Defender Direct Austin, TX Helping Keep Austin Beautiful

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  • 1. Defender Direct Austin, TXHelping Keep Austin Beautiful

2. The outdoors is a large part of what draws people to Austin and keeps them here. 3. From swimming to hiking, Austinites live for nature. 4. Keeping Austin clean and enjoyable is dirty, dirty work. Keep Austin Beautiful is an organization based on keeping trash out of nature and giving back to the environment. From organizing group clean ups to planting and teaching children how to plant gardens, theyre mission is to maintain the beauty that draws people to our gorgeous city. Were doing what we can to help them out. 5. What looks like it could have been a camp site is actually just an abandoned dump site that trash continues to gather at.Serving ourselves and the residents of Austin, we worked to clear some of this trash and contribute to keeping the city clean and enjoyable. We have been fortunate enough to work with K.A.B. four times this year. Cleaning different parks and creeks throughout the city. This most recent clean up at Dittmar Park showed us a bit of adversity we never expected. 6. Trash had been building up for so long that nature was forced to run a new path. 7. A recent flood had cause a great deal of debris to wash up on the creek beds at the park. While we were picking up trash children and adults alike were playing and getting exercise very close by. We even got multiple thank you shout outs while cleaning. 8. Austin is a city filled with people who love the outdoors. Hiking, rock climbing, running, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, biking, and just enjoying nature are staples in any Austin residents lifestyle. We are going to continue to work with K.A.B. to clean parks and creeks to make them safer and more suitable for children to play at. The organization is constantly going through supplies such as trash bags, hand sanitizer, trash grabbers, gloves, and a list of other supplies necessary to cpmplete a clean up. It would be a huge benefit to Keep Austin Beautiful and the city of Austin to be granted any portion of the donation money. This organization deserves to flourish like the city it keeps clean. 9. Special thanks to the technicians in the Austin, TX branch and the members of Keep Austin Beautiful that continue to do what we can to keep our city beautiful.