Boost your Workplace Productivity and make your Organization more Agile. hoozin is an out-of-the-box Digital Workplace available On-premises or in the Cloud. Make your Digital Workplace more Agile

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Boost your Workplace Productivity and make your

Organization more Agile. hoozin is an out-of-the-box

Digital Workplace available On-premises or in the Cloud.

Make your Digital Workplace

more Agile

Streamline your corporate communication

Your corporate communication platform needs innovative and collaborative features. hoozin becomes a stepping stone towards a full Digital Transformation Strategy while protecting your past and future Intranet efforts.



Boost your workplace productivity

Your best use cases for a journey towards a successful Digital Workplace are your Apps.

People need Apps to collaborate and improve productivity, now they use hoozin as

a one-stop-shop Collaborative platform.


App store

Doc management

Powerfull app perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et

SDK experience

Foster and engage your people

In Agile organizations, people discover valuable expertise and information they weren't even looking for. hoozin delivers the backbone to become a real Agile Business. The hoozin Apps will bring user adoption within target range.






online users

why hoozin

hoozin is trusted by thousands of users worldwide

Bring Your Own Device

Work can be done within one flavor.

From a laptop to a smartphone, hoozin

is optimized for every single device.

Proudly found elsewhere

Never reinvent the wheel again, walk

through the hoozin App store and

meet real Business requirements.

Weave it in

Plug hoozin to your IT infrastructure,

hoozin comes on cloud or on-premises,

you actually have a choice.

Ready to rumble

Stop short long discussions about what

it should look like, hoozin is out-of-

the-box, what you see is what you get.

Pimp your Apps

Streamline your Apps and make your

Business Processes finally Agile, use

hoozin SDK to easily build powerful and

shiny Apps.

SharePoint whiz

Say ‘yes’ when SharePoint says ‘no’.

Leverage your past investments, hoozin

is made on top of the SharePoint API.