Handling Afflictions & Hardships Difficulties and hardships in life are tests. More often hardships come due to our own acts and provide us with great learning opportunities. So, whenever you face some trouble, look for its cause inside you. Learn the law of “cause and effect”, which stipulates that for every effect, there is always a cause. If you take away the cause, the effect will automatically seize. So, when you undo the cause after learning from your mistakes, the effect (i.e the pain) will automatically cease to exist. Had there been no testing system in schools how could one know who was a good student and who not? And if you never knew who was a good student who would you reward. We cannot even dream of progressing throughout our school years without tests, then how can we imagine moving ahead without them? Do you stop going to school fearing tests or rather prepare

Handling afflictions & hardships

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Handling Afflictions & Hardships

Difficulties and hardships in life are tests. More often hardships come due to our own acts and provide us with great learning opportunities. So, whenever you face some trouble, look for its cause inside you. Learn the law of “cause and effect”, which stipulates that for every effect, there is always a cause. If you take away the cause, the effect will automatically seize. So, when you undo the cause after learning from your mistakes, the effect (i.e the pain) will automatically cease to exist.

Had there been no testing system in schools how could one know who was a good student and who not? And if you never knew who was a good student who would you reward. We cannot even dream of progressing throughout our school years without tests, then how can we imagine moving ahead without them? Do you stop going to school fearing tests or rather prepare hard to get through? Accept the hardships in life as tests, as challenge.

If a test is very difficult and beyond your capabilities and you complain about it being so, would it solve the issue? No, there is only one person who can make it easier for you and that is the teacher who has given you the test. Right. If that is right, just

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imagine how other people could relieve you from the hardships and difficulties who themselves going through them like you. If there is someone who can make it easier for you, it is the Lord, Allah. He is the one who has put you in the test and He is the one who can relieve you from pains. Don’t talk about your difficulties and hardships with anyone else but with someone who can comfort you, i.e. God.

Can worry be the solution? By simply worrying about anything, could you really solve it? You see more people die of worries than work. Don’t just worry in difficult times. Instead, do something to bail yourself out. If you worry about losing job, prepare yourself and become the best in your profession. You’ll notice the moment you are prepared your worry will cease. The same is true for hardships. When you discover the cause of your hardships, the next step is to undo it. Remember, there is always a solution to everything that may happen. Never lose hope or courage. In difficult times, work even harder.

If you suffer from a disease, never pray for your recovery, instead wish for “betterment”. No one but God knows what is better for you. What good a life is if it is full of pain and is causing burden.

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While in pain or disease, never complain. Rather pray for your self-sufficiency and patience. If you do so, it will be soothing for you.

Accept disease with patience and gratitude, reflect on your life and make some fundamental changes in your life. If you did that, the disease could become a beginning of something new instead of being an end.

You may come across many good and pious people who face hardships and troubles more often than others. Sometimes people wonder that if they are so pious, why does God put them in more afflictions than those who are known sinners. Would you try to correct or punish someone in the street for some misdeeds? However, if someone close to you carried out same misdeeds, you would be more concerned to correct him/her. Right. Remember that those who are pious and thus close to God are put in more test and trials `than others. Through this God gives these people an opportunity to further clean up.

If there were no hope in this world, the world would have become stagnant. Look at all the killings, which were going on in early 20th century. If there were no hope for a better tomorrow, this world would have come to an end. After a natural disaster you hope it will not happen again and rebuild your house. After you see a plane crash, you don’t lose hope and abandon your plans to fly. You hope that it will not

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happen to you and take the next flight. No one could be certain he/she would be alive tomorrow. Still, you see people planning for decades in advance for they hope to live that long. So make sure that you don’t lose hope for a better tomorrow. Keep on struggling hard and a better tomorrow will come. However, if you have lost hope, you have lost everything. Research shows that diseases kill those people more who lose hope than the ones who expect they will recover.

What would you say of a person whom you helped in difficult time and when he came out of it, instead of being grateful to you he forgot you or even started talking against you? Would you like to help him the second time? Of course, not. You would rather help him/her who at least, if nothing else, is grateful and remembers you. Make sure that you don’t forget those who help you in difficult times, a man (i.e. source) and God, who helped you through him. Always be courteous and thankful to those who help you come out of your difficult times. They are the only true friends.

Conclusion:-“Har Haal Mein Shukar Alhumdulillah, No Gilla & Shikwa from Allah.”