THEME: The Christian sister as a mirror KEY SCRIPTURE: Rom 12:2 TOPIC: The Christian sister and her social life SPEAKER: Sister Chinyere Umoh

The Christian Sister and Her Social Life

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THEME: The Christian sister as a mirror


TOPIC: The Christian sister and her social life

SPEAKER: Sister Chinyere Umoh


This forum will focus mainly on how a Christian sister can express her self socially without contradicting the will of God. We will be drawing examples from real life experiences and there will be minimal bible quotations


Definition of Key words – Christian Sister, Social life

Expression of Social life


Lesson Outline

Christian Sister is a female who believes in the teachings of Christ and behaves like him.

A Christian sister is also one that has obeyed the Gospel and has been baptized into Christ

Definition of key words

Social life is the opportunities to do enjoyable things that exist in a particular place OR time spent enjoying oneself with friends

Definition of key words(contd)

1.How should a Christian sister spend time doing enjoyable things?

2.Where should a Christian sister go to in order to do these enjoyable things?

3.Who should a Christian sister spend time with to do these enjoyable things?


Expression of social life

“Enjoyable things” is relative and depends on individual’s tastes and likes.

How should a Christian sister spend time doing enjoyable things?

Before a Christian sister can indulge in any form of social life she needs to examine her relationship with God, she needs to know where to draw the line so as not to do anything contrary to the will of God lets examine our key scripture Rom 12:2

- Do not be conformed(i.e. to behave in the manner of) to this world

- But be transformed(i.e. change greatly)- By the renewing of your mind- Then you will be able to test and approve what

God’s will is- His GOOD and PERFECT WILL

Party: A social gathering of invited guests typically involving eating, drinking and entertainment. E.g. Birthday party, end of year party

Ceremony: A formal religious or public occasion, typically one celebrating a particular event e.g. Burial ceremony, wedding ceremony

Festival: an event staged by a community centering on and celebrating some unique aspects of the community and its traditions. E.g. New yam Festival, Calabar festival

Village/community meeting: An assembly of people especially of same village or community for discussion or entertainment e.g. Umuchi Village meeting, age grade meeting, August meeting

Association: A group of people having common views who form an organized body in other to accomplish a purpose. E.g. Nigerian medical Association, association of pepper sellers

Club/Society: An organization formed for a particular purpose or activity e.g. Red Cross, book clubs

Some enjoyable things

This is a very sensitive area because this is actually how most sisters express themselves socially.

Parties / Ceremonies /Festivals / Village meetings/Associations/Societies

You have every right to enjoy yourself as a Christian sister, if throwing a party is your way of expressing yourself socially or doing enjoyable things, then by all means go ahead and throw your party,

Remember Col 3:17

What kind of music will you play at your party?

What kind of drinks will you serve at your party?

Can you really control the number of bottles of alcoholic drink each guest will consume especially when the drink is in abundant supply?

What about dress code(ASO-EBI)?

• It is not compulsory that there must be a dress code attached to your party

it is not a sin to invite unbelievers to your party,

some of our relatives and friends are probably not members of the lord’s church so it would be wrong to restrict your invites only to church members

What about the guests?

If attending parties/ceremonies is your way of expressing your social life, it is not a sin but be mindful of the kind of party you attend,

In the case of the ASO-EBI if you would love to attend a party but cannot afford the fabric then look through your wardrobe for an outfit with same or similar colour , better still go in your best outfit

Must a Christian sister honour every invitation to a party/ceremony?

Why on earth would a Christian sister spend her entire night partying? if you feel like staying up all night why not spend it praying instead of night partying where all sort of orgies and immoralities are bound to take place.

Night parties!

If seen by a prospective Christian especially one you’ve been trying to bring to Christ, what will be your reaction will you be able to convince him/her that you only attended a harmless party and that you are not a night clubber?.

What if the venue is at a night club?

What of parties/ceremonies where sacrifices are carried out before the party commences?

would you happily attend such a ceremony knowing all that has happened at the background?

Would you as a mother /daughter give in to pressures from relatives and kinsmen to carry out the sacrifices before the marriage can take place?

A second burial is a spiritual event at which animal sacrifices are made, the first son is obliged to sponsor it in order to ensure that his deceased father receives the final rest by offering oblation and honour to him and his ancestors)

Would you as a wife, sister or relative support this practice or would you be a guest at such an occasion knowing that such a practice is contrary to the will of God

What of second burial ceremonies?

Mathew 5: 16; 1Cor 8:9 Music Refreshment

How should a Christian sister conduct herself at parties/ceremonies?

Any festival that will not bring Glory to God should be avoided ,make sure that you find out the origin of any festival that you wish to participate in.

Festivals / Special days

Eyo Festival - native of Lagos state

Calabar Festival-Celebrated in Cross River state, tagged Africa’s biggest street party

Some festivals that are usually celebrated in Nigeria.

Argungun Fishing festival -Kebbi state’s annual 4 – day festival

Igbo-ukwu New yam festival - Celebrated among the igbos

Igue Festival - Celebrated among the Benin people of Edo state

Ojude Oba Festival - Celebrated among the Ijebus, Ogun state

Before joining any association, club or village meeting, you need to know the vision of such a group, why are they meeting? Is it just to gossip over some bottles of alcohol, or to dance and show off some new clothes?

Associations/ village/club/society meetings

Sporting activities Games like card games(WHOT), board

games(ludo, scrabble, monopoly etc) ,Computer games but be careful because most games are addictive and might rob you of time that would have been used in meaningful activities like weekly church activities etc,

Gardening , Reading of novels etc. pornographic and occult novels should be avoided.

Other Enjoyable things

The Cinema The Zoo The Beach Amusement Parks Shopping Malls: Restaurants/Eateries Travelling to your state or other

states/Abroad: Visiting friends/fellow sisters:

Where should a Christian sister go to in order to do these enjoyable things?

Note that all these trips and visits cost money so you need to plan for them, you don’t need to use money meant for school fees, house rent or housekeeping for a trip or visit to fun centers only to come back to borrow money from your neighbor to meet basic family needs, so plan and save towards your social outings.

Family members –

Nuclear (spouse and children) – for the married Parents and siblings – for the unmarried


Extended family members like grandparents, cousins, nephews, nieces, kinsmen

Peer group/Friends- This could be people you grew up with, schooled with, could be your colleagues at the office or places of business, your neighbours or better still your fellow sisters in the lord.

Who should a Christian sister spend time with to do these enjoyable things?

A Christian sister may find it necessary to associate with non-Christians; she should always maintain the true dignity of Christianity so that all who come in contact with her will realize that her life is being governed by higher principles than those of the world.

The real social life of a Christian sister is enjoyed within the community of her brethren in Christ, because her first consideration is not that of pleasing others but doing the will of God.

It is possible to express yourself socially within the church, you could form an association for the sole purpose of ministering to the needs of members of the association (e.g. supporting them in setting up businesses)the association could also focus on helping to develop the local community where the church is located etc.

Social Life within the church

Sisters could also organize outings with fellow sisters, like picnics to the beach, visits to orphanages, or a tea party where sisters can unwind and have fun without doing anything contrary to the will of God.

Loneliness Health Problems like High blood


Disadvantages of not having a social life

Being a Christian sister and having a social life is quite realistic and obtainable, we can find enjoyment and please God without following the world’s idea of fun.


Thanks for your Audience