Developing an ERM System based on Linked Data ERM Workshop @ ELAG 2014 Lydia Unterdörfel, Björn Muschall, Leipzig University Library

ELAG 2014, Workshop on Electronic Resource Management

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Developing an ERM System based on Linked DataERM Workshop @ ELAG 2014Lydia Unterdörfel, Björn Muschall, Leipzig University Library

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➔ variety of information

serials, databases, e-books, packages, contacts, statistics, contracts, license terms, terms of use, vendors, consortias...

➔ heterogenious formats & sources

COUNTER XML, EXCEL (title lists from vendors), MS-WORD (contracts, invoices), PDF(contracts, invoices), RDF (ZDB title information), ONIX-PL (licenses)

➔ changing business models and publication formats

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Mandatory Features1. WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT: Support across e-resource life cycle

(resource tracking, reminders, status assignments, communication)

2. LICENSE MANAGEMENT: Manage license details, provide storage for agreements, display license terms for internal and external users

3. STATISTICS MANAGEMENT: Obtain, gather and organize usage statistics. auto-download statistics using -SUSHI standard. Provide historical statistics

4. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION STORAGE: Store and access administrative information (usernames, passwords)

5. RESOURCE AND PACKAGE MANAGEMENT: representation of local holdings, titel-package matching, linking of title - package - license (terms)

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Application Qualities

➔ integration of heterogeneous data formats in a flexible, uniform data model

➔ linking all relevant information➔ interoperability across systems➔ adjustments done by systems librarians➔ generic ‘toolkit’

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Regarding the ERMI report

➔ Electronic Resource Management Initiative

➔ created 2004 by Digital Library Federation

➔ very detailed considerations and dictionary

➔ http://old.diglib.org/pubs/dlf102/

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Linked Data➔ a method to publish and interlink structured data ➔ applied by using the Resource Description Framework (RDF)

specifications➔ four principles:

1. Use URIs to identify things2. Use HTTP URIs so that these things can be referred to 3. Provide useful information about the thing when its URI is

dereferenced, using standards such as RDF, SPARQL.4. Include links to other related things (using their URIs)

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A new ontology

➔ to publish linked data you can use classes and properties of established ontologies, which exist for a variety of purposes

➔ if they do not meet your needs, it is time for your own ontology!

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➔ reuse existing ontologies:bibo, dc, umbel, aiiso, owl, foaf, vcard...

➔ create new ones:favor using ERMI dictionaryCOUNTER launched soonhttp://vocab.ub.uni-leipzig.de/bibrm

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Linked Data Tool: OntoWiki

➔ facilitates the visual presentation of RDF➔ create, edit and link RDF content with a GUI➔ build appropriate forms based on your ontology

easily with form builder➔ developed by the Research Group Agile Knowledge

Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) hosted by the Univerity of Leipzig

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Data Integration

➔ Importing RDF Data is a core feature of OntoWiki

➔ Format migration will be done by middleware (by SLUB Dresden)

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OntoWiki Application Framework

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strictly open source

● based on OntoWiki (GPL)● all software-development takes place in the

official OntoWiki source code repository

site: http://ontowiki.net/repo: https://github.com/AKSW/OntoWiki

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partnersOntoWiki Development and Linked Data Technology : AKSW - Agile Knowledge management and Semantic Web / Institute for applied informatics InfAI e.V. http://infai.org

Data integration and versatile data conversion:SLUB - Saxon State and University Library Dresdenhttp://www.slub-dresden.de