Polyglot persistence with Spring Data

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Polyglot persistence with Spring Data

Corneil du Plessis

[email protected]://about.me/corneil@corneil


Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.Albert Einstein



the action or fact of persisting

the quality or state of being persistent; especially : perseverance

the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people

the state of occurring or existing beyond the usual, expected, or normal time


Polyglotknowing or using several languages

computer program or script written in a valid form of multiple programming languages

Polyglot Sample

#define a /*
#define b */
#define main() int main(void)
#define printf printf(
#define true )
#define function
function main()
printf "Hello, world!\n"true/* 2> /dev/null | grep -v true*/;
return 0;
#define c /*

What is going on in persistence?

RDBMS doesn't scale to Internet (millions of users and billions of transactions).

Ability to interact with multiple data stores depending on specific use cases

MongoDB or Couchbase for Customer data

RDBMS for financial transactions

Elasticsearch, Solr, Cassandra or HBase for audit trails and analytics and search

Redis and Gemfire for shared state

Neo4J, OrientDB for Graph Data

RDF Stores for Semantic Reasoning

Hadoop for Big Data

Simple JDBC Example

import java.sql.*;public class SimpleDemoJDBC { public Person getPerson(String userId, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
Person result = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"SELECT userId, email, name FROM persons WHERE userId = ?");
pstmt.setString(1, userId);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if(rs.next()) {
result = new Person(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3));
return result;
} public void updatePerson(Person person, Connection conn) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"UPDATE persons SET email = ?, name = ? WHERE userId = ?");
stmt.setString(1, person.getEmail());
stmt.setString(2, person.getName());
stmt.setString(3, person.getUserId());
stmt.close(); }}

SQLJ what happened there?

import java.sql.*;public class SimpleDemoSQLJ {
public Person getPerson(String userId) throws SQLException {
Person person = new Person();
#sql { SELECT userId, email, name INTO
:person.userId, :person.email, :person.userId
FROM persons WHERE userId = :userId
return person;

public void updatePerson(Person person) throws SQLException {
#sql { UPDATE persons SET email = :person.email,
name = :person.name
WHERE userId = :person.userId

Syntax may be incorrect

MongoDB Sample

DB db = mongo.getDB("MyData");
DBCollection persons = db.getCollection("Persons");
public Person findPerson(String userId) {
Iterable documents = persons.find(
new Document("userId", userId));
for(Document doc : documents) {
return new Person(doc.get("userId", String.class),
doc.get("name", String.class),
doc.get("email", String.class));
return null;
public void updatePerson(Person person) {
Document doc = new Document(userId, person.getUserId());
doc.put(email, person.getEmail());
doc.put(name, person.getName());
Document query = new Document("userId", person.getUserId());
Document update = new Document($set, doc);
persons.update(query, update);

What are we talking about?

Improve programmer productivity.

Polyglot persistence using one language.

The language of Spring Data.

Spring for programmer productivity

Spring does not provide ORM

Spring does not provide Database

Spring as inversion of control container

Spring templates for JMS, JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, MongoDB and much more.

Why Spring Data?

Best practice indicates you should have Data Access Components or a Data Service Layer.

How often do you make simple mistakes interacting with EntityManager?

Different API for each store.

It should be easier...

What is Spring Data?

Spring Data is an open source project at http://projects.spring.io/spring-data/ managed by Pivotal Software.

Spring Data relies on Spring Framework.

Spring Data provides a set of common patterns for persisting data using existing libraries.

Spring Data provides a Repository Interface

Spring Data provides finder methods

Spring Data provides support for QueryDSL

Spring Data simplifies persistence

Spring Data enables polyglot persistence

Spring Data sub projects



JDBC Extensions








REST provider

Community ProjectsOrientDB






How Spring Data?

Configure Spring Data for specific technology

Define Entity as per relevant library or framework

Declare Repository Interface

Spring Data provides Repository Implementation

Spring Framework injects Repository implementation

Spring Data Samples Configuration

EntityManagerFactory as normal for JPA

Spring Data Sample Entity

public class User {
Long id;
String fullName;
String gender;
Date dateOfBirth;

Getters and Setters removed for brevity

Spring Data Sample Repository

public interface UserRepository
extends CrudRepository {

Crud Repository provides type-safe methods for save, delete, load

Spring Data Sample - Injection

public class MyDataServiceImpl {
protected UserRepository userRepo;
public void createUser(User user) {

Spring Data Sample Finders

public interface UserRepository
extends CrudRepository {
List findByGender(String genderCode);
List findByDateOfBirthBetween(
Date startDate, Date endDate);
}Crud Repository provides query predicates based on method name like:findByNameOrderByDateOfBirthDesc

Finder method tokensAnd, Or, Is, Equals, Between, LessThan, LessThanEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, After, Before, IsNull, IsNotNull, NotNull, Like, NotLike, StartingWith, EndingWith, Containing, Not, In, NotIn, True, False, IgnoreCase

Spring Data Query

Specific to technology

Annotated finder method@Query("select * from User u where u.gender = ?")
List findUsersForGender(String code)

Getters and Setters removed for brevity

Spring Data Sample QueryDSL

public class User {
private Long id;
private String fullName;
private String gender;
private Date dateOfBirth;

QueryDSL generates QUser for creating type-safe query.

class UserRepository extends
CrudRepository {

import static Quser.*;
List users = userRepo.findAll(user.gender.eq('M'));
List users = userRepo.findAll(user.fullName.like("%abc%"));

Spring Data Paging and Sorting

class UserRepository extends
PagingAndSortingRepository {

Pageble page = new PageRequest(1,20);

Page users = userRepo.findAll(user.gender.eq("M"), page);

Create Pageable in UI and add to method.

Add Pageble to finders

Add Sort to finders

Page can be used to retrieve pages.

Slice can only retrieve next slice.

Spring Data Notes

Shared code for multiple technologies like MongoDB, JPA, Neo4J etc.

Entity Mapping is usually specific to technology.

Common Repository methods can be implemented.

Paging and Sorting support.

Spring Data Demo and Questions

JPA With Hibernate



Demo code at