Golf Fitness Trainer

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Perustehtävä s. 3Konsepti s. 6Drillikirjasto (esimerkkejä) s. 16Titleist Performance Institute s. 40

”One of the biggest problems that the common golfer encounters is the inability to achieve and reproduce positions that a swing coach desires.“”This is frustrating for both coach and student”.

(”Golf Anatomy”: Craig Davies, Vince DiSaia, Human Kinetics 1, 2010; s. 3)

Golf Fitness Trainer (GFT) auttaa golffareita kehittämään fyysisiä lajikohtaisia ominaisuuksia ja suorituskykyä !Golf FitnessTrainer auttaa golffareita svingaamaan ja voimaan paremmin!


PerustehtäväGolf Fitness DrillitGolf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit

”Menetelmä on tarkoitettu työkaluksi sisäänajaa, kiihdyttää ja syventää keholähtöisen golfsvingin oppimis- ja harjoitteluprosessia.”

Lajinomaisuus ja assosiaatio golf svingin fitness-harjoitteluun

100% lajinomaisuus ja -assosiaatio golf-svingin fitness-harjoitteluunPGA:n ohjeistusten mukaisten range-harjoitteluun suunniteltujen Practise Drillien fitness-laajennos

Golf Fitness Trainer tarjoaa avun ja asiantuntijuuden rakentaa suorituskykyisempi ja luotettavampi golfsvingi konseptin mukaisen harjoitusohjelman avulla.


(i) Golf Fitness Drillit• Gym

strength power endurance cardiovascular

• Functional Studio mobility stability balance coordination power strength posture cardiovascular


(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit• Functional Studio

Swing mobility Swing stability Swing balance Swing coordination Swing power Swing strength Swing posture Swing cardiovascular


Perinteinen Golf Fitness –harjoittelu• Golf Fittness -drillit / Functional Training Studio & Gym

Perinteinen golfsvingin harjoittelu • PGA / 2D analyysi / practise drillit / driving range

Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit• Välikerros ja pedagogiikka täydentämään perinteisiä harjoittemuotoja

(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit


(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit1.) Mitä parhaat pelaajat tekevät säännöllisesti kentällä lyöntiensä välillä?• V: Edestakaista jatkuvaa liikettä svingin kaarellaosuman molemmin puolin:

Tarkoitus: oikean tuntemuksen löytäminen tukemaanautenttista suoritusta menetelmällä, missä palautusliikkeenenergia ja liikevoima tuottavat mm. seuraavatominaisuudet: Ylä- ja alavartalon välisen keskinäisen rotaation ajoituksen(timing) hallinta sekä siitä seuraava osien (varsi, johtavakäsivarsi, thorax, lumbar i.e. kinestic chain) välinen järjestys(sequence, rhythm). Temmon ja sulavuuden (flow, fluidity) hallinta Svingin kaaren hallinta (arc) Svingin tason hallinta (plane)Video:

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LEMNv-a_Dg&feature=youtu.be• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijoZIPW4ReU


(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit2.) Mitä parhaat valmentajat ovat suunnitelleet täysinlajinomaiseen golf fitness -harjoitteluun?• V: Painavat golf-mailat & muut erikoistyökalut

Golfsvingiin liittyvien asentojen (maila, keho) juurruttaminenja kehon vahvuuden kehittäminen (srength) Golfsvingin sulavuuden ja suoritusnopeuden kehittäminen(fluidity / speed trainer).Gold Digest Magazine:Jim Mclean: “Beat age with a weighted club”:• “The secret to Vijay Singh continuing to play awesome through his mid-40s can be found at his home in Florida. Placed strategically around his property are 10 weighted clubs, which Vijay is always picking up and swinging. Making 20 to 30 swings a day keeps his hands and forearms strong and his back and shoulders as toned as those of a 20-year-old.”• “Weighted clubs have been around forever, but in an era when clubs are increasingly being made lighter and everybody talks about clubhead speed, weighted clubs and old-fashioned strength have kind of gone away. A weighted club is the best practice device invented. Just remember to swing it slowly and to make your motion as close to the real thing as possible.”



(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit3.) ”Miten parhaat valmentajat esittävät golfswinginharjoittelu- ja oppimisprosessin?”

• V: Golfsvingi (suoritus) esitetään vaiheistettuna”kellotaululla” mailan asento / kehon asento persvingin vaihe / olotila. First move, shaft parallel, lead arm parallel, full back, half waydown to impact, delivery, pre-impact, impact, extension, fullextension, 2/3 follow through, finish

• GFSMD-tekniikka yhdistää nämä svingin eri “olotilat”dynaamiseksi harjoitteluksi samalla “yhtäjaksoisensvingaamisen” menetelmällä, jota parhaat pelaajatkäyttävät sekä hyödyntäen työkaluja, joita parhaatvalmentajat ovat suunnitelleet golfareiden avuksigolfsvingin 100% lajinomaiseen fitness-harjoitteluun!


(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillitMitä GFSMD-tekniikka tuo mukanaan sen lisäksi että seyhdistää kolme edellä esitettyä käytäntöä?

V: Työkalujen hyödyntäminen voidaanskaalata pedagogisesta näkökulmastavaiheittain kohti autenttista tasoa:• pelkkä keho → kahvakuntopallo → erittäinpainava golf fitness -maila → painava golffitness –maila … → speed trainer (woosh), jne.

• Svingisuorituksen peruslähtötason (strength, power)mittaaminen voidaan aloittaa esim. svingaamallakahvakuntopallolla, päästämällä irti ja katsomallakuinka kauas pallo lentää eri painoisilla palloilla(analogiana esim. kuulantyöntö t. moukari)• Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Z0dhk6aOs&feature=youtu.be


(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillitMitä GFSMD-tekniikka tuo mukanaan sen lisäksi että seyhdistää kolme edellä esitettyä käytäntöä?

Suora kytkennällinen rajapinta PGA:ntuottamaan harjoitteluohjelmaan:• Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit voidaantulkita ikään kuin ”laajennoksesi” harjoitteisiin,joita PGA ”määrää” oppilailleen” (vrt. ”practisedrills” / driving range).• Työkalut: (… →) painava golfmaila → golfmaila


(ii) Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillitIdeologiaa ja perusolettamuksia:• Harjoitteet (drillit) suoritetaan periaatteella ”mitä painavampi työkalu sitä rauhallisempitempo”.• Harjoittelu tapahtuu ideaalisti paljain jaloin tai varvastossut jalassa maksimaalisen jalkatyön(footwork) omaksumiseksi.• Painavilla työkaluilla harjoiteltaessa korostuu merkitys painovoiman ja keskipakovoimanhallinnasta ja hyödyntämisestä

• Normaalitempoisissa harjoitteissa työkalun luonnollista liikettä taakse ja eteen ei pyritämanipuloimaan vaan kehon liike pikemminkin sopeutetaan ja synkronisoidaantyökalun liikkeeseen.• Lähtöasento (”address”) ja osuma-asento (”impact)” poikkeavat toisistaan, joten siksi onmielekästä suorittaa harjoitteita molemmista tiloista käsin (kehon asento, mailan asento).• Harjoitteet voidaan vaihtoehtoisesti suorittaa vuoron perään molemmilta puolilta (RH, LH)identtisinä (vrt. esim. ekstreemikot, selkävaivaiset, juniorit, parhaat pelaajat).• Harjoitteissa voidaan tarkoituksellisesti liioitella asentoja ja kulmia (keho & maila) sekäniiden säilyttämistä (svingin kaarella suorituksen aikana) oppimisprosessin tehostamiseksi(vrt. ”sensation vs. reality”).• Peilisalissa harjoittelu tarjoaa reaaliaikaisen mahdollisuuden monitoroida suoritusta: kehonja mailan asentoja ja kulmia, kehon horisontaalia ja lateraalia liikettä, jne.


55-min:Harjoitus koostuu moduuleista, jonka sisältöjä vaihdellaan säännöllisesti edistymän perusteella:

Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit10-min

• Golf Fitness Swing Motion Drillit


• Pulssin nosto• Liiikkuvuus ja venyttely

Golf Fitness Drillit 35-min Jäähdyttely5-min

• Pulssin tasaaminen• Lajinomainen liikkuvuus-venyttely

• Oma keho• Vapaat painot• Resistanssi-laitteet• Fitness-laitteet ja -työkalut



Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Broom back until first move and down until extension (RH)Description: Broom (no more than natural wrist hinge, no arm rotation) back with everything together until first move and down until (almost full) extension with trailhand below leadhand (ie. non-released) (RH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Backswing priorityTools: Strength Trainer (ST), Dual Grip Medicine Ball (DGMB)Tempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: Make sure that your chest is following the clubface during motion. Maintain the feeling of everything going back and forward together. Avoid arm rotation or wrist hinge during motion.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oFa5It_Bwo&feature=youtu.be



Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Swing back until shaft parallel plus and down until full extensionDescription: Swing back raising swing length until shaft parallel plus and down until full extension with trailhand under the leadhand.Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Backswing priorityTool: Strength TrainerTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E97nxlNHJm8&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Trail hand only swing full back and drop slowly down until full extension (non-released) until last rep swing back and drop deliberately down until full finishDescription: Trail hand only swing full back and drop slowly down until full extension (non released) until last rep swing back and drop deliberately down until full finishType: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Fullswing priorityTool: Strength TrainerTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfIqOMX4ZeY&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Swing back until lead arm parallel and hold and drop down until trail arm parallel (RH)Description: Swing back raising swing length until lead arm parallel and hold half a second and drop deliberately down until 2/3 follow thru with released -style (trailhand crossed on top over leadhand) and swing back and so on (RH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Backswing priorityTool: Strength Trainer, Dual Grip Mecine Ball, XS Medicine BallTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn0aWHldj0c&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Leadhand only swing back and down until last rep. full swing (LH)Description: Lead arm only swing back and down raising swing length until last rep. swing back and deliberately down until full finish. (LH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Fullswing priority (backswing & downswing)Tool: Swing Trainer IronTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opT2P6O2s5c&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Trailhand only swing back and drop slowly until half way down to impact and stop and minipump and ”dragdrop” deliberately until full extensionDescription: Trailhand only swing back and down until half way down to impact and stop for a fraction of a second and minipump back and ”dragdrop” deliberately down until full extension plus with released fashion ”crossed trailhand above the leadhand and swing back and so onType: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Downswing emphasisTool: Strength TrainerTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVrTJYpqFvw&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: From post impact ultimate open lower body posture broom back and forward and stop and go again Description: From post impact ultimate open lower body set up posture weight heavily on the lead leg broom back and forward and stop and and broom and so on (LH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Downswing priorityTool: Dual Grip Medicine BallTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: Take post impact position shaft leaning forward, trail leg heel up, knee pointing as much towards ball as possible. Keep weight heavily on the lead leg. Hold angles by keeping lead arm supinated with ”exaggerated hold” during forward motion. Support lead arm supinated position by pushing trail hand forward after impact at the same time relaxing leadside from lower arm up to the shoulder blade.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGSUGbnc59I&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: From post impact ultimate open lower body posture lead arm only rotate back and forwardDescription: From post impact ultimate open lower body set up posture weight heavily on the lead leg lead arm only rotate back and forward (LH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Downswing priorityTool: Dual Grip Medicine BallTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmgCjZwqou4&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: From impact set up posture swing back and down raising swing length until full downswingDescription: From impact posture with open lower body set up posture weight on the lead leg swing back and down raising swing length until last rep. swing back until transition and down until full finish (LH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Downswing priorityTool: Strength TrainerTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: Take impact position shaft leaning forward, weight constantly on the lead leg, trail leg heel up, knee pointing diagonally towards ball and ”ready to kick”, lead arm wrist slightly bowed, trail arm ready to straighten.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErH_eeIw1TY&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Broom back and down raising swing length until last rep. full swingDescription: Broom (no more than natural wrist hinge, no arm rotation, trail elbow on top of lead elbow during backswing) back and down raising swing length until last rep. swing back and deliberately down until full finish.Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Assistant technique; backswing priorityTool: Strength Trainer (ST), Dual Grip Medicine Ball (DGMB)Tempo: Deliberate {super slomo –- slomo –- deliberate –- normal -- power}Instruction: Broom raising swing length until last rep. swing back = assisting technique to full backswing motionVideolinkki: ST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGMfSrqGZ0c&feature=youtu.beDGMB: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD_X0Fhh2i4&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Swing back and slowly down through phases until last repetition swing back and down until full finishDescription: Swing back and down through phases until last repetition swing back and down until full finishType: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Downswing priorityTool: Strength TrainerTempo: Deliberate {super slomo –- slomo –- deliberate –- normal -- power}Instruction: Videolinkki: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3caZxKSGisM&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Happy Gilmore swing back through phases and down until full extension until last rep. full swingDescription: Imitating Happy Gilmore foot work -style swing back raising swing length and down until full extension with trail hand non-released until last repetition swing back and deliberately down until full finishType: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass: Full Swing priorityTool: Strength Trainer 6,5 lbsTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX37yBVX6d4&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Golf Swing Throw with Dual Grip Medicine Ball Description: Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass:Tool: Dual Grip Medicine Ball Tempo: Power {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Z0dhk6aOs&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Swing super slowly back and down until full finishDescription: Swing back raising swing length until lead arm parallel and hold half a second and drop deliberately down until 2/3 follow thru with released -style (trailhand crossed on top over leadhand) and swing back and so on (LH)Type: Golf Fitness Swing Motion DrillClass:Tool: Swing TrainerTempo: Super Slomo {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMzz3VxROEc&feature=youtu.be



Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Snatch & overhead deep squat & front squat & hold 5 sec & releaseDescription: Move from snatch to overhead deep squat and finally balance the posture with front squat using dual grip medicine ball as a counter forceType: Golf Fitness DrillClass:Tool: Strength Trainer X lbs.Tempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Purpose: Tailored drill to improve TPI overhead deep squat test result.Instruction: Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIImMYjLyiQ&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Reverse woodchop with dual grip medicine ballDescription: Type: Golf Fitness DrillClass:Tool: Dual Grip Medicine BallTempo: Normal {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmHbovEG9As&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: T stabilization Push-ups with DumbbellDescription: Type: Golf Fitness DrillClass: DynamicTool: DumbbellTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYNinvqcNKg&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Abdominal Curl with Physio Ball and Dual Grip Medicine Ball Description: Abdominal Curl with Physio Ball and Dual Grip Medicine Ball Type: Golf Fitness DrillClass: DynamicTool: Physio Ball, Dual Grip Medicine Ball Tempo: Normal {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kea_hskyYqw&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Aeroplane trunk rotation Description: Aeroplane trunk rotation Type: Golf Fitness DrillClass: DynamicTool: Body onlyTempo: Slomo {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrsGTSuSKEg&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Rotational LungeDescription: Rotational LungeType: Golf Fitness DrillClass:Tool: Body OnlyTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTXeleaqH8E&feature=youtu.be


Environment: GymName: Side-to-side treadmill walkingDescription: Side-to-side treadmill walking emulating ”Happy Gilmore” –motion (part-1)Type: Golf Fitness DrillClass:Tool: Body OnlyTempo: Normal {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xK_VB6jnq0&feature=youtu.be


Environment: GymName: Lead arm only high pulley with handle (RH)Description: SType: Golf Fitness DrillClass:Tool: Body OnlyTempo: Power {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci8XxAo_zB4&feature=youtu.be


Environment: Functional Training StudioName: Trunk Rotation with Physio Ball and Dual Grip Medicine BallDescription: Trunk Rotation with Physio Ball and Dual Grip Medicine BallType: Golf Fitness DrillClass:Tool: PulleyTempo: Deliberate {super slomo – slomo – deliberate – normal - power}Instruction: K.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1FsKZ9Utr0&feature=youtu.be



• “MyTPI.com is the largest collection of golf-specifichealth and fitness information from the world'sleading experts in the game.”• “TPI leads the world in research and data on golffitness, health and swing biomechanics.



DOWN THE LINE view1. S-Posture2. C-Posture3. Loss of posture4. Flat Shoulder Plane (part of loss of posture)5. Early Exension (part of loss of posture)6. Over-the-TopFRONTAL view1. Sway2. Slide3. Reverse Spine Angle4. Hanging back5. Casting / Early Release6. Chickeng Winging
