The Bab Herald of the Dawn

The Birth of the Bab

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This is a short (about 15 minute) presentation I put together for my mother-in-law for the celebration of the Birth of the Bab which occurs on October 20th of each year. I put some music to the first half of the slides and had them auto-play (music title and credits on the last slide). Then had people read-aloud the last half of the slide deck (after the image of the sun rising over the earth). The words I took from the first half of the presentation by Sanaei Brahimi here: http://www.slideshare.net/sanaeibrahimi/the-life-of-the-bab (with a few modifications and updates). Please also link back to her slidedeck, and this one when using this slidedeck. I also animated the arrows in the third slide to show his path of travel around southern iran and over to Jiddah and Mecca then up to the north over his lifetime. This took about 15 seconds.

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  • 1. Herald of the Dawn

2. Was born: Siyyid 'Ali-Muhammad to his father: Mirza Muhammad-Rida and mother: Fatimih Bagum on Oct 20, 1819 in Shiraz. 3. 7. Jiddah 8. Mecca 9. Medina 4. The Bab was still a child when His father passed away. He was raised by His uncle Hajji Siyyid Ali, who placed Him in school at an early age. 5. The Babs teacher quickly recognized His great capactiy and realized that he was incapable of teaching such an extraordinary child. The Bab was endowed by God with innate knowledge. 6. At that time the people of Iran were awaiting the coming of a new Messenger of God. They prayed that He would soon be made manifest, brining with Him a period of peace and justice on earth. Many left their lives and homes in search of the promised one. 7. On the eve of May 23rd, 1844, a young man Mulla Husayn-i-Bushrui arrived in Shiraz in search of the Promised One. 8. The Bab met him outside the gates of the city and invited him to His home to refresh himself after his long journey. 9. There, the Bab declared that He was the One whose coming the people were so eagerly awaiting. 10. The Bab announced that soon another Messenger of God would appear, who would unite all the peoples of the world in one family. The Bab was like a door leading humanity to a new and glorious future. 11. The most acceptable prayer is the one offered with the utmost spirituality and radiance; its prolongation hath not been and is not beloved by God. The more detached and the purer the prayer, the more acceptable is it in the presence of God.~ The Bab 12. Say: God sufficeth all things above all things, and nothing in the heavens or in the earth but God sufficeth. Verily, He is in Himself the Knower, the Sustainer, the Omnipotent. 13. The first day that they brought him [the Bb] to me at the school, I wrote down the alphabet for him to learn, as is customary with children. After a while I went out on business. On my return, I heard, as I approached the room, someone reading the Qur'n in a sweet and plaintive voice. Filled with astonishment, I entered the room and enquired who had been reading the Qur'n. The other children answered (pointing to His Holiness, the Bb) "He was. "Have you read the Qur'n?" I asked. He was silent. "It is best for you to read Persian books," said I, putting the Hkku'l-Yakn before him, "read from this." At whatever page I opened it, I saw that he could read it easily. 14. Become as true brethren in the one and indivisible religion of God, free from distinction, for verily God desireth that your hearts should become mirrors unto your brethren in the Faith, so that ye find yourselves reflected in them, and they in you. This is the true Path of God, the Almighty, and He is indeed watchful over your actions. 15. On another occasion, the Bb was asked to recite the opening words of the Qur'an. The Bb was unwilling, pleading that He would need to know what the words signify before attempting to pronounce them. When the schoolmaster pretended not to know their meaning, the Bb began to explain them with such a sweetness, knowledge and fluency, that the master was left dumbstruck that he was the student of this Child. Amazed at everything he was witnessing, the schoolmaster brought the Child back to His home. His grandmother came to the door, and the schoolmaster informed the family of what had passed, saying he was not fitted to instruct their Child. The family warned Him sternly to follow the example of His fellow-pupils, and observe silence, listening attentively to the teacher. 16. Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding. 17. The Bb was always to be found in a state of utmost humility and lowliness; His downcast eyes, His extreme courtesy, and the serene expression of His face, made an indelible impression upon all who met Him. His purity of character, simplicity, sweetness of spirit, charm of manners, captivating gentleness, self-effacement, high integrity, and extreme devotion to God, drew people about Him. He could not open his lips without stirring the hearts to their very depths, opening before those who heard Him, unlimited horizons, varied, colored, and mysterious, revealing a blinding light that transported people into a state of ecstasy. 18. O Lord! Enable all the peoples of the earth to gain admittance into the Paradise of Thy Faith, so that no created being may remain beyond the bounds of Thy good-pleasure. From time immemorial Thou hast been potent to do what pleaseth thee and transcendent above whatsoever thou desirest. 19. Mull Husayn conveyed to Siyyid Kzim all that had occurred. Siyyid Kzim had devoted his last few years to broadcasting the characteristics of the coming Lord of Command, and smiled, and said, "That which my heart had understood in dreams was hidden behind a veil, and is now found."Before dawn one day, Siyyid Kazim arose and dressed in his cloak, and made ready to leave his home. He requested a student to accompany him, saying that a highly distinguished Person had arrived. As they walked through the streets in the breaking light, they reached the house of the Bb, who was standing expectant at the door, wearing a green turban, showing indescribable humility and kindliness. He lovingly embraced Siyyid Kazim, who stood speechless in a state of profound reverence. The Bb led them to the upper floor, and they entered a chamber filled with flowers and the loveliest perfume. Seated and overpowered with a sense of delight, the Bb handed to Siyyid Kazim a silver cup filled to overflowing. He held the cup with both hands, and drank deeply with unrepressed joy. A single verse was all that was uttered in that encounter. The Bb arose, and accompanied them to the threshold, and bade them farewell. The student was mute with wonder at the cordiality of the Bb and the astonishing reverence of His teacher. 20. Sapphire Isle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0. http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100087. Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/licenses/.