A reason to sing! Luke 2:9-14 Coral Coast Christian Church – online version Peter Bender 13 th December 2015

A reason to sing

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Page 1: A reason to sing

A reason to sing!

Luke 2:9-14Coral Coast Christian Church – online versionPeter Bender 13th December 2015

Page 2: A reason to sing

Notes for online viewers

Spoke to my friend Ian recently and asked what he was upto. He explained that he was writing his Christmas messages. I said but “it was only November” to which he replied that “yes, but people were expecting a Christmas message so he didn’t want to disappoint them!”

This got me to thinking that yes, I would like to ensure people are uplifted and receive the expected happiness associated with Christmas. I wanted people to have a reason to sing.

So I took the opportunity of this sermon to discuss the scene when the shepherds are huddled around a fire, throwing back a goats milk or two at night time when suddenly, the Angel of the Lord appeared.

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A reason to sing!

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Be not afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

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A reason to sing!

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

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A reason to sing!

God’s joy

Israel’s joy

Our joy

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God’s joy

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Notes for online viewers

Luke’s medical background makes a factual story. Who has heard that Christmas can’t be this time of year because shepherds aren’t out in winter in Judea? Well winter is actually mild in Judea. Sacrificial sheep for Passover, which is in a few months are kept separate and outside of town. Egyptians celebrate Christmas on Jan 6 which some believe to be when the wise men visited Jesus.

Israel focused on events more so than dates. Remember when you lost your first tooth? You remember the event but not the day. I lost it by crashing a scooter – the first of many crashes.

The shepherds were religious but unclean. Even considered lowly and untrustworthy. To top things off, these were the night watchmen shepherds. Remember King David wasn’t even considered part of the family when Samuel came to visit. Jesus is the greatest shepherd and we are his flock.

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Notes for online viewers

The gospel (good news about Jesus) first came to the social outcasts of Jesus’s day. “ordinary people who have joyfully received the gospel”

Key words are terror and suddenly. Not just an angel but visible representation of the glory of God. Heavenly host – army of angels. Bold proclamation of the Gospel right at the moment of Christ’s birth.

Glory of the Lord shone about them. What other times do we read about the Glory of God shining? – Moses and the burning bush, the pillar of fire at the Tabernacle and Jesus at his Transfiguration. It is the angels heavenly calling and pleasure to glorify God continually. They sing a hymn of praise on the nature, the significance and the consequence of Jesus’ birth.

Glory to God is the climax of the story.

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Israel’s joy

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Notes for online viewers

To the nation of Israel this event was what they had been waiting and writing for centuries. It was the Promised Messiah, hope of centuries has been fulfilled, Christ the Lord, Anointed One, Messiah of God who is God himself. Savior of disasters, dangers, need, sin and death. The giver of blessings beyond imagination. Fulfiller of God’s promises, the great prophet, priest, king and divine servant… This is an event of worldwide and eternal significance. It was the human form of the Son of God.

..and he is in a manger and not the only birth that night! On one hand it is the most humble of circumstances and people. On the

other hand there are celestial beings and a miraculous virgin birth of Jesus.

Have you ever met someone famous? How nervous were you? Imagine what the shepherds felt at this announcement for Israel?

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Notes for online viewers

Luke the doctor uses Joy 35 times in his gospel. This is more times that Matthew who uses it 14 times and Mark who never uses the word. The word Glory is also distinctively Lukan and starts and ends our passage today at v9 and 14. He seems to be quite the emotional doctor doesn’t he? He understands the impact and reason for joy, a reason to sing!

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Our Joy

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Notes for online viewers

Israel was occupied by Rome, The emperor can give peace from war on land and sea but he is unable to give peace of heart. Nowadays, this is what we still yearn even more so than outward peace due to war and politics and illness.

It is peace with God. While people live outside of Him then the earth remains in a state of disorder and strife without real peace.

The meaning of the end of the hymn “peace on earth to men on whom his favor rest”.. is that peace on earth will be a reality for those who are blessed by the good-will and gracious favor of God. Those who become Christians will have full salvation as children of God. You’re either on the bus or your not!

People expect a Christmas message. Sing carols. Lift their heart and souls. There is no Christmas spirit out there. Was decorations in October now nothing. Was carols then politically incorrect, then overcome, now fearful of IS?

We are the shepherds, the humble, were not royalty or great political leaders. We are shepherds. Our flock is the everyday people we meet. Family, friends, neighbors, work mates.

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Notes for online viewers

How do we spread the gospel? Lets preach the gospel in song, we have a reason to sing, the perfect time to share joy. Even the anti Christians expect gospel and carols right now. Put a Christmas carol in their head, drive them nuts, make them thankful it’s Christmas, make them feel like singing also.

Invite them to the Carols next week. Come to the Carols and ask others if they enjoyed it – then tell them that if they haven’t got a church to go to then we would love them to come to our church for a Christmas service. They are expecting outreach, they are expecting invitations, they are expecting to see Christians happy.

It’s joy for eternity, It’s joy to the world! Joy to the world! The Lord has come. Let earth receive her king.

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A reason to sing!

God’s joy

Israel’s joy

Our joy