1 st c. Double Jeopardy Council of Jerusalem Names Jewish Connections Evil Overlords Miscellaneou s 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

1st Century Church Double Jeopardy

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1stc. Double JeopardyCouncil of Jerusalem

Names Jewish Connections

Evil Overlords Miscellaneous

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

Issue that led to the Council

Council of Jerusalem – 20 points

Individual responsible for the compromise resolving the issue

Council of Jerusalem – 40 points

One of the four remaining “rules”of Jewish life that had to be followed

Council of Jerusalem – 60 points

The Council set this as the defining characteristic of “Christianity”

Council of Jerusalem – 80 points

The church then became _____,which means universal or all-inclusive

Council of Jerusalem – 100 points

Thrown off the Temple & stoned;head of Jerusalem church

Names – 20 points

Two BIG names of the church;killed to kick off the Romanpersecutions

Names – 40 points

The first martyr

Names – 60 points

Emperor who allowed thesafe practice of Christianity

Names – 80 points

Wise elder of the Sanhedrin,advising them to leave theJesusPeople alone

Names – 100 points

This was the connection betweenthe early JesusPeople and the Jewish faith.

Jewish Connections – 20 points

The Last Supper was a celebrationof this feast

Jewish Connections – 40 points

Jesus is often referred to as our“_______ Lamb”

Jewish Connections – 60 points

This Jewish feast celebrating theharvest has now become the birthday of the Christian faith.

Jewish Connections – 80 points

This name for the Passion, Death,and Resurrection of Jesus connectsto the Jewish feast of Passover.

Jewish Connections – 100 points

Emperor who used Christiansas the scapegoats for the burningof Rome

Evil Overlords – 20 points

Group that sent the Israelitesinto exile

Evil Overlords – 40 points

Group from which Moses freed the Israelites

Evil Overlords – 60 points

Emperor who tried to completelywipe Christianity off the map,even burning books & churches

Evil Overlords – 80 points

Group contributing to this idea of “Hellenization”

Evil Overlords – 100 points

The early name for the JesusPeople, before they becamea separate group

Miscellaneous – 20 points

The Jews’ whole world was shattered when the Romansdestroyed this.

Miscellaneous – 40 points

The Council of Jerusalemwas significant for being thefirst one of these.

Miscellaneous – 60 points

Official document thatallowed the practice of Christianity

Miscellaneous – 80 points

The first place the word“Christian” was used

Miscellaneous – 100 points