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Evaluation Managers

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Evaluation Managers


The Evaluation Manager role designates an individual who is tasked with overseeing and managing the evaluation process for a Program, and is entrusted with a higher level of permission than a standard Evaluator. However, unlike the Author, Reviewer, and Evaluator roles, the Evaluation Manager role does not come with a set amount of capabilities that are consistent across all individuals in this role. When someone is enrolled as an Evaluation Manager in a program, they can be assigned different levels of permission in a program, so that two different Evaluation Managers in the same program could have access to completely different sets of functions. There are a total of five different levels of access for Evaluation Managers, defined below:


The following three permissions can be assigned to any Evaluation Manager.

Oversee Evaluations: This evaluation management role allows the participant to view, edit, cancel, or release any evaluation at any time. This is a “super evaluator” role, as it provides full access to completed evaluations.

All Access Evaluator: This evaluation management role allows the participant to override grouping preferences and evaluate work submissions from any Author. However, these participants cannot edit or cancel evaluations completed by others – the aforementioned Oversee Evaluations permission is required for that level of access.

Reconcile Evaluations: This evaluation management role allows participants to reconcile, suspend, and/or call for additional evaluations in DRF Programs where multiple evaluations of a single requirement occur.

The next two permissions require an individual to first be a TS Coordinator at an OA. If an individual is not a TS Coordinator but requires either of these permissions, then we will need a Lead Contact at that OA to request that the individual be give TSC access.

Program Setup: This allows an Evaluation Manager to make edits to a Program, including manually enrolling individuals into it

Generate Reports: This allows an Evaluation Manager to run reports on a Program


Page 2: Evaluation Managers

To enroll someone as an Evaluation Manager, first click on the TS Coordinator tab in your top navigation bar, then DRF Programs, and select the Program in which you would like to give someone this role. With the Program open, click the Enrollment tab, and then the Manager button in the Enroll Individual Participants area. On this next page, click Assign New Manager(s) and then click Launch Member Locator. Search for the individual(s) who you want to enroll, and click Save & Close. The last step is to check the boxes beneath the different permission levels outlined above to select what a given individual should have access to. If that individual is not a TS Coordinator, you will see “NA” beneath the Program Setup and Generate Reports permissions.

Common Support Requests

Evaluation Managers will often call saying that they are not able to perform one of the above functions. These are usually resolved in one of two ways

1. The person is working in their Evaluator tab, and not their Evaluation Manager tab.

This usually happens when a person has the All Access Evaluator option enabled for their Evaluation Manager role, but their role as an Evaluator is put in a Group with a select number of Authors. When that person clicks on their Evaluator tab, they will only see work from Authors in their Group(s), so they will have to click the Evaluation Manager tab in order to access all Evaluations in a given program.

2. The person does not have the requisite functions, even when working in the Evaluation Manager tab.

If the person has Program Setup access, then you can go to their TS Coordinator tab to view the program and enable the permissions that they are looking for. If they do not have Program Setup access, then they will have to contact either another Program Manager or one of our Lead Contacts at the OA to have that access granted to them.