Isaiah 50:5-9 I gave my back to those who struck me. Copyrighted material that appears in this article is included under the provisions of the Fair Use Clause of the National Copyright Act, which allows limited reproduction of copyrighted materials for educational and religious use when no financial charge is made for viewing. Catholic Lectionary. (2009). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

24th Sunday - First Reading - Isaiah 50:5–9a -

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  1. 1. I gave my back to those who struck me. Copyrighted material that appears in this article is included under the provisions of the Fair Use Clause of the National Copyright Act, which allows limited reproduction of copyrighted materials for educational and religious use when no financial charge is made for viewing. Catholic Lectionary. (2009). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.
  2. 2. 5 And I have not rebelled, have not turned back. 6 I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. 7 The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame. 8 He is near who upholds my right; if anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together. Who disputes my right? Let him confront me. 9 See, the Lord GOD is my help; who will prove me wrong? Lo, they will all wear out like cloth, the moth will eat them up.
  3. 3. This reading is often referred to as a Servant Song, a servant who willingly accepts his afflictions because of his confidence in God. In the Old Testament slaves could not be kept for more than 6 years (Ex. 21:2). But the salve could become a bond slave, a slave by choice if he chose to remain with his master. After making the choice to be a bond slave an awl, a metal pointed instrument, was driven through his earlobe and a gold ring would be placed in the hole. In verses 5-6 the servant declares obedience and faithfulness to God. In verses 7-9 the servant tells us that his faith in God will save him. He is so confident he says, I have set my face like flint.
  4. 4. The servants faith is as unbreakable as flint but his adversaries are like old cloth infested with moths, the cloths time is short but the servants time is eternal. The cloth will be eaten up by the moths who represent sin but the righteous will be saved from destruction by God who forgives and removes sin if asked. We can apply this Old Testament reading to the New Testament life of Jesus. Jesus didnt rebel against his Father. Mt 26:39 He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer, saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will.
  5. 5. Jn. 8:29 The one who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, because I always do what is pleasing to him. Jesus was beaten, mocked and never lost confidence in God. Mt 26:67 Then they spat in his face, and struck him; and some slapped him, Christs enemies, the religious leaders, were like the old cloth. Mt 12:14 But the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him to put him to death. They, like the cloth, were consumed by their own sin.