Page 1 of 1 THE RIGHT TO MONEY! (Extracted from Ojijo’s The Gift of E11even Moves to Make Me Wealthy!) THE RIGHT TO MONEYOjijo (Extracted from Ojijo’s The Gift of E11even Moves to Make Me Wealthy!) Money Is Good! Money Is Good. This is a fact. It takes money to buy homes, cars, clothes, food and acquire most of the good things in life. Money is medical costs; vacation expenses; tuition fees; and, yes, dowry and romance. ‘Unless one has money there is no use in being a charming fellow. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. The poor are practical and ordinary.’ Oscar Wilde wrote. Indeed, money is party for friends and help to the poor and needy. Margaret Thatcher, the ‘Iron Lady’, who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party-the only woman to have held either post-noted that, ‘no one would have remembered the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well.’ It is glorious to get rich. Poverty is A Curse! Wallace D. Wattles wrote that, ‘Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete, happy and successful life unless one has money.’ This is why when God blesses, He gives ‘other’ things, AND material wealth also. Indeed, there is nothing is appalling as being old and broke. Poverty is the state where I cannot meet my needs, and my needs are education, giving, shelter, emergency & insurance, transport & communication, food & drinks, entertainment, household furniture, fixtures & appliances, clothing & hygiene and saving-2-invest. When I cannot meet these, then I am poor. It is neither humble nor stylish to be poor. Some ‘faithfuls’ think that God inflicts poverty upon His children so that they will live a life of humility. But I do not have to be broke in order to be humble! Over the centuries, a tradition has developed within the religions that poverty is God's way for His children. That is a lie straight from hell! God will never put me in the pit of poverty to make me humble. God does not work that way. God wants us rich. God wants me rich. Why else would He create me? To be poor? A true believer cannot be poor. Indeed, I wonder how the poor people survive! Many say that they are against the 'prosperity theory'. They say they do not want anything more than what they need! That is 'selfishness' because they cannot then share with the ones that need help. Jesus said, ‘feed the poor'. How am I going to feed the poor if I have just enough to feed myself? Islam commands the faithful to give alms. How can I give what I do not have? ‘No one can give what he does not personally possess.’ so penned Pope Benedict XVI. How can I give if what I have is only enough for me? If I wish to be relevant to the poor, then I will remember the old saying that, ‘the best thing I can do to the poor is not to be one of them.’ This is wholesomely true. Ralph Waldo Emerson agreed when he wrote that, ‘If you would lift me; you must be on a higher ground.’ As George Bernard Shaw, the Irish poet and playwright wrote, ‘lack of money is the root of all evil’. Even though money is not the key to happiness; the more money I have, the easier it will be to get the key made. Indeed, ‘with money in my pocket, I can buy peoples effort to do what I HATE doing; and hence ‘buy’ more time in my life to do what I LOVE doing; and this will make me happy.’ God said poverty and lack was a curse which was to come upon the people of God because they failed to keep His commandments and His statutes (Deuteronomy 28:15). Poor people experience starvation and are malnourished. They are weak people; illiterate people; houseless people; beggars; wearing rags; and their life is not secure when they are old and ill. Poverty means mean more crimes, health problems, ignorance, etc. Poverty is indeed a curse. The Socialists are right, ‘all humans deserve freedom from want.’ Ojijo is a bunch of solutions from Homa-Bay County, Kenya. Ojijo is AHA Volunteer (Africans Helping Africans Initiative-www.ahainitiative.net ); public speaker & trainer on financial literacy, personal (talent & career) development & political leadership (www.allpublicspeakers.com ); e-commerce & e-governance lawyer & lecturer (www.alrecgroup.com ); author of 19 books on religion, sexuality, poetry, politics, economics, medicine, law, history, entrepreneurship, network marketing, retirement planning, languages (Swahili & Luo), financial literacy, investing, personal (talent & career) development; founder & team leader at InformedInvestors, a social-franchise-enterprise promoting financial literacy, personal (talent & career) development and African volunteerism (www.informedinvestors.biz ); social entrepreneur; performance poet; believer in open religion; and a socialist & party leader, Social Democratic Party (SDP), Kenya (www.sdpkenya.com ).

The right to money

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(Extracted from Ojijo’s The Gift of E11even Moves to Make Me Wealthy!)

Money Is Good!

Money Is Good. This is a fact. It takes money to buy homes, cars, clothes, food and acquire most of the good things in life. Money is medical costs; vacation expenses; tuition fees; and, yes, dowry and romance. ‘Unless one has money there is no use in being a charming fellow. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. The poor are practical and ordinary.’ Oscar Wilde wrote. Indeed, money is party for friends and help to the poor and needy. Margaret Thatcher, the ‘Iron Lady’, who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party-the only woman to have held either post-noted that, ‘no one would have remembered the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well.’ It is glorious to get rich.

Poverty is A Curse!

Wallace D. Wattles wrote that, ‘Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete, happy and successful life unless one has money.’ This is why when God blesses, He gives ‘other’ things, AND material wealth also. Indeed, there is nothing is appalling as being old and broke. Poverty is the state where I cannot meet my needs, and my needs are education, giving, shelter, emergency & insurance, transport & communication, food & drinks, entertainment, household furniture, fixtures & appliances, clothing & hygiene and saving-2-invest. When I cannot meet these, then I am poor.

It is neither humble nor stylish to be poor. Some ‘faithfuls’ think that God inflicts poverty upon His children so that they will live a life of humility. But I do not have to be broke in order to be humble! Over the centuries, a tradition has developed within the religions that poverty is God's way for His children. That is a lie straight from hell! God will never put me in the pit of poverty to make me humble. God does not work that way. God wants us rich. God wants me rich. Why else would He create me? To be poor? A true believer cannot be poor. Indeed, I wonder how the poor people survive!

Many say that they are against the 'prosperity theory'. They say they do not want anything more than what they need! That is 'selfishness' because they cannot then share with the ones that need help. Jesus said, ‘feed the poor'. How am I going to feed the poor if I have just enough to feed myself? Islam commands the faithful to give alms. How can I give what I do not have? ‘No one can give what he does not personally possess.’ so penned Pope Benedict XVI. How can I give if what I have is only enough for me? If I wish to be relevant to the poor, then I will remember the old saying that, ‘the best thing I can do to the poor is not to be one of them.’ This is wholesomely true. Ralph Waldo Emerson agreed when he wrote that, ‘If you would lift me; you must be on a higher ground.’

As George Bernard Shaw, the Irish poet and playwright wrote, ‘lack of money is the root of all evil’. Even though money is not the key to happiness; the more money I have, the easier it will be to get the key made. Indeed, ‘with money in my pocket, I can buy peoples effort to do what I HATE doing; and hence ‘buy’ more time in my life to do what I LOVE doing; and this will make me happy.’

God said poverty and lack was a curse which was to come upon the people of God because they failed to keep His commandments and His statutes (Deuteronomy 28:15). Poor people experience starvation and are malnourished. They are weak people; illiterate people; houseless people; beggars; wearing rags; and their life is not secure when they are old and ill. Poverty means mean more crimes, health problems, ignorance, etc. Poverty is indeed a curse. The Socialists are right, ‘all humans deserve freedom from want.’

Ojijo is a bunch of solutions from Homa-Bay County, Kenya.

Ojijo is AHA Volunteer (Africans Helping Africans Initiative-www.ahainitiative.net); public speaker & trainer on financial literacy, personal (talent & career) development & political leadership

(www.allpublicspeakers.com); e-commerce & e-governance lawyer & lecturer (www.alrecgroup.com); author of 19 books on religion, sexuality, poetry, politics, economics, medicine, law, history,

entrepreneurship, network marketing, retirement planning, languages (Swahili & Luo), financial literacy, investing, personal (talent & career) development; founder & team leader at InformedInvestors, a

social-franchise-enterprise promoting financial literacy, personal (talent & career) development and African volunteerism (www.informedinvestors.biz); social entrepreneur; performance poet; believer in open

religion; and a socialist & party leader, Social Democratic Party (SDP), Kenya (www.sdpkenya.com).

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Today, I must remove the poverty mentality! God wants me prosperous. I will not let anyone talk me out of this. Any kind of poverty is bad: material, intellectual, emotional or spiritual. Every bodily disease is due to bodily poverty: of the blood, of nutrition, of elimination, of coordination. Money poverty is bad. I do not have to be a money worshipper to believe that I cannot lead a decent life without income enough to get me comfortable clothing, wholesome food, a sanitary habitation, and the saving bits of culture and leisure. It is perfectly right for me to want money enough to secure a reasonable independence.

Poverty Resides In The Mind!

Poverty is a manifestation of a mind that does not see opportunities. A poor mind results into poverty. Poverty, just like prosperity, resides in the mind, and what we see, lack of food, clothing, Medicare, tattered clothes, is just a manifestation of the poverty. These are symptoms of poverty. If I want to become rich, I first become rich in my mind. After all, as the man thinketh, so is he. The rich people use money every day, but so does the poor people. But the rich man earns money all the time, unlike the poor man, who either does not earn money, or earns money intermittently.

Poverty is not scarcity or lack of money, land, or property; poverty is the manifestation of lack of ideas to make use of what we have. If poverty was lack of money, then aid to Africa would have solved Africa’s poverty; then grants to poor people in villages would have helped them. The greatest capital is the head, and the head ought to think. Indeed, the word capital, originates from caput, the Latin word for head. Poverty is not lack of resources, or lack of opportunities, NO; poverty is the failure to use the resources or opportunities. We are all meant to be rich, but poor people think like chicken, yet they want to fly. If I am a hawk, and I think like a chicken, I will never fly. We need to think. I need to think. Poverty comes from the mind, and so does prosperity.

Money Makes Me Rich, Financially Secure, Financially Free And Wealthy!

Riches are financial and material possessions or property. When I am rich, I have enough financial and property resources to satisfy my needs. Financial security, on the other hand, is when I am able to meet my needs from the money I personally earn directly by exchanging my time, effort and skills (SET). This is called employment, and includes self-employment. This is common in employment, where my salary or wages can meet all my needs. This is called linear or active income.

Financial freedom is when I can meet all my needs without exchanging my Skills, Effort and Time directly. I am financially free when I have assets which bring me money without me having to directly work. Financial freedom is the state where I indirectly earn money to meet my needs. This is passive income, and not active or linear income.

Wealth, comes from the English word, weal, which means, well being. When I am wealthy, I have complete and total well being in my physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social-cultural life. In essence, I am wealthy when I can do the following eleven things comfortably: be happy; have relationships; have riches; have adventure; have peace; be spiritual (help); be healthy & fit; keep positive attitude; manage my time; enjoy my career; and set & achieve my goals.

I can be rich, but not wealthy; however, when I am wealthy, I am also rich. The goal, hence, is not to be just rich, but to be financial independent, and then use the money to make me wealthy. Indeed, financial independence is the pillar of a wealthy lifestyle.

Money is the Constant-K!

Money is the one factor in life that is constant. We all need money, and what it buys, whether I am light skinned and you are dark skinned; whether I am young and you are old; whether I am male and you are female; whether I be tall and you be short; and whether I am good looking and you, a mean looking guy; we all need money. Voltaire, the French Enlightenment writer and philosopher famous for his advocacy of civil liberties, and who produced more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets in almost every literary form including plays, poetry, novels, essays, historical and scientific works, correctly captured this in his wonderful quote ‘When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.’ Money truly is the common denominator.

I can do without a wife; indeed, I do not have to marry or have children in life. I do not have to go to college or learn a foreign language, and neither do I need to profess any religion at all, but I need money. I must have money! Money is power; money is freedom; money is a cushion. Money is companionship and friendship. The Book of Proverbs summarises it thus; ‘riches make many friends, but the poor is separated from his friends.’ The Italians appreciated the wisdom in this and codified it in their proverb thus: ‘The rich never have to seek out their relatives’. Money is the sum of all blessings; indeed, money is the measure of blessings. It is no wonder God’s best friends have always been very rich and never lacked. King Solomon lavished in gold, myrrh and fine garments; Ayub had animal and land wealth beyond measure;

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and even The Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH), was prosperous as a tradesman and skilled negotiator and mediator, never lacking in anything.

Oscar Wilde, the Irish writer, poet, and prominent aesthete said that, ‘when I was young I used to think that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old, I know it is.’ Indeed, even love needs money. It is a wise man who once wrote that, ‘love is not a necklace, or bumper sticker to be displayed; love must be proved, and it takes money to express love.’

Money, though not everything is an important part of everything; THE most important part of everything. William Sommerset, the English playwright, novelist and short story writer was right, ‘Money is like a sixth sense - and you cannot make use of the other five without it’. And Pablo Picasso, the great Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor, understood it, as he wrote, ‘I would like to live as a poor man with lots of money.’ George S. Clason wrote that, ‘Wealth is power. With wealth many things are possible.’

Truly, money gives options. Having money will make me live by the Golden rule as was declared by 'Buzzie' Bavasi, ‘Those who have the gold make the rules.’ The Jews have a proverb which agrees with Bavasi. It goes thus: ‘with money in your pocket, you are wise and you are handsome and you sing well, too’. Donald Trump concurs when he says that, ‘The problem of being very rich is that you can get anything you want.’

Anyone Can Be Rich!

Money is good. I deserve to be rich. Anyone can be rich. Indeed, ALL OF US CAN BE RICH. There are women who are

rich and there are men who are rich. There are single parents who are rich, and married people who are rich. There are

thin people who are rich, and fat people who are rich. Indeed, there are professionals, be they lawyers, teachers, or

engineers, who are rich, and people with no professional qualification who are also rich. Yes, there are black people

who are rich, and white people who are rich. Indeed, amongst the residents of a particular town, city or village, there is

a rich person, and of course, a poor person. All these confirm one important truth. There is no limit on the number of

people that can be rich; just as there is no limit on the number of people that can breathe air. Everyone can breathe air.

There is enough to go around. It is not necessary that some people should be poor, in order that others can be rich. We

can compete to be rich, but we do not need to compete. Competition is based on the idea that there is not enough to go

around. This is a lie. The idea of limited supply is a lie. There is enough water, air, land and other resources to satisfy all

our needs. ANYONE CAN BE RICH!

Wallace D. Wattles, the American author, confirms that being rich is a result of certain actions precisely carried out when he writes that, ‘There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.’ Indeed, becoming rich is a three-step process, codified by Ojijo is his classic network marketing guide, I Am A Network Marketer, as 3Ds, namely: Decide (I need to decide I want to be rich); Determine (Being rich is about acquiring money, and the money I want is in someone’s pocket, so I need to determine what value I will offer to obtain the money; in other words, what will I sell?; Deliver (After deciding to be rich, and determining what I need to sell, I need to sell it, this is the delivery of the product to someone who needs it). George S. Clason, the author of the classical book The Richest Man in Babylon, wrote that; ‘Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws which govern its acquisition.’

Today, I will be perfectly honest to myself with regard to money and to the amount I want to acquire in life. 'Zig' Ziglar taught that, ‘anyone who says he is not interested in money will lie about other things as well’. Pretending that I do not care about money when I really do will only make me unhappy. The old maxim is appropriate, ‘you lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.’

I will write the amount of money I want to acquire; the date I want to acquire it; and what I wish to give in return to acquire it. Today, I will think of all the things that I could do to increase the amount I earn and the amount I keep. Money is an expression of value, when I create value, the universe naturally reciprocates with money. Thomas Edison was right when he wrote that, ‘accumulation of money cannot be left to chance, fortune and good luck. One must realize that all who have accumulated great fortunes first did a great amount of dreaming, desiring, and planning before they acquired the money’. Choice, not chance, determines destiny. I agree with Alexander the Great when he commented that, ‘I am the captain of my ship and the master of my destiny.’ As I start my journey to be rich, I will recall the 5Ps of Success: Prior Planning Prevents Pitiful Performance. I will plan. Indeed, in the future I will say one of the two things, ‘I wish I had’ or ‘I am glad I did,’ but I make that choice today. And I will remember, ‘the best way to start is to START; the best time to start is NOW; and the best place to start is HERE.’

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There are 8-Ways of Acquiring Money!

There are eight ways of acquiring money.

I can inherit; beg; borrow it; steal it (God forbid); win it (competition); marry into it; sell my skill, effort & time-S.E.T. (employee, self-employed); or create a money making machine -3M (investment, big-business, network marketing organization).

1. Begging

I can acquire money by begging for the money. This is the way that most children acquire their money. They beg their relations, being their family, friends, colleagues and even strangers. There are adults who behave like children. They beg for money. There are also organizations that beg for money from donors, they are mainly non-governmental organizations. Indeed, even governments, especially African governments, also beg for money. They call it fancy names like grants, donations or support, but it is plainly BEGGING. It lacks dignity, and is not sustainable.

2. Borrowing

Borrowing is obtaining money under an agreement to repay the money, with or without interest, at a given time. This is a good way to get money only if I am using the money to create more money, either by investing, injecting in a business, or as startup capital for network marketing. Otherwise, any failure to return the money can lead to dire consequences including foreclosure of my property, declaration of bankruptcy or even civil arrest.

3. Stealing

Stealing is crime. And equally immoral is picking and keeping what is not mine. It means obtaining the money which is not mine, with the intention to deprive the owner of the money. It is fraught with the risk of arrest and being kept away for a long time from my relations and loved ones.

4. Inheritance

I can acquire money by inheriting it. And I can inherit from family, friends, clients or colleagues. However, there must be something to be inherited.

5. Wining (competition)

I can acquire money by participating in a competition and winning the prize. This can be either in casino through gambling or in academic by being the best student or even in talent and sports arena by being the best and getting awards. However, it presupposes I have what it takes to win, the skills, or the luck, in case of gambling.

6. Marrying

I can also acquire money by marrying into a rich family, or marrying a rich spouse. However, this removes love and caring from the equation and hence the union can be filled with strife, suffering, cheating, and even violence leading to death.

7. Employee (Selling Skills, Effort & Time)

I can acquire money by selling my skills, time and effort (S.E.T.). I can either sell this in my own establishment or company, in which case I am self-employed; or I can sell it in someone else’s’ company, in which case I am an employee. Either way, it will reach a time in my life that I cannot sell my time, effort and skills, due to sick health, old age or even other emergencies, and I will stop earning. Hence it is not sustainable. Today, I will remind myself that if I love my career or job so much, I should let it give me financial freedom. I should make my business out of it. Roman Abramovich, the Russian businessman and owner of the private investment company Millhouse LLC, said of football, ‘I love this game, I love this sport, and I love this league. Why don't I get my own team?’ and today, he owns Chelsea Football Club.

8. Money Making Machine

I can also acquire money through a money making machine. To be truly rich, I must have a money making machine. A machine is something that repeats the same actions, with similar results, over and over again, so long as it is kept in working order. A money making machine will create for me money for long as it is kept in working order. A money making machine is a system; a machine, which keeps earning money all the time, even when I am not working.

A machine can be inherited by my loved ones so that there is security in my life and my family, whatever happens. And the Bible says of worldly possessions, ‘A good man leaves inheritance to his children’. It is a system that can bring me money

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even when I retire and stop working. A system that is self sustaining and that will run without me. With such a system, ‘success will never be final.’

I need to find a machine, and join it, a networking machine, a company, or an organization. But if I cannot find one, then I must found one. Hannibal, the Great Military Legend and Carthaginian military commander and tactician inspired his troops to victory all the time using his philosophy that, ‘we must find a way, or create one’. The machine will allow me to employ people, so that I have more hours than ordinarily, and then I can leverage my time and effort, and then I can be truly financially free.

Once the machine is created, money will come, after all, ‘money is attracted, not pursued.’ Indeed, money runs towards more money; and away from where there is little money. Benjamin Franklin captured this well in his celebrated quote; ‘money makes money, and the money that money makes, makes more money.’ I need a money making machine, today!

There are four classes of people in the world. These are noted below in The Ojijo Human Freedom Quadrant. Of these, the rich ones are the ones with the money making machines.

The Ojijo Human Freedom Quadrant

The first class has neither time nor money. They are busy & broke. They are the small business owners and the employees. Both work for money and for security. The employee’s core value is job security. They do all things possible to secure their jobs. In the end, they give their employers all their time and their effort, and get little money, leaving them with no time and always broke; for eternity on a rat race. The self employee’s core value is doing it themselves. They believe they can earn more that way. They end up working long hours with little rest and almost no time for their families and other social obligations. They become prisoners of their own self built cages, and they end up having neither time nor money. I do not want to be like them.

The second class has time but not money. These are the idlers, and I do not even want to be associated with them. They do not deserve to take any more space in this serious article.

Then there are those who have money but no time. This is the third classification of people. They are the key politicians and the very busy businessmen and top executives. They have all the money but are constantly busy, left with no time to be with people. They earn a lot, and are given promotions, but they pay with working overtime, till late in the night and over weekends. To them, their work is their life. They receive phone calls at home, they fire and hire employees on holidays, and their best jokes are about their office work. Who wishes to be like them? Not me.

I want to have both time and money. I deserve time and money. The fourth class of people falls in this category. They are the 1% who have both time and money. They are FREE. They mind their own businesses. They invest. They look for a problem, and devise way of solving the problem in such a way that they get paid, and then they institutionalize the solution into a corporation, a machine. They are entrepreneurs. They have big companies which employ people, and they have their money being invested in big companies, stocks and shares, bonds, notes and mutual funds; all to bring them more money. They create a machine; a system; a money making system.

This is The Machine, the Money Making Machine. The rich have their money working for them. Their core value is to create machines, also called big businesses, which bring them money always, even when they are long dead. The investors are the truly rich. They have both time and money. They have their money running their organizations and they do not have to be involved even minutely in the affairs of business. Their core value is freedom. They are few and rare in public. They live life. And so must I.

Busy & Broke No Time; No Money

Employees & Self-Employed

Time; No Money


No Time; Money Top Executives; Senior


Free People Time; Money


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To be in this class, I must use money to get money. I must risk my money in the initial deal, the initial asset. If I am afraid of losing money, I will never make money. Every rich man has lost money sometime. It is like so in every form of life pursuit. There is no golfer who never lost a golf ball. All lovers have had a heart break. No child walked without stumbling and falling. As the Texans wonder, ‘How comes everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die?’ I wish to remember the invaluable advice of John Davison, the American oil magnate who founded the Standard Oil Company, ‘I turned almost every disaster into an opportunity.’ The rich are not afraid to lose money. They are afraid to lose an opportunity. Most people dream of being rich but they have never lost money. They will never get to heaven.

Today, I will start my shift from the class of idlers, employees and self employed, where I work for security and for money, to the class of big business owners and investors, where my money works for me; where people work for me. Rev. Michael Beckwith, the African-American, New Thought minister and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, California, a New Thought church with a congregation estimated in excess of 8,000 members encourages me in The Secret that, ‘I can start with nothing, and out of nothing, out of no way, a way shall be made’.

Today, focusing on and building my money making machine will give me the purpose to work smarter and become a better employee since the harder I work, the more I earn; and the more I can invest in my assets. I will work harder so that I can accumulate more assets within the shortest time. If I want to stop being an employee, I must work harder; smarter, not less. As I invest, I will protect some of my assets by investing in more stable investments like gold and treasury bonds. I will look to create as much passive income as I can for myself. I will strive to have investments like real estate, royalties, inventions, websites, and products, all of which earn money every month.

Once the machine is created, money comes easily and frequently. The money making machine will be my pipeline; a system that will bring on-going income such that as long as the ‘water’ flows through, I will be earning. The rich have pipelines, no wonder the saying goes, ‘the rich get richer.’ A corporation is the system which will make it possible for people to work for me, so that I can leverage off their effort and their time to be rich. Paul Getty, the American billionaire and industrialist, said, ‘I would rather have 1% of 100 people than 100% of my own strength’. An unknown author agrees that, ‘it is better to train ten people to work for me, than to do the work of ten people, but it is harder’. I need to do the hard work of building the system today, so that tomorrow, I will just earn.

This machine, allows me to make countless sales, over and over again, which I would not make if I was working as an individual. It allows me to make repeat sales, without working anymore, by leveraging my effort and time. And as Praise George, the Nigerian writer rightly noted, ‘every rich person sells something.’ It allows me the time to do deals. It frees me from relying on wages, salaries and fees.

I can create this machine in three ways.

1. Investment: Investment is the science of money making money. To invest, I exchange the money I have already acquired for an asset, and then I let the asset increase in value, either through value addition, or holding it for a period of time. I have various options of making my money to make more money for me. These options are referred to as ‘investment vehicles,’ or ‘investment products’, which is just another way of saying ‘a way to invest.’ Each of these investments is something I purchase or place my money into in return for the interest that is generated over time and paid back to me. These vehicles are grouped according to the type of asset invested in, and Ojijo, in his classical and all time best-seller, Making My Child Financially Intelligent: Money Lessons by Age Group (from 4-16yrs), classifies the investment vehicles into three broad categories, namely, Personal Development or Self-Help; Traditional Assets or Financial Instruments; and Alternative Assets or Alternative Investment Products. In addition to other excellent books written on the subject, I can also read Ojijo’s Talanta: Ojijo’s Guide to Identifying, Developing and Selling My Talents & Career Skills, which has practical exercises to help me identify, develop and commercialize my talents and skills. And a practical book to read for further knowledge in investing in financial instruments and Alternative Investment Products is Invest: Ojijo’s Guide to Financial Instruments & Alternative Investment Products.

2. Business: A business is an activity that involves me selling a product and earning profit. The product (a good or service), can belong to another entity, in which case I sell and earn commission or I buy and resell; or it can be produced by me. Although many people initially consider this option, they soon learn that it requires a major input of Skills, Time, Effort & Money (S.T.E.M.) which they do not have. Research does however suggest about 80% of small businesses fail within their first year. A further 15% will fail within 5 years. Out of the 5% left very few will be around for another 5 years. Additionally, I must have the five essential skills of entrepreneurs listed in Sell Something: Ojijo’s Guide to Entrepreneurship & Raising Capital. These are skills of Investment; Leadership & Management; Personal & Business Financial Literacy; Marketing, Sales & Distribution; and Product Development. However, with a thick

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S.T.E.M. (alot of skill, time, effort & money), a business can be financially rewarding. A corporation will wrap its wins around my assets so that when I earn, I spend first before I am taxed, instead of being taxed before I spend. I will start building a company or I will join a company as owner or partner. The company is the machine.

3. Network Marketing: My money making machine can also be a network marketing organization. In this case, I need to join a network marketing company and create a system of distribution from many downlines. Network Marketing, also called Multi Level Marketing, is a method of marketing where a company advertises and sells its products (goods or services) through referral of the products by registered individual distributors to consumers. When I join a networking marketing company, I become a distributor and I am compensated not only for sales I personally generate, but also for the sales of others I recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. This is why it is also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). The industry has been endorsed by many business leaders as a proven system for anyone who wishes to achieve financial success. Warren Buffet, the Billionaire investor, wrote that network marketing is, ‘The best investment I ever made!’ Donald Trump, the American Billionaire Businessman said once that, ‘If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great network marketing company and get to work!’ Indeed, even Bill Clinton, the former president of the US, stated that, ‘network marketing is the business of the 21st century.’ I can read more about network marketing in Ojijo’s network marketing classic, I Am A Network Marketer: Ojijo’s Network Marketing Guide.

Money Is Right!

It is glorious to get rich. Having money is a fundamental human right. The social movement that inspires people to love and

acquire money is called the Money Rights Movement also referred to Silver Rights Movement by visionaries such as John Hope

Bryant and Farad Ali. Money makes life easier.