Trail of Blood Studies Church History As It relates To Missionary Baptists

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Trail of BloodStudies

Church History As It relates To Missionary Baptists

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– Week 11 and 12 Century 501 – 600

• Review of the History

– Dark Ages

– Roman Empire

• The New Testament Church and ……– Illyricum and Dalmatia– Praised the Scriptures– Heavily persecuted– Mixed with Donatists and Novations– Doctrinal Statement

Assignments: Trail of Blood, Pages- 11, 12 and 13

- Week 13 and 14 Century 601 – 700, 701-800- - The New Testament Church and ……Running

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Trail of Blood

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The Dark Ages

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The Dark Ages

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The Dark AgesHistorical TimelineA. 500 AD: Rome has Fallen to


B. 700 AD: German Tribes setup kingdoms1. They become Christians

C. 730--‐814AD: Charlemagne1. Rules France, Germany, Italy2. Crowned Roman Emperor

D. 800--‐1000AD:Vikings & Muslims Invade

1. Vikings:England, France, N. Germany2. Muslims: N. Africa, Turkey, Israel, Spain

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The Dark Ages

F. 1215 AD:King John Signs Magna Carta

1. King John of England = Weak Leader2. Taxed the Nobles, Nobles Rebelled3. Forced to sign “Magna Carta,” Limited his Power

a. No Taxes w/out representationb. Trial Courts w/ Juryc. Protection under law

G. 1300 AD: Bubonic Plague (AKA “Black Death”)1. Killed 1/3 the population2. Weakened the church, prayers didn’t work

E. 1093--‐1200AD:Crusades1. Christians go to save/reclaim Jerusalem2. Try different themes all failed3. As a result:

a. It weakened the Churchb. It weakened the Noblesc. Restarts trade w/ the East

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AD 500-600Beyond the reach or Rome in outlying places such as Saxony, Netherlands, Languedoc, etc., there were whole organizations of Acts 2 Christians. (J.H. Blunt,p. 15).

AD 502 The majority of people in W. European tribes had been baptized into the Name of Jesus. (H. Daniel-Rops, p.110)

AD 540-670 Bede, "English History" p. 148, found one-God people throughout England.

AD 431 COUNCIL OF EPHESUS (laux. p.154) The popes (199 of them) proclaimed Mary to be the "MOTHER OF GOD." (E. Fodor, Turkey 1970, p.243).CATHOLICS BURN ALLEGED HERETICS! (J.B. Russell, p. 22).

D 453 Pentecostal glossolalists martyred by Pope Leo I, some were tongues speaking Priscillianists. (Roth, p.35).

AD 476 ROMAN EMPIRE FELL! Rome could no longer lord over other nations. Vain historians wept and moaned over the fall of corrupt Rome.

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The Dark AgesThe term Dark Ages originally refers to the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance (approximately 500AD-1000AD), during which intellectual and cultural pursuits stagnated. It used to refer to the entire Middle Ages, though scholars in the 19th century began to recognize separate periods of growth within the medieval period. The Dark Ages were officially ushered in with the collapse of the Roman Empire, which was due to assault by barbarian tribes and a weak government. The Dark Ages is most widely recognized for the period of feudalism in Europe. Land was divided and partitioned to the serf population by a Lord. Serfs tilled the land and harvested crops, but gave most of their harvest to the Lord. In return, they were offered protection from the Lord. Knights were well above serfs in social and economic status. Viking raids were also characteristic of the Dark Ages.They ravaged the coastline of Europe, pillaging any nearby towns. They would often do this and leave before an adequate force could be mobilized to stop them. During the Dark ages, all scientific and empirical pursuits ceased and the Church had an enormous magnitude of power, even over kings. he western and eastern branches of the Church split into the EasternOrthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church. The division propagated for a number of different reasons and stands even today.

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With the sixth century begins the period in church history known as the Dark Ages. "Iniquity and vice revealed unblushingly under the protection of Church sanctity." Spiritual power and voluntary obedience of the gospel had been displaced in the Catholic church by forms and ceremonies borrowed from Judaism and Paganism. The worship of Mary, and saints, and relics, had been introduced, and a belief in the saving efficacy of human works had superseded faith in the Savior of sinners. Heathen idolaters were being converted to Catholicism, the only requirement made of them being a transfer of their worship from their gods to the images of Christ and the saints, with an oral profession of faith in Christ. Church and state having been united under the reign of Constantine in the fourth century, the Christian religion had become very popular, and vast multitudes of heathens were constantly flocking into the so-called Catholic church. In this century under the reign of Justinian an effort was made to enforce religious uniformity throughout the Roman Empire, and severe penalties were enacted against all who would not conform to the corruptions of the church of Rome. In the year 534 the power of the Vandals was broken in Africaby the Arabs, and the true followers of Christ, known as Donatists,were driven from their peaceful abodes.

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In the various parts of the Empire where the people of God were found, persecutions were so waged against them for their refusal to unite with the corrupt church, that they fled for refuge to the mountainous districts of northern Italy, northern Spain, and southern France. They were still known by the names, Novatianists, and Donatists. Having fled to the mountains they were called Montanists (or Mountaineers).They were occasionally called Ana-Baptists or re-baptizers, because they refused to recognize the validity of Catholic baptism, but baptized all who came to them from that party. This faithful people, banished, reproached, anathematized, and condemned as criminals by Greek and Roman, were still watched over and preserved by the almighty Shepherd of Israel, and continued, like the burning bush, amid the fires of persecution, unconsumed and undismayed.They were the true, independent, spiritual churches of Jesus Christ, composed of baptized believers, to whom the true gospel of the Son of God, and the pure service that belongs thereto, were more precious than life itself with all its attendant blessings. The altar-fires have been kept burning by this linked brotherhood through all the gloom and blood of centuries, throughevery trial and every storm. No disasters could shake and no sufferingscould appeal the firmness and fortitude of this God-fearing people,through whom the true succession of the church of Christ is to betraced.

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The Dark Ages The Dark Ages 1 The Dark Ages 2

The Dark Ages 3 The Dark Ages 4

Brother James Billings, B.S., Th.B., M.Div. -- Department of Bible

Voice of the Martyrs

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Illyricum and Dalmatia

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Trail of Blood Studies

– Admit where we are on this journey!

– Knowing the history helps

– Study the history and bible

– Build confidence

– Commit to serving Jesus

– Tell others

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2000 A.D.

1400 B.C..


Creation of world 2500

B.C.400 B.C..

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The Dark AgesHistorical TimelineA. 500 AD: Rome has Fallen to


B. 700 AD: German Tribes setup kingdoms1. They become Christians

C. 730--‐814AD: Charlemagne1. Rules France, Germany, Italy2. Crowned Roman Emperor

D. 800--‐1000AD:Vikings & Muslims Invade

1. Vikings:England, France, N. Germany2. Muslims: N. Africa, Turkey, Israel, Spain

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AD 600-700Christianity was found in several Modalistic Monarchian organizations. These were generally referred to collectively as: CATHARI.

AD 610 JESUS NAME WATER BAPTISM (Lambert, p. 62). The Jesus Christ water baptism was almost the only one in Frisia until AD 689. There were almost no Catholics. (J. Laux, p. 218).

NOTE: For 526 years (since AD 37-42) Apostolic Celts in Britain had kept the 14th NISAN Passover! One God doctrine was the dominant religion by far. (E.T. Thompson, "Through the Ages, pp. 106-108). The world has been duped into supposing Catholicism was the only religion there was.

AD 662 MOSLEMS FOUGHT CATHOLICS. Islamism was strong. Muslims had the KORAN, their Holy Book. (Bernstein & Green, p. 172). Muslims in Spain were the Moors; and they protected Jews and other one God Christians from Catholic interest.

AD 695 Jews were killed in Spain by the Catholics. The adult Jews were martyred in Spain by Catholic believers and children of the Jews were seized and reared as Catholics! (C. Roth, p.127).

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AD 800-900The Catholic hierarchy slandered all others as, HERETICS! However, alleged heretics filled the lands.AD 800 Quote: "Donatism (Acts 2) was never absent from the medieval scene. It lasted for twelve centuries and it maintained the primitive Apostolic message." (L.Verduin, p.35). The 9th century had more Apostolics than any other. The following references prove this. (Z. Oldenbourg, pp. 29,41,255; J.B. Ressell, pp. 5-14, 172-178). During this period the Catholic system almost suffered total collapse. Apostolic preachers were everywhere. There were more "false priest" as they were called who had been ordained in the Catholic system. (Russell, p. 174).AD 800 Vain kings like Pepin, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, etc., bowed to popes. (Wm. Langer, pp.150-155). Huge land grants were handed to the popes. Charlemagne conquered and confiscated for the Vatican; he made about 54 military campaigns against non-Catholic countries, 18 against Saxony alone. (Berstein & Green, p. 200; E.T. Tompson, pp. 120-125). He then forced people into Catholicism.AD 858-867 Pope Nicholas admitted that Jesus Name baptism was the valid one! ("Enc. Britannica, 11th ed., Vol 3, pp. 365-366).AD 852-889 FEUDALISM STARTED. This is how Europe became Catholic. Rulers used Catholic armies to crush Bulgaria; that religion was forced upon Czechs and Slavics, etc. Jews were then massacred. (Bernstein & Green, p. 150-1; Laux, pp 275-288).