Old testament Lesson 33 sharing the gospel with the world

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Old Testament lesson 33 sharing the gospel

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2. PURPOSE To encourage us to fulfill our responsibilities aslatter-day Israel to love all the people of theworld and share the blessings of the gospelwith them. 3. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THERESTORATION IN ONE WORD? 4. WHY DID THE LORD WANTJONAH TO GO TO NINEVEH? Jonah 1:2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cryagainst it; for their wickedness is come up beforeme. 5. Why might Jonah have been reluctant to accept amission call to Nineveh? Why did Jonah go to Tarshish? Jonah 1:3 But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from thepresence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa;and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so hepaid the fare thereof, and went down into it, togo with them unto Tarshish from the presence ofthe Lord. 6. ESCAPE? In what ways do we sometimes try toescape from the presence of the Lord? From callings extended to us by hisrepresentatives? What are the results of such efforts? 7. HOW DID THE LORD SHOW MERCYAND HELP JONAH REPENT? Jonah 1:42:10 What did Jonah learn while he was inside the great fish? Jonah 2:19. 9 But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; Iwill pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord. 10 And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited outJonah upon the dry land. How does the Lord help us repent and return to his ways? How often do we ask WHY? 8. DURING HIS EARTHLY MINISTRY, THESAVIOR SPOKE ABOUT THE SIGN OF THEPROPHET JONAS [JONAH] Jonah spent three days and three nights in the bellyof the great fish and then was brought forth alive.The Savior would spend three days and nightsburied in the earth and then would come forthresurrected. 9. THROUGH HIS PROPHETS, THE LORD HASREPEATEDLY COMMANDED EVERY WORTHY,ABLE YOUNG MAN TO SERVE A FULL-TIMEMISSION. Who else? Sisters 19 and older Senior couples What are some reasons they do not serve? 10. Lack of commitment and faith unworthiness unwillingness to leave the comforts of home andfamily fear of what might be expected of them 11. ELDER DAVID B. HAIGHT In behalf of the Brethren, this is a call for retiredcouples to seriously consider serving a mission.We desperately need more couples to help meetour needs. Less than 50 percent of therequests for couple missionaries from [our]mission presidents are being filled. The Brethren hope that many, many morecouples will make themselves available for full-timeservice to the Church. The need is great!Hundreds of thousands of new members join theChurch each year, and they need to hear afriendly voice of support and comfort fromexperienced members. The refrain, Ill go where you want me to go, dearLord (Hymns, 1985, no. 270), should be morethan a hymn we sing on Sunday. It should be ourown prayer of faith as we serve wherever the Lordhas need of us (Couple Missionaries: AWonderful Resource, 12. CALLINGS Of all the couples called to Africa, only 20% accept. What about callings like Assistant SacramentCoordinator Alternate Sunday Bread? Why are these important? 13. Brigham Young about Ephraim in EphraimsMiracle about having him shave his beardwith no complaints Now theres a man that gives strictobedience regardless of my request. Thereis a man I can trust with my most importantmissions. 14. What can we learn from the story ofJonah that can help us be more valiantin obeying the Lord and sharing thegospel? blessing SA 15. THE PEOPLE OF NINEVEH RESPONDTO JONAHS MESSAGE ( JONAH 3 4) After Jonah repented, the Lord called him again to preachrepentance to the people of Nineveh. How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonahsmessage? In ancient times, people clothed themselves in coarsecloth, called sackcloth, and sat in ashes to show thatthey were humble and repentant. How did God respond to the change in the people? 16. Jonah had prophesied the downfall of Nineveh(Jonah 3:4). How did Jonah respond when the Lord forgave thepeople of Nineveh? (See Jonah 4:13.) He was angry because the Lord was merciful tothe people. 17. SCHOOL THY FEELINGS, O MY BROTHER-PRESIDENT THOMAS S. MONSON If we desire to have a proper spirit with us at all times,we must choose to refrain from becoming angry. October 2009 18. ANGER 19. IN CONCLUSION The Lord loves all his children and we, as latter-dayIsrael, have the great responsibility to share his loveand the truths of the gospel with all people. Read Micah