Partnership Covenant

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Firstly, we are people of Covenant! Covenant represents a commitment to “whatever it takes” to see a relationship work! It represents a willingness to commit to specific responsibilities, duties, or obligations in exchange for specific privileges of special relationship! Covenant people are loyal people! Dedicated people! Responsible people! As Christians, our covenant faithfulness is the reflection of the nature and character of God – the faithful God who keeps covenant – in our lives!


Secondly, we are Partners! Partners with Christ in the cause of the Gospel; and, subsequently, partners with one another. Partnership implies active participation and involvement. Partnership means sharing together common common achievements. Partnership reminds us of the significance of our “togetherness” with one another in the economy of redemption!


Thus, the Covenant goals, common challenges, common experiences, common resources and Partnership represents our commitment to Christ and to one another to behave ourselves responsibly as productive members of the Body of Christ in general, and of Family Worship Center in particular!

COVENANT PARTNERSHIP Continually builds, strengthens

and supports the ministry of the gospel—and it makes a world of difference! It is a powerful bond that joins FWC and Partners together to achieve a common goal: To reach this world with the uncompromised Word of God.


The purpose of establishing the Covenant Partnership at Family Worship Center is three-fold:

  A. To challenge and encourage

everyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior to also grow in their spiritual maturity, and in their personal devotion to Christ as their Lord (“whole-life controller”)!


B. To establish a clear set of fundamental scriptural commitments, the acceptance of which shall identify an individual as a Covenant Partner and recognized member of FWC.


C. To remind us all of the great importance of our “togetherness” in the local church, and of our commitment and devotion to Christ as it is expressed in specific commitments to love, encourage, serve, and protect one another in the FWC family.


The pastoral leadership of the church will be committed to supporting and encouraging you to honor each of the covenant commitments in your life, in order to stimulate and nurture your personal spiritual growth and maturity as a “fully-devoted follower” of the Lord Jesus Christ. In some cases the Matthew 18 process may be employed by the leadership to restore your relationships and spiritual health, both individually and corporately.


Personal Benefits – The primary benefit of the Covenant Partnership is to facilitate personal, spiritual growth and maturity in your life by providing the challenge of accountability to specific commitments that honor Christ and promote His cause in our generation!



The benefits of the Covenant Partnership to the church family are many and varied. Primarily, it makes for a stronger, more committed ministry / support base, and promotes corporate strength by facilitating individual growth.

It also establishes a clear point of corporate identity, and provides a fundamental basis for recognized church membership as well as for church discipline.

Our desire is to be a covenant community for life in the context of the local church here or sent out to the outermost parts of the world as the Holy Spirit directs.


May remain intact indefinitely as long as there is a commitment to adhere to the standards of the Covenant Partnership Agreement, which you sign at FWC

Our Partners are the heart of this ministry,


At FWC we equate partnership with involvement--giving, serving, inviting, and growing--so that by working together we can fulfill the mission God has given us as His church.

  We recognize certain responsibilities which are

ours as part of the Body of Christ at FWC . By signing the Covenant Partnership Agreement, you are agreeing to hold yourself accountable personally and before the Lord Jesus to honor each of the covenant commitments in your life.

1. I will protect the unity of my Church a. By acting in love toward other

members – Romans 15:5 b. By refusing to gossip – Ephesians

4:29 c. By restoring offenses according to

Matthew 18:15-17. d. By following the leaders – Hebrews



COVENANT PARTNERSHIP COMMITMENTS   2. I will share the responsibility of my Church a. By praying for its growth – I Thessalonians

1:2 b. By inviting the un-churched to attend – Luke

14:23 c. By warmly welcoming those who visit –

Romans 15:7 d. By regularly studying God’s Word and

praying. – II Timothy 2:15; Ephesians. 6:18

COVENANT PARTNERSHIP COMMITMENTS 3. I will serve the ministry of my Church a. By discovering and using my gifts

and talents – I Peter 4:10-11 b. By being equipped to serve beside

my pastors – Ephesians 4:11,12 c. By developing a servant’s heart –

Philippians 2:3,4,7 d. By making Christ my Master not my

mascot – Romans 12:1-2

COVENANT PARTNERSHIP COMMITMENTS 4. I will support the testimony of

my Church a. By attending faithfully –

Hebrews 10:24-25 b. By living a godly life –

Philippians 1:27; Ephesians 5:1 c. By bringing the full tithe (10%)

and offerings – Malachi 3:8-10; Lev. 27:30.

d. By encouraging one another to build strong families – Col. 3:18-21; Mal. 4:6; Ps.112:1-9

Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is the sole Head of FWC,the leader before whom all human leaders must bow (Ephesians 1:22,

23; Matthew 23:8-11; 1 Peter 5:4).


The church through His Word, the Bible. We believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God and our standard for every situation in life and practice.

HE GIVES ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE By means of the specific leading of the Holy Spirit who indwells the heart of each true believer. He also shepherds the flock by gifting the church with under-shepherds who are commissioned, under His leadership with the task of equipping the flock for its full functioning (Ephesians 4:7-16).

In a real sense, FWC belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ; He has taken the responsibility for ordering the life of the church so that He may someday present it to Himself glorious, without any spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:25-27).

Together as Partners in ministry, we’ll stand with each other, believe for each other and support each other—and miracles will become commonplace. Our anointing will combine and open doors that will allow us each to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think. Your ministry, no matter how great or small, will become part of our ministry…and vice versa…so there’s nothing the enemy can do to stop us!


It’s a bond that ties our ministry to individuals who share our love for spreading the Word of God. We are blessed with Partners who support our ministry through prayer, giving or a combination of the two.

Be a part of something BIG—make an eternal difference today as you bring the message of faith to the world.  Partner with FWC Ministries. Together, we can do far more than any of us could ever do alone!


It’s a bond that ties our ministry to individuals who share our love for spreading the Word of God.

We are blessed with Partners who support our ministry through prayer, giving or a combination of the two.