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Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

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Page 1: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

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Page 2: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022
Page 3: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

ajaamilO naama mahiisuraH puraacharan vibhO dharmapathaan gR^ihaashramii |gurOrgiraa kaananametya dR^iShTavaansudhR^iShTashiilaaM kulaTaaM madaakulaam ||

Long ago, there lived a Brahmin by name Ajamila, who followed the path of virtue, leading the life of a householder. He went to the forest at the command of his father. There he met a woman of immodest appearance and undesirable character, in a drunken state.

Page 4: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

svataH prashaantO(a)pi tadaahR^itaashayaHsvadharmamutsR^ijya tayaa samaaraman |adharmakaarii dashamii bhavan puna-Rdadhau bhavannaamayute sute ratim ||

Though of a composed, disciplined mind by nature, he was attracted to her and forsaking his dutiful way of life, he became a slave to passion and spent his life in her company. Leading a sinful life, he grew old and became very much attached to his son, to whom he had given Thy name, Narayana.

Page 5: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

sa mR^ityukaale yamaraajakinkaraanbhayankaraamstriinabhilakshayan bhiyaa |puraa manaaktvatsmR^iti vaasanaabalaatjuhaava naaraayaNanaamakaM sutam ||

When he was in his death bed, he was terrified by the sight of three attendants of the god of death in front of him. Owing to a small spark of Thy memory lingering in his mind from his younger days, he called out in fear, Thy name, Narayana, thinking of his son.

Page 6: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

duraashayasyaapi tadaatvanirgata-tvadiiyanaamaaksharamaatravaibhavaatpurO(a)bhipeturbhavadiiyapaarShadaaHchaturbhujaaH piitapaTaa manOharaaH ||

Despite his sinfulness, the moment he uttered the word, Narayana, owing to the power of the letters of Thy divine name, there appeared at his bedside, Thy own charming attendants, four-armed and wearing yellow garments.

Page 7: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

amuM cha sampaashya vikarShatO bhaTaanvimu~nchate-tyaarurudhu-rbalaadamii |nivaaritaaste cha bhavajjanaistadaatadiiya paapaM nikhilaM nyavedayan ||

Thy attendants forcibly stopped Yama's messengers, who after tying him with ropes were dragging him along. Thus prevented by Thy attendants, Yama's servants apprised them of all his sins.

Page 8: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

bhavantu paapaani kathaM tu niShkR^itekR^ite(a)pi bhO daNDanamasti paNDitaaH |na niShkR^itiH kiM viditaa bhavaadR^ishaa-Miti prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||

Oh Lord ! Thy attendants admonished Yama's soldiers for meting out punishment to a person who had atoned for his sins and scolded them for their ignorance in spite of being learned.

Page 9: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

shrutismR^itibhyaanvihitaa vrataadayaHpunanti paapaM na lunanti vaasanaam |anantasevaa tu nikR^intati dvayii-Miti prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||

The scriptures (vedas and shastras) describe many vows and disciplinary measures which help one to get rid of one's sins, but they do not rid us of our innate wickedness. But devotion to the Lord destroys both the sin and the natural inclination to sin. Thus, Oh Lord, Thy attendants advised Yama's men.

Page 10: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

anena bhO janmasahasrakOTibhiHkR^iteShu paapeShvapi niShkR^itiH kR^itaa |yadagrahiinnaama bhayaakulO hare-Riti prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||

Thy attendants told the messengers of Yama that even though Ajamila called out the name of Hari in fear, the very fact that he uttered the name of the Lord was atonement enough for the sins committed by him even in a thousand crore years.

Page 11: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

nR^iNaamabuddhyaa(a)pi mukunda kiirtanaMdahatyaghaughaan mahimaasya taadR^ishaH |yathaagniredhaamsi yathauShadhaM gadaa-Niti prabhO tvatpuruShaa babhaaShire ||

The magnificence of the divine name Hari is so (mighty) glorious, that even mere recitation and repetition of the name of Lord Mukunda, even if done mechanically without conscious effort, destroys all the sins committed by men, just as fire burns the sticks of firewood or medicine removes diseases. Thus, Oh Lord, Thy attendants spoke.

Page 12: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

itiiritairyaamyabhaTairapaasR^itebhavadbhaTaanaaM cha gaNe tirOhite |bhavatsmR^itiM ka~nchana kaalamaacharanbhavatpadaM praapi bhavadbhaTairasau ||

The soldiers of Yama, thus advised, withdrew and Thy attendants also went away. Ajamila after spending some time meditating on Thee, was taken to Thy abode by Thy attendants at the appropriate hour.

Page 13: Narayaneeyam English Canto 022

svakinkaraavedana shankitO yama-Stvadanghri bhakteShu na gamyataamiti |svakiiya bhR^ityaanashishikshaduchchakaiHsa deva vaataalayanaatha paahi maam ||

The servants of Yama apprised him of the developments on earth in Ajamila's affair and Yama, Godfearing and righteous as he was, strictly forbade them to approach any devotee of Thy feet. Oh Guruvayurappa of such immense glory ! May Thou protect me.