ChannelAdvisor/Magento Bridge User Guide Revised 02/2015 Table of Contents

Ecomitize.com ChannelAdvisor Magento bridge setup user guide

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Bridge User Guide

Revised 02/2015

Table of Contents

1. Make a full backup and install on your Dev site first

2. Install Ecomitize ChannelAdvisor Bridge to your Magento Site

3. _ Getting Developer Access and your Account Profile ID from ChannelAdvisor

4. Configure Settings of Ecomitize Inventory Bridge

5. _ Import Attributes & Relationships from ChannelAdvisor

6. _ Map Shipping Methods from ChannelAdvisor

7. _ Complete the Custom Attribute Mapping

8. _ How to configure Profile settings

9. Misc. Features of the Bridge

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 1

Step by Step Installation Instructions

1. Make a full backup and install on your Dev site first

We strongly encourage you NOT to install this extension unless you have knowledge of

Magneto and the ChannelAdvisor system and API. If you have not purchased our install

service, this user guide is the only support we offer. Information about the install service

is on the last page.

2. Install Ecomitize ChannelAdvisor Bridge to your Magento Site

*Please refer to the installation user guide for this procedure.

Minimum System Requirements

● Must be installed ionCube PHP Loader v4.4.4 or later.

● Set the following hosting parameters

mysql max_allowed_packet 32M

php_value max_execution_time 18000

php_value memory_limit 1024M

● Enable CRON to perform every 5 minutes.

● For additional monitoring and debugging purposes, we recommend that you install AOE Scheduler

along with our module.

● Enable on the site in order to create the log files process.

● SOAP client is required in order to work with the API.

3. Getting Developer Access and your Account Profile ID from ChannelAdvisor

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 2

1) To begin using this extension you will need to get developer access to your ChannelAdvisor

Profile. Navigate to System -> Configuration -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> CA, then open this link and

follow instructions. It’s the official ChannelAdvisor Developer Network page.

2) Get Developer Credentials:

Visit this page to get developer credentials. Next, go to ChannelAdvisor -> My Account ->

Account Authorizations. Open the Account List and copy your Profile ID.

3) Go to the ChannelAdvisor admin panel, ChannelAdvisor -> My Account -> Account

Authorizations. Find the new developer and enable it. If you are unable to find the new

developer, check the authorization data.

4) After enabling the new developer, copy the Account ID. (This is found on the account

authorizations page for pre-existing developers. This field is the ChannelAdvisor customer’s

account, not the developer’s). Insert it on the Magento System Tab (System -> Configuration ->

Ecom/CA Bridge -> Settings).

4. Configure Settings of Ecomitize Inventory Bridge

There are many variations that can be used here. Please read carefully below and make sure that

the settings are configured for the outcome you would like. To configure settings, go to the

Magento System Tab (System -> Configuration -> Ecom/CA Bridge).

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 3

1) License – You will need to have a license that has been purchased from www.ecomitize.com.

Make sure there are no spaces when you copy and paste the license.

2) Insert your Profile ID into the ChannelAdvisor Profile ID field on the Magento System Tab –

(System -> Configuration -> Ecom/CA Bridge). Also enter your developer key and password

(which you received during the first step). Click the Save button. Then push the Get Developer

Access button. Click the Save button when you’re finished.

3) Direction of sync – On the Magento Admin panel in ChannelAdvisor settings you can set the

direction for the synchronization of data between Magento and ChannelAdvisor. You can set one

of two directions: ChannelAdvisor -> Magento OR Magento -> ChannelAdvisor

*This will make one system Primary and copy changes to the other

4) Tax class for Imported Products – This option allows you to set the tax class for new products.

5) Enable Export Order to ChannelAdvisor – This process runs every time you save an order in

Magento. You will need to map shipping methods for this feature to work. (See page 9 for

shipping methods).

6) Enable sending of new Qty to CA on Place Order – This option allows you to update the product

quantity in CA every time Magento creates an order.

*This function only works if the option «Export Orders to CA» is disabled.

7) Import Orders from ChannelAdvisor – This process runs every hour and takes all orders from

ChannelAdvisor with parameters like:

Payment Status – Cleared

Checkout Status – Completed

Shipping Status – Shipped

Payment Status – Canceled

8) Add all new products into Magento DB – If you choose this option, all products from CA will be

created in Magento.

*This only works if Direction of sync is from CA -> Magento.

9) Update products with this flag – This option allows only items you flag in ChannelAdvisor to be

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 4

imported into Magento.

10) CA Attribute with Category ID – This feature will automatically place items into the Magento

Category that you designate. This feature has a small monthly license fee of $25. You will need to

send a custom attribute to Magento with the name Cat_ID. These IDs will need to match the

numeric category ID that is in Magento.

If Cat_ID =1 Item will be placed in Category 1 in Magento.

If Cat_ID = 1, 2 is updated for the same sku then the item will be in Category 1 & 2 in Magento

If Cat_ID = 1 If the skus is updated again with just one category ID then the item will only be in

this Category.

5. Import Attributes & Relationships from ChannelAdvisor

There are two methods for getting ChannelAdvisor attributes into Magento:

1) Upload them directly via CSV file - CSV Import Method:

For the first step, go to the ChannelAdvisor admin panel and export all attributes in a CSV file. Go

to Inventory -> Attributes (Grouping tab), and click the export button. In the popup window,

check all links and select CSV format.

Next, go to the Magento Admin panel (System ->Configuration -> Ecom/CA Bridge) and upload

the CSV file on the ChannelAdvisor Data tab.

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 5

2) Import Method

Navigate to Catalog -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> Import Data from CA, and click “Get Data” on the

ChannelAdvisor Data Manager tab. If the settings configurations are right, you’ll see a successful

uploading message within a few minutes. After reloading the page, the ChannelAdvisor

Attributes Grid will display the ChannelAdvisor attributes.

*WARNING! Attributes uploading might take a while. It depends on the quantity of attributes you


Uploading ChannelAdvisor Relationships in Magento

You will need to export Variation Relationships from Channel Advisor to a .csv file.

Go to Inventory -> Products -> Product Variations and press the export button.

Navigate to System -> Configuration -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> Upload ChannelAdvisor Variation

Relationships and use the csv file that you get from Channel Advisor. Once the import is finished you

will find the results in the relationships grid Catalog -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> Relationships.

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 6

6. Map Shipping Methods from ChannelAdvisor

Shipping mapping is necessary for the correct import and export orders between CA and Magento.

1) First, you should upload CA shipping data into Magento. Use the top menu and go to Catalog ->

Ecom/CA Bridge -> Import Data from ChannelAdvisor. Press the “Get shipping methods” button

on the ChannelAdvisor Shipping Manager Tab. You will see a confirmation message after a

successful upload.

2) To add new mapping go to Catalog -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> Manage ChannelAdvisor shipping

methods. Press the “Add Shipment Mapping” button and go to the next page. Here you will see

the Shipping Carrier mapping tab with two options to select. “Shipping Carrier” – this is all

Magento shipping and “ChannelAdvisor Carrier”. Both fields are required. When you set both

fields, press the “Save” button.

*WARNING! You can’t set multiple ChannelAdvisor Carriers for one Magento shipping carrier. For

example, for Magento FedEx you can set only one combination of ChannelAdvisor Method and


7. Complete the Custom Attribute Mapping

1) Navigate to the Manage Attributes page Catalog -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> Manage Attributes. On

this page you can see the Attributes Mapping Grid. Click the “Add Attribute Mapping” button to

open the mapping page. On this page, select the Magento attribute set and ChannelAdvisor

Classification for mapping.

*This mapping is ONLY for Custom attributes. All other attributes are hard coded and can be seen

on pages 11 & 12.

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2) When you set data in both fields, the attributes mapping button will appear. Click the “Add New

Attribute” button to add a pair of attributes.

This mapping allows you to set the data from ChannelAdvisor attributes to Magento attributes.

Click Save to finish.

*WARNING! All ChannelAdvisor Reserved Classifications will be set automatically during products

import (See chart below).

Below is a chart of all hard coded attributes. These can’t be changed without customization.

Magento Attribute ChannelAdvisor Attribute

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 8

Sku Sku

Stock Status: Qty is_in_stock

Available 1

Status: enabled disabled

Blocked: false true

Name Title

Price Buy It Now Price

Weight Weight

Visibility: configurable and qty > 0 configurable and qty = 0 simple

Is Parent: Catalog, Search Catalog Not visible individually

Category Default Category

Website Default Website

Description Description

Short Description Short Description

StoreId Default Store

TypeId: configurable simple

Is Parent: true false

Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Retail Price

Reserve Price Reserve Price

Starting Price Starting Price

Second Chance Offer Price SecondChanceOfferPrice

Seller Cost Cost

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 9

Manufacturer Manufacturer

8. How to configure Profile settings

All import and export profiles can be found at Catalog -> Ecom/CA Bridge -> Manage Profiles.

1) Direction of Inventory flow to go from ChannelAdvisor -> Magento

When you are ready to start the import process for this scenario you will need to enable profile

1, 3 & 4 described below.

*Once you start this process data will be copied to another database.

Import products from ChannelAdvisor to Magento = Profile 1

This process runs every 5 minutes until all ChannelAdvisor products have been uploaded to the


it will disable it.

Update products data = Profile 3

The update products process starts every night. It retrieves all products that have been updated

that day and uploads the new data into Magento.

QTY updates = Profile 4

Products that have a change in quantity in ChannelAdvisor will update Magento every 5 minutes.

2) Direction of Inventory flow to go from Magento -> ChannelAdvisor

When you are ready to start the import process for this scenario you will need to enable profile


Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 10

Magento-ChannelAdvisor Products Synchronize = Profile 2

This action exports all product data from Magento to ChannelAdvisor every time you save a

product in Magento or a new order is created.

*This will not work if products are updated directly in database

To send inventory items from Magento to ChannelAdvisor: You will need to navigate to Catalog ->

Ecom/CA Bridge -> Manage Items. On the bottom section select the items you wish to update to

ChannelAdvisor. Then use the dropdown next to word “Action” and select “Add to Export Queue”.

This will trigger your items to sync to ChannelAdvisor.

On the top grid you can execute the following actions

Delete This action will delete checked products from the top grid in the

Magento and ChannelAdvisor database. When this process has finished,

checked products will show on the bottom grid.

Synchronize With this action checked, products from the top grid still exist in

ChannelAdvisor. When the process is finished on the top grid, you

will see the products that are still present in ChannelAdvisor. Other

products will be moved from the top grid to the bottom grid.

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 11

9. Misc. Features of the Bridge

1) Sync data from CA to Magento on demand. If needed, there is a feature that will update data on

demand. You need to go to QS Bridge -> Manage Profiles -> Select profile №3 “update Products

data from ChannelAdvisor”.

On the drop down to the right you will see an option to “RunProcessNow”. If selected, this will

update any product data that has changed in CA and move these changes to Magento.

All images will be added to the products automatically. The first image that the API returns will

be set as Thumbnail, Small Image, and Base Image.

2) Images will not update on nightly sync if changed in CA or Magento. You will need to run full

image sync (this can take a long time depending on number of images) or upload them directly to

CA or Magento.

Although we have taken care to ensure the accuracy of our content in this user guide, mistakes do

happen. If you find a mistake in the guide or have a suggestion for improvement, we would be

grateful if you would report this to us. Even though we feel this bridge is the best solution on the

market, we are constantly looking at ways to improve it for our customers. If new features have

been added to the bridge that are not referenced in the version of user guide that you have, please

contact us or visit our website, www.ecomitize.com, for the most current version. If you would like

to provide feedback on the bridge, please email [email protected]. Thank you for your business!

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 12

Thank you for your purchase of the Ecomitize ChannelAdvisor/Magento Bridge!

We are grateful for your business and look forward to serving your company in the future.

Please feel free to reach out to us at anytime.

You may also be aware that we offer a complete and highly optimized Magento solution

for ecommerce merchants as well.

Some of the services we provide

1. Market research to optimize site design and wire frames.

2. Optimized Magento websites build on Community or Enterprise editions either template based

or fully custom built.

3. Third party extension installation or development.

4. Graphic design.

5. SEO marketing.

6. Custom technical services.

7. Development/programming services.

8. Optimized Magento hosting.

Copyright 2015, Ecomitize. LLC | Confidential and Proprietary Information; All Rights Reserved 13

We provide a discount on all hourly services and monthly extension fees for hosted Ecomitize clients.

We can send you more information on all of this per your request.

Contact 1-855-735-4313 and use the sales extension or email [email protected] with questions.

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