= According to the scriptures

China ( in prophecy) Yahuah

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Page 1: China ( in prophecy) Yahuah


According to the scriptures

Page 2: China ( in prophecy) Yahuah

秦 the land of Cinim.


World war three will be started by China using cloned beings

Sinim, bushes, woods

From the root


signifies a bush,

Is mentioned in the scriptures

An alliance between Russia, Iran and china will bring war upon the earth

Page 3: China ( in prophecy) Yahuah

YashaYahu 49:12

See, these come from far away, and see, those from the north and the

west, and these from the land of Sinim.”

The symbol know has Qin Tshin symbol depicts two hands husking Wheat,

a grain or rice plant carrying seed

(darnel amongst the wheat)

two surrounding a seed would be interpretated has

a papyrus,sedge or wheat like plant

Depicted as

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Rev 9:16

And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand

thousand: and I heard the number of them.(a backward wind) from the





From the particle αυ au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea

of a baffling wind; backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in

the compound of G1438) of the third person, and (with the proper personal

pronoun) of the other persons: - her, it (-self), one, the other, (mine) own,

said, ([self-], the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-]) self, [your-] selves, she, that,

their (-s), them ([-selves]), there [-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they,

(these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare G848.

The Parable of the Darn-EL

Mattiyahu 13;25

“The Reign of Yahh (Yahu) has become like a Man (âwdam) sowing good

seed within his field.

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Mattiyahu 13;25.

But while the Man (âwdam) slept, his enemy (HaShâwtan) came and

sowed darnel in the midst of the wheat and went away.

Mattiyahu 13;26.

And when the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the darnel also


Mattiyahu 13;27.

And the bondmen of the Sovereign of the house, having approached Him,

said to Him:

‘My Sovereign, didn’t You sow good seed in Your field? From where then

does it have the darnel?’

Mattiyahu 13;28.

And He said to them:

‘A man, an enemy, did this.’

And the bondmen said to Him,

‘Then do You wish, having gone forth, we should gather them?’

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Mattiyahu 13;29.

But He said:

‘No – lest gathering the darnel, ye should uproot the wheat with them.

Mattiyahu 13;30.

Permit both to grow together until the harvest, then within harvest season

I will say to the harvesters,

“Gather first the darnel, and bind them into bundles to burn them;

but bring the wheat together into My granary.”

This is a prophecy of the conversion of the Yhuwdah , or of the

Yâhuahthah (part of the lost tribes), or of both, in the latter day, in the

several parts of the world; who shall come to Yahuah, and to his assembly,

and join in fellowship with them: the allusion is to the return of the

Yhuwdah from their captivity in Babylon, and from all other parts at that

time; some are said to come "from far", from the east, as it is generally

interpreted, from the several eastern nations, as Persia, Y’ishra’al lying

west from them, on the western or Mediterranean sea:

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and, lo, these from the north;

from Media, as some; or rather from Babylon, which lay north of Y’ishra‘al:

and from the west;

or "from the sea"; the Mediterranean sea, and the countries beyond it,

which lie west of Y’ishra‘al:

and these from the land of Sinim.

The Targum and Vulgate Latin version render it, from the land of the

south, with which Jarchi and Kimchi agree, where dwelt the Sinites, which

were of the children of Canaan,

China is indeed called, by Ptolemy {h}, the country of the Sinites;

China is in the process of literally raping the earth, and will be accountable

for its destruction. Yet even today there are Chinese people being called by

Yahh (Yahu) to the truth, and voicing their concerns

Speaking of the assembly in China


Rev 12:17

And the dragon was enraged with the woman ( assembly ), and he went

to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of

Yahh ( Yahu) and possessing the witness of Yahh ( Yahuah HaMeshiakh)

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龙被激怒了的女人 (程序集),和他去对付她的种子,守卫的

Yahh ( Yahu)


Yahh ( Yahu)ah HaMeshiakh


Mal 1:11

“For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My Name is great

among nations. And in every place incense is presented to My Name, and a

clean offering. For My Name is great among nations,” said Yahh of hosts.


提交给我的名字和一个干净的产品。我的名字是伟大国家之间的"说 Yahhuah


Wash yourselves

Repent. Believe and be immersed, that you may receive the spirit of life, by the

laying on of the hands of the Elders

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Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of Yah? Be not

deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor

abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards,

nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of Yah. And such were

some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the

name of the Yahh Almighty, and by the Spirit of our Yah.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven

I Proclamation

First our King and second His Kingdom

( Deut 6;4)

Yet you reject

Our king and his Kingdom

You know the truth, yet live a lie

And yet people reject even this basic knowledge of Yah. Also, all people have an

inner sense of what Yah requires, but they choose not to live up to it.

Romans 1: 19

because that which is known of Almighty is manifest among them, for Almighty

has manifested it to them.

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Both wrath and love are human terms which are applied to Yah. They express the

truth that Yah has a way He wants believers to respond to and live. One's wilful

rejection of Yah will (the Besorah of the Meshiakh) results in consequences both

temporal, and eschatological Neither is an act of human discovery or logic.

Romans 1: 20

For since the creation of the world His invisible qualities have been clearly seen,

being understood from what has been made, both His everlasting power and

Mightiness, for them ( Ath’am and Chawwah) to be without excuse,

Humans are not progressing religiously-they are progressively evil. Since Bber 3

humanity has been going downhill. The darkness is increasing! Knowledge

brought separation and judgment. It is not that human knowledge is always

wrong, it is just not ultimate!

Romans 1:21

because, although they (Ath’am and Chawwah) knew Almighty, they did not

esteem Him as Almighty, nor gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning’s,

and their undiscerning heart was darkened.

Romans 1: 22

Claiming to be wise, (Bber 3:6-7) they became fools,

Romans 1: 23

and changed the esteem of the incorruptible (spectrum of white pure energy) Almighty into

the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of flyers and of four-footed

beasts and of reptiles.

Romans 1: 24

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Therefore, almighty gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts, to

disrespect their bodies among themselves,

Romans 1:25

who changed the truth of Almighty into the falsehood, and worshipped and

served what was created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amĕn.

To the brothers and sisters of China, heed your calling, kneel with us in prayer,

He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

His Blessing be upon you


will kneel before you presenting gifts, and

he will guard you with a hedge of protection,


will illuminate the wholeness of his being

toward you, bringing order, and he will provide

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you with love, sustenance, and friendship,


will lift up the wholeness of his being and look

upon you, and he will set in place all you need to

be whole and complete,

Baruch Haba b’Shem Yah

keiYâh Ben Yahuahthah