Welcome to Discovery Land!! Lesson # 21 March 18, 2007 Hezekiah Turns Away From Sin Kim—Discovery Land Leader Discovery Land Kids

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Welcome to Discovery Land!!

Lesson # 21

March 18, 2007

Hezekiah Turns Away From Sin

Kim—Discovery Land Leader

Discovery Land Kids

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Trivia Questions!!

How did Hezekiah show he wanted to obey God?

How did the people show they wanted to obey God?

When Hezekiah became proud, how did God show Hezekiah that his actions were wrong?

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Story – Hezekiah Turns Away From Sin

Hezekiah was one of the kings of Judah. His father, Ahaz, had been a very evil king; he

disobeyed God all of his life and worshiped the false gods and idols of the countries around him.

Hezekiah did not want to be like his father. As soon as he became king, he repaired the doors of God’s Temple and opened the Temple again. He called all the men whose families had served in the Temple and told them to get ready to serve God again. They cleaned the Temple and got it

ready for people to worship God again.

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Hezekiah Turns Away from SinWhen the Temple was ready, Hezekiah sent letters and messengers to everyone in Judah and in Israel, too. He invited everyone to come to Jerusalem to

celebrate the Passover. People began to get excited as they heard the news. On the day the

Passover began, there was a large crowd of people in Jerusalem. For the first time in a LONG time,

people from Israel and Judah worshiped God together in the way He told them to. Everyone

was happy; they enjoyed celebrating God’s goodness so much that they celebrated for another

whole week!

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Hezekiah Turns Away from Sin

Then a wonderful thing happened. After this great celebration, the

people of Israel and Judah decided to get rid of the idols and false gods they had been worshiping. They

cleaned up the places where people worshied false gods. The people

were going to worship ONLY the one true God!

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Hezekiah Turns Away from Sin

Because Hezekiah led his people in doing what was right, God made life peaceful and good for the people of

Judah. The Bible tells that King Hezekiah rebuilt many walls and

towers in Jerusalem. He built a long tunnel system to bring water into the

city and built buildings for storing the extra food from the good harvests.

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Hezekiah Turns Away from SinEven when the powerful king of

Assyria and his army tried to destroy Judah and Jerusalem, Hezekiah told

his men to be brave because God would help them. He and the prophet Isaiah prayed to God. And God sent an angel that got rid of the Sssyrian army for them—they didn’t even

have to fight them!

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Hezekiah Turns Away from SinHezekiah obeyed God—most of his

life. But even a good king like Hezekiah can do something wrong. Hezekiah became proud of all the good things he had. He enjoyed

showing visitors all the fine things he owned. Hezekiah began to depend

on his riches instead of trusting God.

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Hezekiah Turns Away from SinGod’s prophet Isaiah warned

Hezekiah that all his riches would one day be taken away. That got

Hezekiah’s attention! He realized he had been proud– and he asked God to

forgive him. He turned away from being proud and all the people of Judah and jerusalem asked God to

forgive them, too. God brough peaceful, happy times again for the rest of the years of Hezekiah’s rule.

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Trivia Questions!!

How did Hezekiah show he wanted to obey God?

How did the people show they wanted to obey God?

When Hezekiah became proud, how did God show Hezekiah that his actions were wrong?

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God wants us to always admit it and ask forgiveness when we’ve done

wrong. It never helps to keep doing wrong. It will only cause us more


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Worship Time!!!“I have considered my ways and have

turned my steps to your statutes.” Psalm 119:59

Who do you know that needs us to pray for them?

Prayer and Lord’s Prayer



Let’s thank God that He loves and cares about everyone—even people who don’t care abut Him

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Verse 1: People waved palm branches one sunny day; People praised Jesus in many ways. Some sang songs, some clapped their hands, some shouted words of praise. Jesus rode in on a donkey, and Easter was on its way.

Chorus: Easter means salvation, salvation means we win! Easter means salvation, salvation means Jesus died for our sins, He rose again, And we’ll live forever with Him!

Verse 2: Jesus died on the cross one dark day. Jesus died for our sins; He is the way. He was buried, He came back to life—He rose from the grave! This is what we celebrate every Easter Day! CHORUS

Verse 3: Jesus friends talked to Him on Easter Day; Jesus’ friends walked with Him and talked and prayed. Jesus went to heaven, sent His Spirit here to stay. We remember Jesus’ death and resurrection when we say: CHORUS

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Verse 1: God’s love lives in me; God’s love lives in me. Now I can care for anyone in need, ‘cause God’s love lives in me.

Verse 2: God’s power lives in me; God’s power lives in me. Now I can show God’s love in ev’ry deed, ‘Cause God’s power lives in me.

Verse 3: God’s love lives in me; God’s love lives in me. Now I can show love in my family, ‘Cause God’s love lives in me.

Verse 4: God’s power lives in me; God’s power lives in me. Now I have power to love my enemies, ‘Cause God’s love and power live in me.

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Verse 1: Two thousand years ago, Jesus lived in the Middle East. His first job was a carpenter; Then He did a wonder at a wedding feast! Then He called His twelve disciples, “won’t you come follow Me? He was teaching crowds about God And making blind eyes see.

Chorus: Jesus’ love is real; Jesus’ love is really real! It’s not a fairy tale. Jesus’ love is true; Jesus’ love is truly true! And if you know Him, you know that He loves you.

Verse 2: Two thousand years ago, Jesus lived in the Middle East. He lived His life for God; And He gave His life for the very least. See in those days people left you out If you were sick or lame. But Jesus touched the sick and sad and made them whole again.

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Game—Turn and Run

• Line up along the wall.

• Follow my commands.

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Art Center—Foot Prints

Finger foot prints

Real foot prints

Pair up and draw foot prints that change directions.

Because none of us is perfect, there are times when we will disobey God. It’s like what happens when we walk down the wrong trail. The play dogh footprints we make today will remind us to turn away from wrong actions and obey God!!

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Coloring picture, and bible skills sheet

Coloring Page

“Hezekiah praises God”

When we know the books of the bible it helps us find our way around in the bible, and helps us to be able to show

God’s love to others.


Line up the books

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Open the eyes of my heart

God of Wonders

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God wants all of you to become His children. --John 1:12

Do you know why God wants you in His family? –1 John 4:8

We have all done wrong things.– Romans 3:23

The Bibles word for doing wrong is “sin.” What do you think should happen to us when we sin? –Romans 6:23

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God loves you so much He sent His Son to die on the cross for your sins. Because Jesus never sinned, He is the only One who can take the punishment for your sins– 1st Corinthians 15:3 and John 4:14

The Bible tells us that God raised Jesus from the dead and that He is alive forever!!!

Are you sorry for your sin? Do you believe Jesus died to be your savior? If you do believe and you are sorry for your sin, God forgives all your sin –1 John 1:9