and Losing the “Mommy Pouch”

2 Make sure to visit Six Pack Abs V for tons more information on everything six pack abs!

Six Pack training with your new arrival can be a confusing time. You‟ve

had the baby, and you‟re done breastfeeding then you look in the mirror

one day and realize, “Yikes-I need to get back into shape, six pack

training, here I come!”

One of the hardest things to do after having a baby is to get your pre-

baby body back. Most of us can‟t afford personal trainers and

nutritionists like the celebrity moms we all see on TV and in the

magazines. Unfortunately, the reality is, many women never get back to

the way they looked before being pregnant, but you can get fit and in

shape using a good six pack training routine as your basis.

Six Pack Training Anywhere

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Six Pack Training and Losing the “Mommy Pouch”

3 Make sure to visit Six Pack Abs V for tons more information on everything six pack abs!

Many women have almost no time to take care of themselves when they

have families to care for, but you can fit these six pack training exercises

in just about anywhere, and at any time of the day. If you are lucky

enough to belong to a health club with childcare services, now is the

time to take advantage of it to get some „you‟ time in and do some six

pack training.

Many trainers can offer good advice as to the best and quickest six pack

training diet and exercises to get back into shape to reduce your

“mommy pouch”. Fitness classes can be a good option too as long as

you can fit some six pack training in.

Six Pack Training at Home

But for those without the time or the inclination, six pack training can

also be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home, while your

new baby is sleeping. Crunches and leg lifts can be done 20 times each

in sets of three, and should only take a couple minutes.

Other good six pack training moves to use include the flutter kick and

the leg lift. For the six pack training flutter kick, lie on your back on the

floor. Place your hands up near your ears and raise your straight legs 6

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Six Pack Training and Losing the “Mommy Pouch”

4 Make sure to visit Six Pack Abs V for tons more information on everything six pack abs!

inches off the floor slowly raise one leg up, and as it is coming down

raise the other. Do not let your heels touch. Try to aim for 20 of these

and don‟t forget to breathe! The six pack training leg lift is done from a

kneeling position on the floor. Place your hands on the floor and slowly

raise one leg up behind you. Bring down slowly and repeat for 20, then

switch and do the other leg.

Six pack training can help you to regain a fit body and increase your

energy-and you‟ll need all of the energy you can get to chase your

toddler around!