Extrem Bike PuigCerdà, Spain

Extrem Bike PuigCerdà (english)

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Extrem Bike PuigCerdà, Spain

Extrem Bike PuigCerdà, Spain

The Extrem Bike PuigCerdà Team is made of local riders, who undoubtedly have worked extremely hard to get this project up and running. Worth mentioning the incredible location with stunning sights!!

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This week the CoreBicycle Team had the opportunity to visit the Club Esportiu Extrem Bike PuigCerdà. This project, consisting in an area dedicated to Dirt and Pumptrack located in town of PuigCerdà, has taken over two years to build and had the support from local council donating the land and facilitating the water supply.

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Extrem Bike PuigCerdà, Spain

It currently counts with three tracks and one Pumptrack:

• Dirt track medium: Very technical track that starts with an awesome step-up / step-down where the base of the step is the actual chilling lounge’s wooden roof. Continues onto a speed jump which allows you to build enough speed for the two medium-size kickers (between 2 and 3 meters).

• Dirt track big: This is a track with a big jump to start followed by two big kickers (between 4 and 6 meters). Note that the last kicker always has a soft landing for those riders willing to try new tricks :D.

• Tabletops track: Track with four tabletops with great layout.

• Pumptrack: Great fun! Track with interlinked variants with three bankings and jumps, breaking the rhythm in a positive way ;).

Local riders are working very hard to maintain this Bike Park and are already thinking about new tracks!!! We’ll keep an eye for any progress :D.

Next Saturday 27th July 2013 from 1:00am will be the grand opening with Best time Pumptrack, jumps exhibition and great music!!! We won’t miss it!!! :D

From the CoreBicycle Team we would like to thank the Extrem Bike PuigCerdà staff for the amazing welcome and showing such passion and dedication towards the more extreme side of the bike world. Special mention to Marc Puigvert, Javi Montero, Pau Bartolo, Hector, Cristian Cepeda, Roger "the ex-skater rider" ;).

ExtremBike PuigCerdà: https://www.facebook.com/extrembikepuigcerda.torniquettrail

We wish you the best on your new and exciting project!!! ^_^