If all of the world’s cultural heritage was contained in a time capsule, what would you include to demonstrate the legacy of your country

Legacy of Serbia

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If all of the world’s cultural heritage was contained in

a time capsule, what would you include to

demonstrate the legacy of your country

Serbian Legacy

If I had to choose what to include into a time capsule that would best represent my country's legacy I would choose the following :

Serbian monasteries Pobednik-Statue of Victory Rakija Emir Kusturica Slava


For centuries monasteries were center of spiritual and cultural life in Serbia, and in difficult times they represented a refuge and safe place for people.

During the turbulent years they were often destroyed and robbed but fortunately most of them were repaired and preserved and today represent important monuments and treasures of Serbian culture.

The oldest monastery that still stands dates back to 10th century.

Some of the most important Serbian monasteries:

Studenica-established in the late 12th

century by king Stefan Nemanja, it is the largest and richest of Serbia's Orthodox monasteries.

Gracanica- founded by the Serbian king

Stefan Milutin in 1321. Gracanica represents the culmination of the Serbian medieval art of building in the Byzantine tradition.

Pobednik-Statue of Victory

Pobednik (Statue of Victory) is a monument in the

Kalemegdan fortress in Belgrade, erected on 1928 to commemorate the Kingdom of Serbia's war victories over the Ottoman Empire (First Balkan War) and Austria-Hungary (World War I).

The importance of the statue lies in its meening-it

represents the victory of liberty.

Pobednik is always shown in panoramic views of the

city and it is one of the most important sights in Belgrade. I chose to put Pobednik on this list because it represents Belgrade itself.

Fun fact about Pobednik-it is still debatable if it is

on purpose that statue faces Austria...

Rakija Rakija is an alcoholic beverage prevalently accepted in area of Balkans.

Sljivovica is sort of rakija and it is considered a national drink of Serbia.

Rakija is one of the most popular drinks in Serbia and it is often first thing that tourists try when visit Serbia. Rakija truly represents Serbian culture and therefore deserves to be on this list.

Work of Emir Kusturica

Emir Kusturica is Serbian film director famous for his contoversial but unique sense of style in movie making. His films are characterized by surreal situations that often happen throughout the story. Kusturica is known for using historical events as a backround for neorealistic interpretation of intimate family relations in his movies. Apart from being a filmmaker, Kusturica is also a musician. For the needs of his movie Kusturica built a village, called Drvengrad, which then became important tourist location and place where he hosts film and music festival.

Slava The Slava is a Serbian Orthodox church tradition of the ritual glorification of one's family's patron saint . The family celebrates the Slava annually on the saint's feast day. Slava is very popular among Serbs and it is regarded as the most important feast day. Slava is always accompanied by rich selection of food and there is a special cake that is always served in honour of family’s patron saint. The feast can sometimes last up to three days and family usually celebrates Slava with large number of friend and family.

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