Zekeniam Y’ISCHRa’AL Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation) by whom we have now received the ( Atonement) Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration [“EHYEH ASHER EHYEH”] ( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).

The called out ones

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I will build My convocation, Phílippos finds Nthan’Ë´l and says to him: We have found Him, Whom Moshéh wrote of within the Law and the Predicators: Yâhuwshúa`! He is the Son of Yâhuwçë´ph from Netsârówth.”

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Page 1: The called out ones

Zekeniam Y’ISCHRa’AL

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration


( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).

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My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,

Yâ-hwuah , ALuaHiYM of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and

Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is

my memorial for generation to generation." and I appeared to Abraham,

to Yitzchak, and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name,

Yâ-hwuah , was not well known (famous) to them.

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The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

(Yâhuwshúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

means Set-apart, Pure.

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(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Spirit) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured

as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from

the Father"

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the

covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be

protected, pray, and hear from Yahuahshua. Knowing there is such a

place is a matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of

building a relationship. You need not have an advanced degree in any

subject, need not have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but

instead be aware the Yâ-hwuah of Y’ISCHRa’AL has a place for each Jew

and Gentile who will open their minds and hearts to Him.

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Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to

stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that

they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received

their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your inner chamber,

and having shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in secret, and

your Father Who sees in secret shall reward you openly. In praying,

don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they

shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t be like them,

don't you see that your Father knows what things you need before you

ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by

those who will live or else ... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket,

but on a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your

whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full

of darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness.

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If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall

be wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining gives

you Light.”

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the


And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

Who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so

many can see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to

Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what the Bible

does. This opens the window to make more sense of what Scripture tells


In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a

mere starting place for deeper consideration.

ἐκκλησία (ekklesia).

1 Shmuw’Äl´l 2: 2

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There is no one as Qadesh as Yâ-hwuah , for there is no one besides You, nor is there any Rock like our Aluahiym.

In the same category as: literally, set apart like; i.e., He is in a class of

His own. None but you: or, other than you there is none. Rock: an idiom

for strength and security.

MattithYâ´huw 16:18. But I also pronounce to you, that you are a Këph (a piece of rock);

and onto This One, the Tsuwr (massive Rock) , I will build My convocation (ekklesia), and the gates of Sh’ówl will not prevail against


ekklesia does not mean “church”, but rather “assembly” or “congregation.” Ekklesia is made up of two smaller words

ek (Strong’s #1537, ek),


“out of,”

and kaleo (Strong’s #2564, kaleo),

Meaning “to call.”

Therefore, the word ekklesia literally means, “called out” (or when used with the definite article, (“the called out ones”). Biblically, ekklesia does

not mean a building or a religious institution or organization.

I Will Build My . . . ?

I will build My convocation, and the gates of Sh’ówl will not prevail against it!

Ekklesia to translate the Hebrew word lhq (qahal), usually translated

“congregation” or “assembly” in the KJV. Qahal does not mean a building or a religious institution or organization either.

Ekklesia does not mean church? A brief survey of the early English

translations will provide some background. Tyndale, who translated the first NT printed into English (1525-26), did not use the word “church”;

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he used the word “congregation.” He did use the word “churches”, however, but only once – in

Acts 19:37 (kjv)

For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of

churches, nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.

When referring to pagan temples (a translational choice that has been passed down into the KJV even though the Greek word there is not


Original reads

Acts 19:37. For ye have brought these men who are neither temple-robbers nor are

scorning our mighty female.

the Tsuwr (massive Rock)


ts r ts r tsoor, tsoor

Meaning: 1) rock, cliff

1a) rocky wall, cliff 1b) rock (with flat surface)

1c) block of stone, boulder 1d) rock (specific) 1e) rock (of God)

1f) rock (of heathen gods) n pr dei 1g) Rock

properly a cliff (or sharp rock, as compressed); generally a rock or boulder; figuratively a refuge; also an edge (as precipitous): - edge, X

(mighty) God (one), rock, X sharp, stone, X strength, X strong.

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ts r tsoor

A primitive root; to cramp, that is, confine (in many applications, literally and figuratively, formative or hostile): - adversary, assault, beset,

besiege, bind (up), cast, distress, fashion, fortify, inclose, lay siege, put up in bags.

This is based on the Greek translation, which makes this distinction, though existent `Ivríyth (Hebrew) texts repeat Këph in the feminine.

There are numerous Tenákh references which have Yâ-hwuah referred to as our Tsuwr, and many scribes have apparently censored that this

term be applied to Yâhuwshúa`.

Exodus 17:6, Behold, I will stand before you there on the Rock in Choreb. You shall

strike the Rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.” Moshah did so in the sight of the elders of Ysra'al.

Choreb: the site of Mt. Sinai, and probably less than a day's journey from

R'fidim, which was only a place to stop long enough to catch their breath, not settle in. Sinai was where they were meant to camp for a longer time, since it was where He had promised to meet them again.

So the water source was already there awaiting them, and Moshe had to precede them since they were too impatient to put up with the

Uncertainty for even a short period of time. The rock: Moshe, who had shepherded flocks there for forty years, must have known of a specific rock that He was speaking about, and indeed there is, within sight of

Jabal al-Lawz (the probable location of Mt. Sinai in Arabia), a six-storey

rock that is split down the middle and shows evidence of water having flowed out from the cleft. Paul calls it a

The ROCK (Ruwachual) is

1 Cor. 10:4

And all drank the same Ruwachual drink. For they drank of a Ruwachual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was HaMaSHiYaCH

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Note that it wasn’t real or physical also, but that it had a deeper meaning, being symbolic of the HaMaSHiYaCH, who makes YHWH’s word

accessible to us who were exiled. Only the elders saw this miracle, so the rest of the congregation would have to accept their testimony.

Hirsch says, "All the experiences which Ysra’al… had hitherto made, since its entry

into the wilderness… taught it what independence of the forces of Nature it was to gain, simply by subjecting itself to the will of [Yâ-hwuah


Jabal al-Lawz (google it)

Deuteronomy 32: 4 The Rock, His work is perfect, for all His Ways are justice: an Aluahiym

of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He.

The attributes listed are related to the covenant. Faithfulness: or

steadfastness; He is trustworthy. How could you want to trade Him for one of those capricious pagan deities? Without crookedness: Evil is not

what is in obvious opposition to righteousness, but what distorts it, changing it a minor increment at a time, which is much harder to notice. This is why it is so tricky, because it looks almost like the real thing—the very thing counterfeiters always count on. Thus while Moshe is calling

out the attributes of the king with whom the covenant is being made, he is also contrasting YHWH with the people He is entering into covenant


Deuteronomy 32:15 (latter part) Then he forsook Aluah (first use in Scripture - unless Iyowb came first)

Who made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his deliverance.

Yeshurun: the upright, straight, pleasing one--Yâ-hwuah’s "pet name" for Israel. It is only used when the whole nation is in unity. He was

healthy and well-provided for, but became spoiled, thinking we deserved these blessings, so he stopped saying “thank you” and rebelled. He

thought he no longer needed Yâ-hwuah. Yet why, then, would we think we had a need for the lesser Aluahiym who could not even do as much for us? Only because they were exotic and more exciting to the flesh. So in contrast, it was not always better for us when we had the best. When we were needy in the wilderness, we still had Yâ-hwuah , and

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things went very well. There was a unity that did not exist after we entered the Land and were separated out by tribes. Should we have

asked Yâ-hwuah not to disband the united camp?

Deuteronomy 32:18,

Of the Rock Who became your Father, you are unmindful, and have forgotten Al Who gave you birth.

Avraham is also called the “rock from which we were hewn.”

YashaYahuw 51:1-3

Listen to Me, O pursuers of correctness – seekers of Yâ-hwuah! Carefully consider the Rock ye were hewn from, and the excavation of the pit you have been dug out from. Carefully consider ’Avrâhâ´m your father and Sârâ´h, she who gave birth to you: Just as I called One of him [the Seed of ’Avrâhâ´m], and I blessed Him and I made him many, thus Yâ-hwuah has comforted Tsiyyówn; He has consoled all of her ruins

, so He shall transform her uninhabited land like `Ë´then, even her desert like the Garden of Yâ-hwuah! Rejoicing and happiness shall be

found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.

Christianity is the desolation Rome has made of Tsiyyówn.

This could be a reference to the western uninhabited land refuge of

Disclosure 12, where Yâ-hwuah will restore the desolation of Tsiyyówn, Christianity, to inhabit again upon their resurrection.

The sense Hirsch brings out is that they had already forgotten Yâ-hwuah while He was still giving birth to them. We remembered Him only as the

one who “wrote checks”, not as our Father. Moshe was right in his prognostication. Many Christians are much more familiar with

Yâhuwshúa` than Yâ-hwuah , but they brush this off by saying they are one and the same. But this is not something our ancestors were familiar

with. (v. 18) They never knew a man as Aluahiym.

Deuteronomy 32:30 How could one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight,

Unless their Rock had sold them,

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Their rock: This is speaking about the enemies' Aluahiym. Only if Yâ-hwuah surrenders Ysra’al can it fall. Hemmed them in: or "given them


He wants us to consider why we are in this position.

Hebrews 2:12

Saying: “I will declare Your name to My brothers; in the midst of the assembly I will praise You!”

Paul quoted this verse in

Tehillim 22:22

I will declare Your Name to My brothers. In the midst of the assembly, I will praise You.

ekklesia is not a uniquely spiritual term.

It simply means a group of free citizens called out to meet together in open assembly. This is self-evident within the post-Messianic writings



Three times in this account, the word ekklesia appears in reference to the citizens of Ephesus.

Acts 19:32

Then some crowds were screaming out one thing and others another, for the convocation was confused, and most did not even understand

why they had convened!

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A chapter in which most translators do not translate ekklesia as “church.”

When Paul was at Ephesus, a major riot broke out because the guild members who made silver idols of the goddess Diana were nervous about how the gospel would affect their business. A great throng of

citizens began crying out "Great is Diana of the Ephesians" for about two hours. The crowd had gathered in the main theatre and the whole city

was in confusion. Finally, the town clerk appeased the people and convinced them that if they wished, they should bring such charges as

they might have before a lawful assembly.

Acts 19:41, And having said these things, he dismissed the convocation

Luke referred to the confused and disorderly mob as an ekklesia, and in

Acts 19:39,

But if ye seek for anything different, let it be resolved by the lawful convocation

The town clerk himself referred to the group of citizens who determine matters at law, as an ekklesia. (Qahal) will I praise thee.”

The Tehillim prophesied that the HaMaSHiYaCH would appear in the midst of the congregation of YIsra’al to declare Yâ-hwuah ’s name to

his brothers. In addition, the connection to the words of Moses in

Deuteronomy 18:15 Yâ-hwuah your Aluahiym will raise up to you a prophet from the midst

of you, of your brothers, like me. You shall listen to him.

Muslims claim this is speaking about Muhammad. Many have applied it, rightly, to Yâhuwshúa`, and by his day people were expecting a

particular one, referred to as "that prophet"

Yochanan 1:19

And this is the testimony of Yâhuwchânâ´n, when the “Yehuwthím ” from Yruwshâláim sent priests and Lwiyyím in order that they might interrogate him: “You! Who are you? And he professed and did not

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deny, and professed: “I am not the Deliverer. ”And they interrogated him:“ What then? Are you ’ËliyYâ´huw?” He stated: “I am not.”

“Are you the Predicator? ”But he responded: “No.” Therefore they said to him: “Who are you, in order that we may give an answer to the ones

who sent us; what do you state about yourself?”

He said:


But it does not specify a time frame. The direct hearers probably expected it to occur as soon as Moshe died, or at least in their lifetime.

The text allows for this refer to any prophet in any generation, and indeed Y'hoshua was meant to be seen as the first, having authority like Moshe to them, but it can refer to any time such a prophet is needed.

The main point is that Yâ-hwuah will provide someone from among His people to answer our questions, so that we do not need to go to the outsiders listed in the preceding verses. Yâ-hwuah wants to speak

directly to Israel and lead through our knowledgeable interpretation of the Torah, not through one-time magical revelations that teach us

nothing about His ways and cater only to our laziness.

Deuteronomy 18:16 This is according to all that you desired of Yâ-hwuah your Aluahiym in Choreb in the day of the assembly, saying, “Let me not hear again the voice of Yâ-hwuah my Aluahiym, neither let me see this great fire any

more that I not die.”

He reminds them that it was their idea to forfeit a direct connection with Yâ-hwuah and to have a mediator.

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Ex. 20:19 They said to Moshah, “Speak with us yourself, and we will listen; but

don’t let Aluahiym speak with us, lest we die.”

So He will choose which type of mediator we will have.

Deuteronomy 18:17 Yâ-hwuah said to me, “They have well said that which they have


Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brothers, like you; and I

will put My Words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I shall command Him.

A prophet from among their brothers: not a god-man

Yoch. 1:18 No man has ever discerned the mighty One”,

declared that One Who is the sole-of-kin Son, the One being in the bosom of the Father.

and not an outsider, but a fellow Israelite--our "Kinsman-Redeemer". This was seen by the ancient Jews as a Messianic passage, and Yâhuwshúa` was recognized as the one Moshe had spoken of.

Yoch. 1:45

Phílippos finds Nthan’Ë´l and says to him: We have found Him, Whom Moshéh wrote of within the Law and the Predicators: Yâhuwshúa`! He is the Son of Yâhuwçë´ph from Netsârówth.”

Initially, though, the first Y'hoshua filled this position. Moshe gave him some of his authority, and he earned the rest. We will command: This verb is rather unusual; it appears to read "I will command us", though "him" would seem the logical object. The term "command" means, at

root, to set in order. What Yâ-hwuah says does set us in order in relation to Him if we obey it. It may also refer to YHWH and Moshe,

since Yâhuwshúa` whom Yâ-hwuah said was the one to heed,

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Mat. 17:5 While he was yet speaking, look! A cloud full of Light overshadowed

them, and look! A voice from the cloud, within Him

2 Këph 1: 18

Even this was the voice we heard brought inside Him from heaven, when we were together with Him on the Mount of the Pureness !

Tradition, usually wrong, says the transfiguration happened on Mount

Tabor. This verse makes it clear the transfiguration was on Mt. Tsiyyówn, the temple mount

saying:“This One is My Son, the Chosen One

in Whom I have found delight: heed ye Him!”

ordered his life by the Torah

Mat. 5:17 Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Predicators: I did not

come to abolish, rather to fulfill!

and said he could do nothing but what he saw the Father doing.

The purpose for Yâhuwshúa`’s being the Father’s Chief Envoy

Yochanan 5:19, 30

Therefore Yâhuwshúa` responded, and said to them; “’Âmë´n, ’âmë´n (Certainly) I say to you, the Son is not able to perform anything from His Self, unless He may see the Father performing something; for whatever He performs, these things also the Son likewise performs. 30. I am not able to do anything from My own Self; I decide according as I hear, and My decision is fair, because I do not seek My own will, rather the will of Him Who sent Me.

Yâhuwshúa` appealed to Moshe's testimony about him.


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And that ye, at that time, were apart from the Anointed, nonparticipants of the community of Yisrâ’Ë´l, and aliens to the covenant of the promise:

not having a hope, and without a mighty one in the world! But now within Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed, ye, those who once were “far” are

become “near” by the blood of the Anointed!

references to

Yshá`Yâhuw 57: 17-19

By the perversity of his profit acquired by violence I was furious, so I struck it – the concealment – and I was furious, yet he walks backwards in the way of his heart. I have perceived his ways, and I will cure him, and I will guide him, and I will restore consolations to him and to his

mourners, creating the fruit of the lips [the testimony], shâlówm, shâlówm (peace, reconciliation, completeness) is for the far, and for the


After all, his assembly is merely the assembly that meets with him.

Acts 7:38 This one is he who was within the convocation within the uninhabited land beside the Envoy Who spoke to him, and with our fathers by the Mountain of Çiynáy, and he is the one who received living decrees to

give to us,

He was contrasting what he would do in the assembly with what Moses did in the assembly. This was his point. Essentially, he was stating that he, through his father Yâ-hauh, was given the responsibility to “take charge” in the assembly, and build it up into the kind of assembly his

father always meant it to be.

The foundation is the prophets and the apostles

Ephesians 2:20 And ye are being built up upon the foundation of the delegates and

predicators, Yâhuwshúa` the Anointed Himself being the Chief Cornerstone,

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ekklesia means, “called out ones” or “assembly”, why have we continued to use the word “church”? Brethren, let us learn to speak the truth and to cast aside erroneous words based on false ideas. We do not need to encumber ourselves with unprofitable doctrines that enslave. On the

contrary, let us seek freedom in the truth! Indeed, our master said, “Ye

shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”

(The Son of the living mighty One)!”

He gives us the Keys to enter into the

: By believing in His resurrection is justification: a key

into the : this is a definition of a

“Believers” of any species, who enters by the broad gate, through extermination. But the key to enter in life by being

saved in that is professing `

and calling on His name:

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In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

'Yâ-hwuah be with you.' and they answered him, 'Yâ-hwuah bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

Yâhuwshúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Yâ-

hwuah , [thou] Ben David. An Yâhuwshúa` stood still, and called them,

and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, Yâ-

hwuah , that our eyes may be opened. So Yâhuwshúa` had compassion

[on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received

sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalom in Righteousness

by the GRACE of Yâ-hwuah

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keiYAH nätzräya

Remember me and pray for me that Yâ-hwuah will be gracious unto me

and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be

to them that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard,


worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never

preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Ruwach (spiritual work):

what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at

least, to have received from the Ruwach HaQodesh, of which he is not

the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make

a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

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