II Peter 3:11-18

2 Peter 03:11-18

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II Peter 3:11-18

C.  S.  Lewis:  “It  is  since  Christians  have  largely  ceased  to  think  of  the  other  world  that  they  have  become  so  ineffective  in  this  one.”  

Joseph  Stowell:  “When  we  begin  to  believe  the  reality  of  the  other  side,  we  start  behaving  differently  on  this  side.”

“Although  [most]  of  us  believe  in  an  afterlife,  no  one  much  talks  about  it.  Christians  believe  we  will  spend  eternity  in  a  splendid  place  called  heaven  .  .  .  isn’t  it  a  little  bizarre  that  we  simply  ignore  heaven  acting  as  if  it  doesn’t  matter?”  

Phillip  Yancey

1 Beloved,  I  now  write  to  you  this  second  epistle  (in  both  of  which  I  stir  up  your  pure  minds  by  way  of  reminder),  2 that  you  may  be  mindful  of  the  words  which  were  spoken  before  by  the  holy  prophets,  and  of  the  commandment  of  us,  the  apostles  of  the  Lord  and  Savior,  

3 knowing  this  first:  that  scoffers  will  come  in  the  last  days…

1. Is  Sure (3:1-­‐9)9 The  Lord  is  not  slack  concerning  His  promise,  as  some  count  slackness,  but  is  longsuffering  toward  us,  not  willing  that  any  should  perish  but  that  all  should  come  to  repentance.  

1. Is  Sure (3:1-­‐9)

2. Will  be  Sudden (3:10)10 But  the  day  of  the  Lord  will  come  as  a  thief  in  the  night,  in  which  the  heavens  will  pass  away  with  a  great  noise,  and  the  elements  will  melt  with  fervent  heat;  both  the  earth  and  the  works  that  are  in  it  will  be  burned  up.  

1. Is  Sure (3:1-­‐9)2. Will  be  Sudden (3:10)3.    Is  Sanctifying  (3:11-­‐18)

11 Therefore,  since  all  these  things  will  be  dissolved,  what  manner  of  persons  ought  you  to  be  in  holy  conduct  and  godliness,

11 Therefore,  since  all  these  things  will  be  dissolved,  what  manner  of  persons  ought  you  to  be  in  holy  conduct  and  godliness,  12looking  for  and  hastening  the  coming  of  the  day  of  God,  because  of  which  the  heavens  will  be  dissolved,  being  on  fire,  and  the  elements  will  melt  with  fervent  heat?  13Nevertheless  we,  according  to  His  promise,  look  for  new  heavens  and  a  new  earth  in  which  righteousness  dwells.  

14 Therefore,  beloved,  looking  forward  to  these  things,  be  diligent  to  be  found  by  Him  in  peace,  without  spot  and  blameless;  15 and  consider  that  the  longsuffering  of  our  Lord  is  salvation—as  also  our  beloved  brother  Paul,  according  to  the  wisdom  given  to  him,  has  written  to  you,  16 as  also  in  all  his  epistles,  speaking  in  them  of  these  things,  in  which  are  some  things  hard  to  understand,  

which  untaught  and  unstable  people  twist  to  their  own  destruction,  as  they  do  also  the  rest  of  the  Scriptures.  17 You  therefore,  beloved,  since  you  know  this  beforehand,  beware  lest  you  also  fall  from  your  own  steadfastness,  being  led  away  with  the  error  of  the  wicked;  18 but  grow  in  the  grace  and  knowledge  of  our  Lord  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ.  To  Him  be  the  glory  both  now  and  forever.  Amen.  

12 looking for  and  hastening  the  coming  of  the  day  of  God,  because  of  which  the  heavens  will  be  dissolved,  being  on  fire,  and  the  elements  will  melt  with  fervent  heat?  13 Nevertheless  we,  according  to  His  promise,  look for  new  heavens  and  a  new  earth  in  which  righteousness  dwells.  “Looking”  =  An  earnest  anticipation,  

eager  desire  (Luke 1:21)

(75+  x’s)  always  connected  with  judgment  

(2  x’s)  refers  to  the  ushering  in  of  eternity

(3  x’s)  relates  wholly  to  the  reward  &  blessingof  the  saints  at  His  coming

11 Therefore,  since  all  these  things  will  be  dissolved,  what  manner  of  persons  ought  you  to  be  in  holy  conduct and  godliness

John  McArthur:  “Holy  conduct  refers  to  action,  godliness refers  to  attitude.”

1  John  3:3    And  everyone  who  has  this  hope  in  Him  purifies  himself,  just  as  He  is  pure.  

14 Therefore,  beloved,  looking  forward  to  these  things,  be  diligent…

• "be  diligent"  (aorist  imperative)• spoudazo =  to  exert  yourself,  endeavor,  do  your  best  

1:5    But  also  for  this  very  reason,  giving  all  diligence,  add  to  your  faith  virtue,  to  virtue  knowledge,  

1:10    Therefore,  brethren,  be  even  more  diligent  to  make  your  call  and  election  sure…

14 …be  diligent  to  be  found  by  Him  in  peace…

A.   Live  In  Peace  With  One  Another

14 …be  diligent  to  be  found  by  Him  in  peace,  without  spot  and  blameless;  

B.   Live  A  Life  That  Is  Morally  Clean  

• “spotless” =  without  defect,  pure,  clean,  or  uncorrupted

• “blameless” =  morally  blameless,  without  rebuke,  without  reproach

1. Peter’s  command:  

14be  diligent  to  be  found  by  Him  in  peace,  without  spot  and  blameless;  

II  Tim.  2:15    Be  diligent  to  present  yourself  approved  to  God,  a  worker  who  does  not  need  to  be  ashamed,  rightly  dividing  the  word  of  truth.

1  Peter  1:19  but  with  the  precious  blood  of  Christ,  as  of  a  lamb  without  blemish  and  without  spot.  


II  Peter  2:13b  They  are  spots  and  blemishes,  carousing  in  their  own  deceptions  while  they  feast  with  you,

2  Peter  3:15    and  consider that  the  longsuffering  of  our  Lord  is  salvation—

• “consider”  =  to  constantly  guard  yourself;  to  watch,  keep  watch

• “longsuffering” =  a  state  of  quietness  and  rest  in  the  presence  of  unfavorable  circumstances,  patience

Romans  2:4  Or  do  you  despise   the  riches  of  His  goodness,   forbearance,  and  longsuffering,  not  knowing  that  the  goodness  of  God  leads  you  to  repentance?

16  which  untaught  and  unstable  people  twistto  their  own  destruction,  as  they  do  also  the  rest  of  the  Scriptures.

• “twist”  =    to  wrench,  distort,  misinterpret  words  to  a  false  meaning;  refers  to  an  instrument  of  torture

17 You  therefore,  beloved,  since  you  know  this  beforehand,  beware lest  you  also  fall  from  your  own  steadfastness,  being  led  away  with  the  error  of  the  wicked;  

• “fall”  =  is  something  they  can  fall  from  by  being  led  astray  by  the  error  of  these  unprincipled  men  

• “beware” =  be  on  your  guard,  keep  under  watch,  look  out  for,  avoid.

• “steadfastness”  =  a  person’s  secure  position,  firm  grasp  on  the  truth  

17 You  therefore,  beloved,  since  you  know  this  beforehand,  beware  lest  you  also  fall  from  your  own  steadfastness,  being  led  away  with  the  error  of  the  wicked;  

A. Continue  To  Grow  In  God's  Grace

• “grow” =  increase  or  cause  to  grow,  become  greater  (imperative  mood  with  present  tense)

• “grace” =  (charis)  gift,  unmerited  favor

18  but  grow in  the  grace  and  knowledge  of  our  Lord  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ.  

B. Continue  to  Grow  In  Your  Understanding  of  God’s  Word

• knowledge =  (gnosis)  under-­‐standing  as  the  result  of  divine  enlightenment,  insight

18  but  grow  in  the  grace  and  knowledge  of  our  Lord  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ.  To  Him  be  the  glory  both  now  and  forever.  Amen.  

C. Continue  To  Give  God  The  Glory

18  but  grow  in  the  grace  and  knowledge  of  our  Lord  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ.  To  Him  be  the  glory  both  now  and  forever.  Amen.