By Magdy Abd Alshafy

Allah is the same name used in ot and nt

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Page 1: Allah is the same name used in ot and nt

By Magdy Abd Alshafy

Page 2: Allah is the same name used in ot and nt

The Christian missionaries claim that Muhammad

called people to worship an ancient pagan god

named” allah.”The Arabic word for the English word” god” is Allah.

The aim behind this false claim is clear; they always

labored themselves to distract the simple-minded

Christian from the truth.

Did Muhammad really ordered people to worship an

idol god?www.knowmuhammad.org

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Refuting this lie by mental evidences


If Muhammad had called for the moon-god, the

idolaters would have never fought him and they

would have supported him because they

worshiped that idol.

In the Holy Quran, worshipping idols especially

the sun and the moon is strictly forbidden.

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The Arab idolaters would have stop persecuting the

prophet if he just said a good word about their idols

but he never did.

They even asked him to worship their idol for one year

and they would do the same next year but he refused. On the conquer of Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad

sent some people to Taif where the moon-god( Al-lat)

was worshipped to demolish it .

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In the city of Madina in what we call today "Saudi

Arabia", there were two main religions: the idol

worshiping and Judaism. The name of

the Jewish leader who also was the Highest Priest in

Madina before Islam came was "Abd-Allah Bin-Saba".

His Arabic name was not "Abd-Elohim Bin-Saba" or

"Abd-Elloi Bin-Saba" or "Abd-GOD Bin-Saba".

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•The Holy Quran states that moon is just among God's

servants :•Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in

the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun,

the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the

moving creatures and many of the people? . (22:18)

The Holy Quran refutes the missionaries’ claim

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The early pagan Arabs knew well that Allah is not the

moon- god( Al-lat):

If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and

earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they

would surely say, "Allah." Then how are they

deluded? (29:61)

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The Holy Quran implicitly condemns and warns

against the worship of the idol-god that was practiced

by the Arab pagans. God says what means:

“And of His signs are the night and day and the sun

and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon,

but prostate to Allah, who created them, if it should be

Him that you worship. (41:37)”

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The contemporary Jews of Prophet Muhammad neverobjected to the word Allah being used by Muhammad

as a proper name of Yehwah though they were keen to find faults with the Islam.

The contemporary Christians who lived in nearby cities to Madina ( Syria, Nagran…etc) never object to the proper name” Allah” though they were keen

to find faults with Islam .Jesus used the word “ Allah” in his Aramaic tongue .


The Jesw and the

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The above book mentions that Ezra and the Prophet Daniel called their God as "Elah". The passage above is more than enough to counter the allegation made by misguided Christians about Allâh being a moon god. For, if Allâh is the moon god, then what were Ezra and Daniel worshipping?

There is proof from a Christian source that supports our argument (Vine's Complete Exposition Dictionary by W.E. Vine, Merrill F.Unger, William White, Jr., Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1996.)

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•Modern Arab Christians use the word" Allah" in their Holy

Book. Please pay attention to the underlined Arabic word Allah

Here’s the word Allah in Arabic


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Please read this lines from the Book of Ezra :“For some have obtained entrance, who from the

beginning were registered beforehand under this

condemnation: wicked men, who pervert the grace

of Alaha to impurity, and deny him who is the only

Lord Alaha and Maran Yeshua Mshikha”


please note that in Arabic you can’t pronounce one letter twice in one word, it seems that the Aramaic language followed the same role .Note that اللهin

Arabic sounds like Alaha in the above mentioned lines

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See it yourself

The word Allah in John, the Aramaic version , chapter

one ܠܘܬ ܗܘܐܗܘ ܐܠܗܐܘܐܠܗܐ ܗܘܐ ܐܝܬܘܗܝ

ܡܠܬܐ:// . . /****1/ _ .http www suduva com aramaic john h


:// . . /****1/ _ .http www suduva com aramaic john htm

ܠܘܬܐܠܗܐ ܗܘܐܒܪܫܝܬ ܗܢܐܐܝܬܘܗܝ


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The first time the word "God" appears in the Bible, it is in Genesis (1:1) , when it states

B'reshit bara ELOHIM et ha-shama'im, V'et ha-arets.In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


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Please go to this link to hear the pronunciation of

the word” Allah” in Hebrew:

:// . 4 . /http www hebrew christians com N


Elah/ .elah html


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For Aramaic references that prove the original

name for GOD Almighty was indeed "Allah": Visit:


The state of Assyria

Aramaic web site. When you visit their site, click on

"Search" at the top blue bar, then click on the "Search

Aramaic Lexicon (online directory" link, then type in

"God" and click on "English word" radio button.

Note that Jesus’ mother language was the Aramaic

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