Section 9 - The Leader’s Schedule Group Activity: Create a one- page visual summary of the leader’s schedule. Study chapter 9 in Blackaby Study chapters 17-19 in Sanders Saturday 21 January 2012

Section 9: The Leaders Schedule

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teaching notes from ltci, siliguri - based on j oswald sanders book, spiritual leadership

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Page 1: Section 9: The Leaders Schedule

Section 9 - The Leader’s Schedule

Group Activity: Create a one-page visual summary of the leader’s schedule.Study chapter 9 in BlackabyStudy chapters 17-19 in Sanders

Saturday 21 January 2012

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J. Oswald Sanders,Spiritual Leadership

Chapter 17

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Matt 4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

Genesis 22:1Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”   “Here I am,” he replied.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Page 4: Section 9: The Leaders Schedule

CompromiseCan we, should we, compromise in order to reach an agreement? Compromise almost always requires a negative, backward step.Moses and Pharaoh is a classic example of the temptation to compromise. Pharaoh realized that Moses meant to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, so he used cunning and threats to frustrate him.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Page 5: Section 9: The Leaders Schedule

CompromiseCan we, should we, compromise in order to reach an agreement? Compromise almost always requires a negative, backward step.Moses and Pharaoh is a classic example of the temptation to compromise. Pharaoh realized that Moses meant to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, so he used cunning and threats to frustrate him.

compromise |ˈkämprəˌmīz|- an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions• a middle state between conflicting opinions or actions reached by mutual concession or modification• the acceptance of standards that are lower than is desirable

Saturday 21 January 2012

Page 6: Section 9: The Leaders Schedule

CompromiseCan we, should we, compromise in order to reach an agreement? Compromise almost always requires a negative, backward step.Moses and Pharaoh is a classic example of the temptation to compromise. Pharaoh realized that Moses meant to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, so he used cunning and threats to frustrate him.

Saturday 21 January 2012

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“Worship God if you will,” was his first overture, “but don’t leave Egypt to do it.” A Modern equivalent would be: “Religion is okay, but don’t be narrow about it. No need to let religion isolate you from the rest of the world.”When that approach failed, Pharaoh tried something else: “If you must go out of Egypt to worship, don’t go far.” Religion is fine, but there is not need to be fanatical about it. Stay asclose to the world as you can.

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Yet the third attempt played on natural affection: “Let the men go and worship, and the women and children stay here.” If you must break with the world, don’t force such a narrow lifestyle on everyone else in the family.Pharaoh’s last attempt was an appeal to greed: “Okay, go. But the flocks and herds stay. Don’t let your odd religious commitments get in the way of business and prosperity.”

Saturday 21 January 2012

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With clear spiritual insight Moses cut through each evasion: “Not a hoof is to be left behind,” he said (Exodus 10:26). So Moses passed with honors a great test of his leadership of God’s people.

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AmbitionMoses faced this too—all leaders do. During Moses’ absence on Mount Sinai, the people of Israel turned to idolatry, and God became very angry, saying, “I wi# strike them down with a plague and destroy them, but I wi# make you into a nation greater and stronger than they”Num. 14:12.

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Moses had heard the people’s constant complaining and frequent trying of paganism. Why not accept God’s proposal as a way to give the people their due, and start afresh with smaller group that Moses could control.What a test from the mouth of God himself.

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Instead of personal ambition, Moses showed selfless nobility, genuine concern for God’s glory, and compassion for the misguided people.Moses refused the chance and prayed for them, seeing them saved from God’s judgment.

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The Impossible Situation“How does the leader face impossible situations?”John R. Mott encouraged leaders to deal with impossible task rather than easy ones in order to foster personal competence, teamwork, and faith. A true leader rises to face mysterious circumstances and complex problems. Mott said,“I long since ceased to occupy myself with things that can be done by others”

Saturday 21 January 2012

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The Impossible Situation“How does the leader face impossible situations?”John R. Mott encouraged leaders to deal with impossible task rather than easy ones in order to foster personal competence, teamwork, and faith. A true leader rises to face mysterious circumstances and complex problems. Mott said,“I long since ceased to occupy myself with things that can be done by others”

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Many situations leaders face are complex, made even more so by modern technology.Moses faced an impossible situation when Israel reached the Red Sea. On one side was the desert and Pharaoh’s army; on the other side was water, and Israel had no boats. The people complained but Moses, man of faith, focussed on God “Stand out and see the deliverance of the Lord.” He said to them.

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The people of God saw their God in action that day. God led his people - he might have used Moses, but ultimately God led them through - and continues to do today.Hudson Taylor is said to have faced many difficult tasks as he served God in China - he counted them off in three ways: impossible, difficult, done.

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The Red Sea PlaceHave you come to the Red Sea place in your life,Where in spite of all you can do,There is no way out, there is no way back,There is no other way but through?Then wait on the Lord with a trust sereneTill the night of your fear is gone;He will send the wind, He will heap the floods,When He says to your soul, “Go on.”And His hand will lead you through–clear through–Ere the watery walls roll down,No foe can reach you, no wave can touch,No mightiest sea can drown;

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The tossing billows may rear their crests,Their foam at your feet may break,But over their bed you shall walk dry shodIn the path that your Lord will make.In the morning watch, ‘neath the lifted cloudYou shall see but the Lord alone,When He leads you on from the place of the seaTo a land that you have not known;And your fears shall pass as your foes have passedYou shall be no more afraid;You shall sing His praise in a better place,A place that His hand has made.Annie Johnson Flint, 1866-1932

Saturday 21 January 2012

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FailureMany people who appear to be at height of their careers hide a great inner sense of failure. How a leader handles failure will set much of the agenda for the future. Most Bible characters met with failure and survived. E.g. Moses, Peter, etc.Often a leader might feel a failure after preaching or after facing a certain situation - how this is handled is important for your future.

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Peter denied Christ - yet through repentance and love the door was reopened for him. Many other biblical leaders faced great failure - but they did not lie down and give in - they found grace and a 2nd, 3rd or 4th chance..The historian Froude wrote: “The worth of a man must be measured by his life, not by his failure under a singular and peculiar trial.”

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Successful leaders have learned that no failure need be final, whether his own failure or someone else’s. No one is perfect, and we cannot be right at all time.Failure and feelings of inadequacy make us realise who is in charge.

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JealousyMost leaders at some time face the problem of a jealous rival. Jealousy is very common weapon by the devil. Even Moses encountered this test from within his own family - Aaron and Miriam. Neither of them remembered Moses courageous leadership in bringing the Israelites out of Egypt.Miriam, as an older woman, gossiped about Moses marrying an Ethiopian.“Has the Lord only spoken through Moses...?”

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Moses was deeply wounded, but he said nothing to vindicate himself. His main concern was God’s glory, not his own position or privilege. “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth” Numbers 12:3.God did defend Moses - Miriam got leprosy - and Moses prays for her.Note what God says to Miriam - Num 12;8 -

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Moses was also challenged by Korah - and again Moses refused to vindicate himself. God defends Moses, who remains humble - and the people learn more of walking in the fear of the Lord.We must remember God will protect, vindicate and honour His leaders - you don’t need to worry about defending your rights or position.

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J. Oswald Sanders,Spiritual Leadership

Chapter 18

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Exodus 18:25-26He chose capable men (om a# Israel and made them leaders of the people, officials over thousands, hundreds, fi*ies and tens. They served as judges for the people at a# times. The difficult cases they brought to Moses, but the simple ones they decided themselves.

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Leaders need the ability to recognise the gifting and limitations of people along with the skill to fit them into the position where they will function best. This is vital in church life and all forms of ministry.To succeed in getting others to work is one of the highest forms of leadership - DL Moody said,“I would rather set one thousand men to work than do the work of 1000 men”

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Being thoughtful about delegation stops you putting square pegs in round holes. However it is not always easy:- leaders often do not like to let power slip through their own hands- leaders can feel threatened by brilliant people working for them and so do not release jobs to themThe result in each case is that the subordinate is unhappy and usually the job is not done as well as it should be.

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In effect a lack of delegation shows a lack of trust and is poor stewardship of resources.Some leaders fear people doing a poor job - this might happen - but how can people improve without being given a chance to “fail”?As long as power and authority have been given there is a good chance the job will be done well enough and will improve each time it is completed.

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The degree to which a leader is able to delegate work is a measure of their success - a one person office can grow no larger than the load one person can carry alone.If you do not delegate then you get caught up a mass of smaller issues which should not have your attention - in fact it can show pride and contempt to not be prepared to delegate. You have to show confidence in those you have asked to lead - and even consider their failures as your own.

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For someone who has a task delegated to them to feel good you need to show confidence in them and also know the boundaries of the job and their authority, thus avoiding any misunderstanding. Poor communication here can led to many unhappy problems.

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The most quoted biblical example of delegation comes in Exodus 18 with Jethro and Moses.Having led the Israelites out of Egypt Moses then became the “go to man” for almost everything - Jethro suggested 2 results of such a situation:1. Moses would burnout - v. 182. The method was slow and people were becoming unhappy about it - v.23

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Jethro suggested;- Moses continued to teach and exercise legislative leadership, deciding hard cases in court.- much work would be delegated to trustworthy subordinates.In doing this a plan for leadership succession was also implemented - avoiding potential chaos on Moses’ death. Men with ability got used, and got good experience.Exodus 18:23 tells us this avoided Moses dying prematurely.

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Note that Moses might still have been the best judge - but he didn’t die before his time.The qualifications for the job seemed to be high - 18:21We have to know what we can, and should do, working to an early grave is not heroic in the kingdom of God! You have to sleep - so get Jethro’s around you to counsel and advise in what you should be doing.

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Delegate as soon as you can, be ready to help but not to intervene, guide through trial and error. Be wise and watchful but try not to interfere. A sense of being watched can lead to a loss of confidence.It is a wonderful gift to be able to see the potential in people, to release them into their tasks, and to stand in such a way as to offer help and security but not being a burdensome pressure.

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What are the positive and negative experiences you have had of work being delegated to you? Think about how you felt, and why you felt like that.Are you comfortable in delegating to jobs to others, do you look for these opportunities?

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J. Oswald Sanders,Spiritual Leadership

Chapter 19

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Joshua 1:2, 52 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and a# these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.5 No one wi# be able to stand against you a# the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I wi# be with you; I wi# never leave you nor forsake you.

Saturday 21 January 2012

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Joshua 1:2, 52 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and a# these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.5 No one wi# be able to stand against you a# the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I wi# be with you; I wi# never leave you nor forsake you.

Yucca brevifolia is a plant species belonging to the genus Yucca. It is tree-like in habit, which is reflected in its common names: Joshua tree, yucca palm, tree yucca, and palm tree yucca - native to southwestern North America in the states of California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada between 400 and 1,800 meters (1,300 and 5,900 ft) elevation. It thrives in the open grasslands.

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“The ultimate test of a person’s leadership is the organisational health after they have gone”In Acts 5:38-39 Gamaliel seems to be suggesting the same.Build a work on God and his principles and it will outlast any leader.God is never surprised by the death of a leader - he appoints them and knows when they shall pass on to be in his presence - Mk 10:40.

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“No man, no matter however gifted and devoted, is indispensable to the work of the kingdom”

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God is at work in an organisation long before the “crisis” which appears to take place when a leader dies - God has been directing things, and will bring the replacement into place in the time and way he has chosen.God’s greatest gifts are always greater than the “land” he has promised to a church or organisation - they are the servants through whom he works .

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Israel could not imagine a time without Moses leading them - he had done it for 40 years, standing between God and them, interpreting His will, leading and guiding them under God’s hand. Elders had served but there was no one like Moses - and now as they prepare to enter the PL suddenly Moses departs to his reward - and in steps the leader God (and Moses) has been preparing.

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Sanders suggests that it was only after the death of Moses that the people really saw all the Lord had accomplished through his leadership. However we also see after a great leader moves on that he was not indispensable - a new leader has a chance to develop new ways, show differing gifting, and we have to assume has better qualities to move ahead (as we assume Joshua was better equipped to take the PL)

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New leaders also give a chance for other leaders to emerge and develop - and we see the grace and gifting of God, after all He has planned things so that we have to depend upon Him - the new people might have “lesser” gifting but it gives all the more chance for God to get the glory.1 Cor 1:26-29God loves to use gifted people - but most do not follow Paul in giving their gift without reservation or restriction

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Sanders cites the example of AB Simpson: in the year after he stopped leading the Missionary Alliance, giving was greater than in any year previously. He suggests this is a tribute to the leadership of Simpson.Only Jesus, the Leader, remains forever - no replacement was ever sought for him after he moved upwards. Jesus continues to lead the Church today, even if we fail to seek his presence in the way that is right. We are never leaderless even if earthly leaders change!

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Who is easier to replace - an effective, or an ineffective leader? Why?If you had to take over from a successful leader what would be the first steps you took?

Saturday 21 January 2012