Contextual groups in LibreOffice' Notebookbar: How to make life easier for beginners

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minimal size: 100px widthselect an area covering the marks to export the 100px bitmapFor larger sizes export the page and scale it appropriately.The background consists of a white rectangle with opacity=0.If you want to select it, switch to layer "Background" and use [TAB] until you get the object you want to select.The trademark symbol is part of a dedicated layer. Turn it visible/invisible depending on your needs.

Contextual groups in LibreOffice' Notebookbar

How to make life easier for beginners

Dr. Heiko Tietze




Purpose of toolbars is quick access to frequently used functions

Increasing functionality clutters the toolbar

You have to trust the icons to find a function

Updates or different configurations may interfere with your muscle memory

New users need to learn the functionality using the tooltips


Group toolbar buttons

Use labels for unclear

Focus users attention to the important features

Less functions?

Contextual Groups 1/2

Text modeTable modeImage modeChart modeShapes mode

CalcImpressDraw Image modeDraw Text mode

WriterContextual Groups 2/2

Future enhancements

Bug fixes (e.g. when shrinking the toolbar)

Better configurability with
sharing options
(i.e. extensions)

MUFFIN-ize the Sidebar

WYSIWYG customization

Thanks for all the fish

Read the whole story at Evolving Past the Restrictions of Toolbars

Learn to DIY UI: How to create your own Notebookbar

Kudos to Szymon Kos, Jan Holeovsk, Samuel Mehrbrodt for implementation, the UX team & Yousuf Philips for discussion and implementation