RESTFul Design Principles Geison Goes

Restful design principles

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RESTFul Design Principles

Geison Goes

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style,

and an approach to communications that is often used in the

development of Web services and nowadays with Mobile world

and Internet of Things.

What is REST

RESTFul Design Principles

The primary design principle when crafting your API

should be to maximize developer productivity and



RESTFul Design Principles

Nouns are good; verbs are bad!Keep your base URL simple and intuitive, use HTTP Verbs:

Principle number 1 - CRUD Actions

RESTFul Design Principles

HTTP Verb Path - GOOD Path - BAD HTTP Status Response

GET /photos /getAllPhotos 200 JSON with a list of all photos

GET /photos/:id /getPhoto/:id 200 JSON with a photo

POST /photos /createPhoto 201 JSON with a new photo

PATCH/PUT /photos/:id /updatePhoto 200 JSON with updated photo

DELETE /photos /deleteAllPhotos 200 JSON with deleted photos

DELETE /photos/:id /deletePhoto 200 JSON with deleted photo

Just 2 entry points to perform all CRUD actions

Principle number 1 - CRUD Actions

RESTFul Design Principles


/photos Create a new photo Return all photos Update all photos Delete all photos

/photos/1234 405 Method not allowed Return photo Update photo or

return 400 not found

Delete photo or

return 400 not found

Keeps the CRUD actions just one level deep:

Principle number 2 - Associations

RESTFul Design Principles


/users/:id/photos Create a new photo for

this user

Return all photos

of this user

Update all photos of

this user

Delete all photos

/users/:id/photos/1234 405 Method not allowed Return this photo

of this user

Update this photo of

this user or return

400 not found

Delete this photo of

this user or return

400 not found

In order to facilitate the developers work, always provides Eager and Lazy ways to get resources that have


Principle number 3 - Eager or Lazy Loading

RESTFul Design Principles

Lazy loading - get user photos:

Principle number 3 - Eager or Lazy Loading

RESTFul Design Principles


/users Create a new photo Return all photos Update all photos Delete all photos

/users/1234 405 Method not allowed Return photo Update photo or

return 400 not found

Delete photo or

return 400 not found

Step 1:

Step 2:


/users/1234/photos Create a new photo

for this user

Return all photos

of this user

Update all photos of

this user

Delete all photos

/users/1234/photos/1234 405 Method not


Return this photo

of this user

Update this photo of

this user or return

400 not found

Delete this photo of

this user or return

400 not found

Eager loading - get user photos:

Principle number 3 - Eager or Lazy Loading

RESTFul Design Principles


/users?include=photos 405 Method

not allowed

Return all Users

with his photos

Update all Users

and his photos

Delete all Users

and their photos

/users/:id/?include=photos 405 Method

not allowed

Return this User

with his photos

Update this User

with his photos

Delete this User

and his photos

/users?include=photos&comments 405 Method

not allowed

Return this User

with his photos and


Update this User

with his photos

and comments

Delete this User

with his photos

and comments

Some times it is not necessary get all information about resources, in fact is necessary just some fields or a specific

characteristic and also sorting and paginate the results.

Principle number 4 - Filters

RESTFul Design Principles

GET /users?fields=name,email,phone

GET /photos?fields=title,size,state

Principle number 4 - Filters

RESTFul Design Principles


GET /user?sort=age,name

fields with - sign will be sorting in descending orderGET /user?sort=age,-name

Principle number 4 - Filters

RESTFul Design Principles


GET /photos?limit=25&offset=50

Principle number 4 - Filters

RESTFul Design Principles


To have a complete REST API it was necessary implement two kind of searches:1. Global Search GET /search?resources=photos&title=fog&size=small GET /search?resources=photos,images&size=small

2. Scoped Search GET /photos?title=fog&size=small GET /users/1234/photos?title=fog&size=small

Principle number 5 - Search

RESTFul Design Principles

In order to provide to developers the necessary information when erros happens, returns error messages in the response body

HTTP Status Code: 401{"code" : 401, "message": "Authentication Required"}

Principle number 6 - Error Handling

RESTFul Design Principles

Versioning the API is a way to keep backward compatibility, to implement it, just provide the API version in the URI

GET /v1.0/users

Principle number 7 - Versioning

RESTFul Design Principles

Some times it is necessary to create APIs that are responsible to perform actions instead of return resources, these were the unique cases where verbs are allowed

GET /convert?from=EUR&to=CNY&amount=100GET /calculate?operation=sum&val1=8&val2=4

Principle number 8 - Exceptions

RESTFul Design Principles

When resources could not be public, a authentication mechanism becomes necessary and in this case there is no question that the best approach to implement it is OAuth2.

To get more information about OAuth2 and how to implement it follow this links below:

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth- http://oauth.net/2/

Principle number 9 - Authentication

RESTFul Design Principles

Principle number 9 - Authentication

RESTFul Design Principles

RESTFul Design Principles

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