Matthias Noback Paris, November 19 th 2015 10 years! How Symfony changed my life

How Symfony changed my life (#SfPot, Paris, 19th November 2015)

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Page 1: How Symfony changed my life (#SfPot, Paris, 19th November 2015)

Matthias Noback Paris, November 19th 2015



How Symfony changed my life

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From ASP using VBScript and a MS Access database

To PHP with a MySQL database

"You should try PHP!"

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From include('script.php')

To proper function calls

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From PHP 4 and one mega Page class

To PHP 5 with proper scoping for methods and properties, and autoloading

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From PHP & HTML in the same file

To PHP classes and Smarty template files

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From copying snippets from the Internet

To downloading single-purpose libraries

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Feeling mighty fine

SQL injection

Register globals

Session hijacking

Magic quotes



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But... performance was very good ;)

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Driebit (2008)

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symfony (1)with a lower-case s

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Symfony Camp (2007)

Stefan Koopmanschap

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The Book (back then)

François Zaninotto(Propel)

symfony 1.1

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Working with symfony 1 meant...


Fat controllers

Fat models

(Zend devs wrote fat services as well)

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Not in the controller or the model?

Put it in:

A "peer" class

A utility class

Or: create a global singleton for it

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What's a singleton?



Single instance

class Singleton{ private static $instance; private function __construct() { } public static function getInsta


{ if (self::$instance === nul

l) {

self::$instance = new self();

} return self::$instance; }}

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God object


getUser(), getResponse(), getRequest(), getLogger(), getI18N(), ...

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Just reach out

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Why bad?





No separation of concerns

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CTO at SensioLabs DE

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Pushing the limits

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Tweaking symfony

Event listeners: add missing methods on the fly (!)

Filters: chain of responsibility

factories.yml and other config files

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Switch to Doctrine

It was... new

version 1.0

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Develop some Plugins

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Learn about advanced topics





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SymfonyLive Paris 2010

Revealing Symfony2

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SymfonyLive Paris 2011

Almost releasing Symfony 2.0

Excitement all over the place

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Start using 2.0?

No backwards compatibility

No best practices


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Not even...

... an admin


only for scaffolding ;)

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Migrating to 2.0?

Company owners didn't dare to take the step (I agree with them now!)

I left the company :)

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capital "S"

no space, for Google

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1. Git for version control

2. Install script or Git submodules for vendor code

3. At some point: composer started handling dependencies

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Own syntax

No PHP code


Fast (the engine that is)

"Templating engines in PHP" by Fabien Potencier

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Dependency injection container

Major improvement: everything can be configured

No runtime resolvers anymore

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What's dependency injection?

class Foo{ private $bar; public function __construct(Bar


{ $this->bar = $bar; }}

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What's a DI container?

class Container{ public function createFoo() { return new Foo($this->getBar()); } private function createBar() { return new Bar(); }}

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What does DI give us?

Single responsibility


Dependency inversion


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Active record -> data mapper

Doctrine 1/Propel

Doctrine 2/...

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Active record sample

class Invoice extends Record{ } $invoice = new Invoice();$invoice->save();

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Data mapper sample

class Invoice{ } $invoice = new Invoice();$entityManager->persist($invoice);


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Why is that better?


Model first

Decoupling (not always a good reason)

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Bundle ~= Plugin

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First-class citizens

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A bundle for each feature

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Framework coupling

Libraries are framework-independent

Bundles are explicitly meant to couple code to the framework

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Bundles: service definitions

Service definition files

Bundle extension

Bundle configuration

Compiler pass

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Bundle: root for resources


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Expose: Templates

Translations ...

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Separate tools (non-PHP based)

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SecuritySo very hard

Documented in many different ways

It's really good though

Simplified at code level now

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Symfony is an early adopter


PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-3, PSR-7 - very quickly adopted

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Extensive documentation

High quality



Well maintained

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"The Book"?

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Excellent BC promise


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A Year With Symfony

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Struggling with framework coupling

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The fight against CRUD

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Hexagonal architecture

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Symfony - The biggest change

Dependency injection (container)

Which is an enabler for better code

Because: maintainable and testable

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My personal development:

1. I love symfony

2. I love Symfony2

3. I want to decouple from it

4. I want to fully embrace it whenever that's okay

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For me it's about

Knowing your framework

Being fast with it

Not being totally dependent on it

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Long live SfPot!