Hedayat and HAN

Ancient japan h/h

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Page 1: Ancient japan h/h

Hedayat and HAN

Page 2: Ancient japan h/h

Jomon Period 14,00BC to 300BCYayoi Period 400- 300BCKofun Period AD 250- AD538Asuka Period AD 538-AD710Nara Period AD710-AD794Heian Period AD794-1185PS: These Periods are before 12TH Century

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Background Ancient Japan has a long history, since

14,000BC, the started of Jōmon period until now. And Japan have many periods of dynasty, which is just like Ancient China. The first known written reference is in the information given in a collection of Chinese historical texts, “Twenty-Four Histories”. In many other ways, the Japanese upper classes patterned themselves after the Chinese, such as the clothing style, art style, and religion.

These are Japanese(right) and Chinese(left) ancient art. They are pretty similar, because there are words on the painting and the style is similar too.

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Social Structure Emperor, Empress, and their son or daughter.

Gentries, shoguns, Official, minister, and lords (samurai).Farmers


Merchant PS: This pattern worked in the most of Asia in the ancient world. Especially in Japan, China, and India

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In ancient Japan, there were essentially two different types of houses. The first was what is known as a pit-dwelling house, in which columns are inserted into a big hole dug in the ground and then surrounded by grass. The second was built with the floor raised above the ground. The style of house with an elevated floor is said to have come to Japan from Southeast Asia, and this type of building was apparently used to store grain and other foods so that they wouldn't spoil from heat and humidity.

Ancient Japanese House

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The Life of Emperor(Extra)In Ancient Japan, like many other ancient country in

Asia. Emperor would always be the son of first emperor. When inheritors were trained specially when they were young, they were taught about politic, military, and other basic skills of a emperor. Emperors of ancient Japan lived in their palace, they ate the best foods in the country, they wore the clothe made of the finest silk and color of dark purple, black, and sometimes pink. But in another way, emperors in ancient Japan were different to emperors in other ancient country, because they didn’t have that much power like other emperors had. The most powerful man in ancient Japan is a military general, shogun.

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Food Japanese food has always been simple and

healthy. The traditional Japanese food was based on grains, such as rice, millet, wheat, barley, and noodles, ect. Many foods were flavored with soy sauce, made form crushed, fermented soya beans, such as tofu. Before 1900s , people in Japan did not eat red meat or dairy products.

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Family Life Families in ancient Japan survived by working

together on the family land. And Japanese people believed that the family group was important than any one individual. Family members were supposed to consider the well being of whole family first, before think about their owner needs or plans. Family responsibility of ancient Japanese passed down the generations, from dad and eldest son.

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MarriageIn the age of aristocracy, “Muko-iri”

was the most common marriage system in Japan. Only the husband is aloud to go to the wife's house at night on tell the wife’s parents die or they give birth to a child then they go to the husbands house. Among common people labor power was one of the most important factors to maintain a family. A bridegroom would stay with the brides family to give his labor for a period of time.

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Childbirth Practice(Extra) A month before birth, a woman would leave her husband,

return to her parents home and give birth top the child. Her family would take care of her for one month then she’d return to her husband with her child. A woman wears a cotton abdomen band called a Iwata-obi, after the fifth month of pregnancy. It is given by her family for protection, good luck and an easy birth. After birth, a “seventh night” is held or the celebration of naming. On this day the child is named and introduced to the world, even though the baby does not leave the house for one month. On the baby's first birthday, various tools are placed in the path of the crawling child. Items like a sickle, an abacus or a writing brush can tell the future profession of the infant by which one it chooses to play with.

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Childhood The Childhood in ancient Japan is simple and

busy. They had to help in the farmyard, fields, and households. They didn’t have much time for education like we do. Instead of school, many of them were just learn stuff at home by mom and dad. And for boys, they might have chance to be trained to a samurai when they were still in a young age. For girls, their mother and older sisters taught them do households and how to be a good bride.

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Childhood in Canada and JapanIn Canada every child has the rite for

education. In Japan if the boys are lucky in the young age the get to train to become a samurai. The girls get education at home from there mom and dad and get lessons from there mom and sister for how to become a house wife. In Japan they had to help in the farmyard, fields, and households. But in Canada the kids don’t do that but the moms and dads work.

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EducationChinese teachings and ideas flowed into Japan from the

sixth to the ninth century. Along with the introduction of Buddhism came the Chinese system of writing and its literary tradition, and Confucianism.

Heian-kyo the imperial capital, had five institutions of higher learning, and during the remainder of the Heian period, other schools were established by the nobility and the imperial court. Zen Buddhist monasteries were especially important centers of learning, and the Ashikaga School, Ashikaga Gakko, flourished in the fifteenth century as a center of higher learning.

Boys and girls from rich family were allowed to go to small school to get education. The teacher was the person who had once went to China to study.

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ReligionReligion in Japan is mainly

associated with Shinto and Buddhism. Most Japanese people generally do not exclusively identify themselves as followers of only one religion. Japan grants full religious freedom allowing minority religions like Christianity, Islam and Sikhism to be practiced.

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One Common God(extra)One common god in Japan is Ebisu. He is the god of fishermen, good luck, and workingmen, as well as the guardian of the health of small children. He is one of the seven gods of Fortune and the only one of the seven to originate from Japan. Ebisu was originally named Hiruko, meaning "leech child". He was the first child of Izanagi and Izanami, born without bones (or, in some stories, without arms and legs) due to his mother's transgression during the marriage ritual. Hiruko struggled to survive but, as he could not stand, he was cast to the sea in a boat of reeds before his third birthday. He eventually washed ashore—possibly in Ezo and was cared for by the Ainu Ebisu Saburo.

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Clothing Work Clothing Palace Fashions Ordinary people in Ancient

Japan could not afford the rich, silk robes worn by emperors, nobles and samurai families. Instead, they wore plain simple clothes that allowed them move easily and freely . Men wore baggy Jackets and loose trousers. Women wore simple, long wrap over robes.

In Ancient Japan, rich people at the emperor’s court wore very different clothes from ordinary peasant farmers. From around AD600 to 1500, Japanese court fashions were based on traditional Chinese Styles. Both men and women wore long, flowing robes made of many layers of fine, glossy silk.

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Art Music

Ancient Japanese art has three big part, Paper art ,Wood Work, and crafts work. Paper art including the fans, scenes, and painting. Wood work is wooden statues. And Crafts work including clothing and trinkets. Japanese traditional art is also influenced Chinese ancient art.

Ancient Japanese music is a type of music that can make people feels nature. Japanese music is influenced by Chinese traditional music because most of the instrument were once came from China.

Type of Style of Japanese music:

Kabuki, Noh, Gagaku, Shomyo, Jōruri, Nagauta, Shakuhachi, Sōkyoku.

Type of Instrument: Biwa, Koto, Ichigenkin, Sanshin,

Yamatogoto, Kokyu, Hocchiku, Nohkan, Ryuteki, Shakuhachi, Shinobue, Hichiriki, Sho, Yu, Horagai, Kakko, Taiko, Otsuzumi, Kotsuzum, Tsuzumi, Shime-Daiko, Hyoshigi, MokugyoShoko.

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Festivals (Extra)The ancient Japanese people celebrated festival all

year around, especially during the warm months of spring and summer. Many of these festivals were connected with farming or to the seasons. Others were linked to their mean religion Shinto or to imported Buddhist ideas. There were two main kind of festivals. National holidays, like New Years, were celebrated throughout the country. Smaller local holidays were connected to an ancient Shinto shrine. One of the most important ceremonies was the tea ceremonies.

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Conclusion Ancient Japan was a country that full of

wisdom, wisdom shows in their art, music, written character, farming, food, wood structure, and in many other place. Ancient Japan doesn’t have very long history like some other ancient country have, but Japanese people had developed their country so quickly in a not long time, this is incredible. Japan have many place that people can learn some thing from.

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Information Bibliography Step into Ancient Japan.(book)Life in ancient japan.(book)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Japanhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kofun_periodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kofun_periodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nara_periodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebisu_(mythology)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebisu_(mythology)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_education_in_Japan

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Picture Bibliography http://farm1.static.flickr.com/107/293672198_263267c326.jpg http://pipichan.info/wp-content/gallery/recipes/tofu.jpg\ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/

Emperor_Showa.jpg/300px-Emperor_Showa.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebisu_(mythology) http://jtrad.columbia.jp/eng/images/inst/sha_01.jpg http://www.google.ca/images?





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Sports(Extra Credit) Sumo wrestling is ancient Japanese sport

that is really popular. Sumo wrestling is Japans traditional national sport. Soccer and base ball are close to second but sumo wrestling is the favored. The rules are simple you just have to get the after person out of the ring before he throw you out of the ring. While you are 4.55 meters across from the other person and you have to were a heavy silk belt. This game is getting beger by the second that people from all over the world are playing this game. The object is to force your opponent out of this ring or to make any part of his body (excepting the soles of the feet) touch the playing surface

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Shogun(Extra Credits)Shogun was a ancient Japanese military rank and

general of all of the ancient Japanese army. Shogun’s office is called “shogunate”, in Japanese is was bakufu, it means the house of the general. Shoguns were from samurais, they were the head of samurais and army. In many ways Shogun had more power than the emperor in ancient Japan, because shogun controlled the army. That’s why boys in ancient Japan were often trained as samurais. Shogun was the most powerful man in ancient Japan until 1867, when the last shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu relinquished his shogunate to emperor Meiji.

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Bushdo code of the Warrior(Extra Credit)Many people thought the Bushdo code is just a code of

conduct for the Samurai of ancient Japan. This is not all true. The concept of a written code of conduct for warriors in Japan did not emerge until the Tokugawa Era of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, when Japan was at peace. It is believed that these ideas that make up the Bushido code have very little in common with the actual lifestyles and behavior of fighting warriors in previous years. When the Tokugawa era emerged, Samurai warriors found themselves to be not fighters, but rather administrators and political figures; little more than “Desk-Jockeys”, and it was this situation that is believed to have sparked the motivation for the Bushido.