5 Benefits to Using a CMMS for Safety Maintenance Management

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How many times have

you heard this?

How many times have

you heard this?

Promoting Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a priority in any sector, but especially in industries where teams are regularly interacting with equipment that presents hazards.

Effective maintenance policies are only

part of the process of creating a safe


enforce safety policies.

enforce safety policies.

remind workers of best practices on an ongoing basis (not just during occasional training meetings).

enforce safety policies.

remind workers of best practices on an ongoing basis (not just during occasional training meetings).

document that you are following proper safety procedures so that you are ready for a regulatory audit.

All of these factors come together to create major headaches for maintenance managers, especially as many teams are dealing with skimpy budgets that make day-to-day operations incredibly difficult to manage.

In lieu of an aspirin, consider a modern CMMS with OSH integration to reap these


1. Inform workers of safety updates more easily.

1. Inform workers of safety updates more easily.

A modern CMMS can integrate safety records of almost any file type with asset management.

If a new safety guideline is created, a worker who goes to work on an asset will view the new guidance there…saving you from the need to distribute the information and keeping workers updated more efficiently.

2. Build-in reminders for drills and similar measures.

2. Build-in reminders for drills and similar measures.

Running periodic emergency drills, practicing emergency response techniques, and rehearsing evacuations is a must to comply with various regulatory standards and make sure all workers are positioned to be safe during a disaster event. But scheduling, performing, and documenting these can be quite time-consuming. An OSH-enabled CMMS lets you build schedules for emergency drills into your other process schedules and document results in the CMMS, keeping all the data at your fingertips.

3. Document incidents effectively.

3. Document incidents effectively.

A CMMS can help build incident documentation into all of the other

safety management within the system. Sort through incidents by employee,

location, type, cause, and site, making it much easier to put historic incident data

into context and use it to improve operations on a day-to-day basis.

4. Perform holistic audits from one platform.

4. Perform holistic audits from one platform.

With all of your documentation, best practices, incident reports and scheduling features in a central hub, you can integrate your auditing functions into a CMMS and have it use all of these resources to streamline the entire evaluation process. All of the data you need is in one place, simplifying the analysis that you need to perform!

Couldn’t we all use a little more easy in our lives?

5. Understand document history.

5. Understand document history.

You don’t want to have to maintain every safety document and record, but you need to know when an employee makes a change. CMMS logs compile

full records to track changes to documents and files, letting you know who changed policies, edited procedures, or filed an incident report.

Inform workers of safety updates more easily.

Build-in reminders for drills and similar measures.

Document incidents effectively.

Perform holistic audits from one platform.

Understand document history.

There you have it! A modern CMMS with OSH integration allows you to:

It does the tedious back end work for you so that you can focus on problem solving and ensuring a safe and healthy workplace.

Created by:

Paul LachanceCTO/PresidentSmartware Group, Inc.Connect with me on Linkedin!

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