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Isomorphic JS - new silver bullet

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Isomorphism principle involves the use of a single code on the server and the client side of the application. The main advantages of the approach are reducing duplication, improving the quality of code, as well as accelerating the development process.

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As true as steel to your desire

You come with just an idea -we make great software for you!



Isomorphic Javascript: new silver bullet

Vitaliy Medvedev, Arcadia

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© Copyright JSC “Arcadia, Inc.”

About me

Vitaliy Medvedev

Leading Software Engineer at JSC “Arcadia Inc.”

5+ years of experience in software development

[email protected]

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Where JS works

● client● server● desktop● mobile● quadcopters

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Single page application (SPA)



Frontend (MVC)



Backend (MVC)


Heavy calculations

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SPA problems

● loading time● search engine indexing● logic duplication

o different languages - different ecosystemso cross-functional restictions

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1. Solution!

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What to do?

1. Write in the same language on both sides

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What to do?

1. Write in the same language on both sides2. Use same code on both sides

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Isomorphic? WAT?!

● cross-platform

● multi-platform

● heteromorphic

● ....

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Who invented isomorphism?

History:1. 18 Oct 2011

Scaling Isomorphic Javascript Code

2. 01 Apr 2012Yahoo! Mojito Framework

3. 08 Nov 2013The future of web apps is — ready? — isomorphic JavaScript

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2. Let’s do isomorphism!

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Using scripts

var module = require(‘./jquery’);

<script src="script.js" [async] [defer]></script>

require([‘jquery’], function ($) {// do smth


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Differences between client & server JS

● Global objectsglobal / window

● Different available apilocalStorage, historyApi, WebGL, Canvas, FileSystem

● Differences in API behaviorcookies, websockets, webworkers

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Differences between client & server JS

● Environment

● Script loading

● Available api

● Engine version

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Diving into isomorphism

● Understand that you can write as isomorphic● Code kinds

o Code that should not work at frontend side

o Code that should not work at backend side

o Independent of enviroment▪ Write isomorphic unit tests

▪ Perform static analysis

o Dependent of enviroment▪ Create abstract layer

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Diving into isomorphism

● Abstraction from enviromentbrowserify, typescript

● Enviroment specific unit testskarma, mocha, phantomjs

● Static code analisysjslint, jshint, eslint, tslint

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Code before isomorphism

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Simple isomorphic module

(function (exports) {exports.isomorphicSum = function (a, b) {

return a + b;};

})(typeof exports ? exports : window)

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More usefull example


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// NodeJSvar setCookie = require(‘./isomorphicModule’), http = require(‘http’);http.createServer(function (req, response) {

setCookie(‘name’, ‘value’, { dest: response });}).listen(1337, '');

// Browser:window.setCookie(‘name’, ‘value’);

More usefull example

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What is isomorphic code good for?

1. Templating (handlebarsjs)2. Business logic:

o validationo filteringo calculations

3. Using common libraries (jquery, undescore)

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Isomorphic libraries

● jquery● undescore● backbonejs● lodash● cryptojs● handlebarsjs● async

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3. What’s next?

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Full stack javascript frameworks

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✓ decrease loading time✓ search engine indexing✓ decrease logic duplication✓ better code design✓ code consistency

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