Goofy Challenge 2016

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Walt Disney Half Marathon 2016


26-second PR

2nd Place Woman

Half Marathon Stats

Check out these times.I totally made a friend on the course!

(And out-kicked her at the end . . . barely.)

Half Marathon Pain Face

Okay, this one’s not nearlyso painful.

This one? Definite pain face.

Walt Disney Full Marathon 2016


9th Place Woman

Full Marathon Stats

It’s not nearly as obvious here, but I made a friend on THIS

course, too! We clicked in around mile 13 and stuck together

through 23. She’s crazy-talented—this was her first


Full Marathon of Smiles

Starting the silliness early.(Alas, no one picked up my call,

not even Abu.)

Is this Ariel in her post-mermaid transformation? Or

some other Disney princess? I honestly don’t know.

I’m late! I’m late!


Me and the baddies.

Be . . .Our . . .Guest!

Oops! Another baddie.(Oh and Shan Yu, too. Haha.)

Welcome to the Animal Kingdom! I think I’ll fit right in here.

Hakuna matata!

Daylight at last! As we run around theESPN Sports Complex.

Me and my new marathon friend Danielle.

Focus faces. Time for the real work to begin.

Wish granted!

Genie, I wish for this race to still feel fun, even though I’m now in

the evil 20-26mi range.

Clearly still having a blast.

Okay, now I’m ready for this race to be over.The finish line has to be out there somewhere. . . .

That would be the finish line.No caption necessary.

So, so happy.I could not have asked for these

races to go any better. I met (and ran with!) awesome women, felt

good on the courses, and ran faster than I ever expected.

Huge thanks to Josh, Allie, and my amazing GCR teammates—I

couldn’t have done it without you.

And a big thank-you to my fiance, as well. I actually wouldn’t have done it

without him. So thanks for the inspiration.

One final note to Marathonphoto, Disney, and/or anyone else who is wondering:

I’d gladly purchase the valid versions of these photos . . . if they didn’t cost so darned much! I already

paid several hundred dollars for these races, and winning 2nd in the half didn’t even get me a free pass to a

park. (Instead I got a trophy so heavy that UPS charged me $80 to ship it home to myself.) I simply

cannot justify another $100+ for photos. But thanks for the proofs!