Why you may not be using social media … and why you should

The social media debate

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Why you aren't using social media ... and why you should: http://www.yourva.co.nz/the-social-media-debate-small-business/

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Page 1: The social media debate

Why you may not be using social media… and why you should

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#1 Most of my clients are word of mouth referrals so I don't need social media.

While referrals are the best method of lead generation, social media can help ‘spread the word’ so your referrals increase.

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#2 We tend to do things face-to-face, can't 'quote a job online'.

Social media is simply a point of contact which you can then move to an offline conversation. At this point you can gather the information you need to quote your job … or save time and automate your quoting service using an online tool.

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#3 I’m flat out; I can’t handle more work right now.

This raises 2 points: If you are at capacity this could be a

perfect time to plan your growth strategy. Long term, you need to ensure enquiries

keep coming in.

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#4 My attitude is very much ‘do it myself’ and I don’t have the time or knowledge to learn about social media.

You can (and should) do your own social media while outsourcing the more routine tasks. Most VA’s will help with templates, guides and reports to assist you.

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#5 I refuse to spend time on Facebook or Twitter because I don't see how it's relevant to the business.

Your customers and in many cases, your competition are active on Facebook and Twitter.

As your market ages, a new generation will be looking for your services … online!

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#6 We use the internet to gather information, not as a way to promote our services.

Social media is all about sharing information. As you gather information from online sources, so too do your customers.

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#7 I don't see how showing what we have done is good for business

Showcasing your achievements, case studies and customer reviews is a great way to win trust and attract new leads.

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#8 Don't think it's trustworthy - full of crap

Not long ago we didn’t trust email! It’s human nature not to trust what we don’t know. Take time to learn about social media, it’s impact on our lives and our business will only increase.

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#9 A massive time waster if you ask me!

It can be if you aren’t focused. Goals and a strategy are an essential part of your social media plan in order to maximise your time.

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#10 Don't see the benefit

Benefits are numerous and include: Lead generation Communication Education Brand awareness

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#11 If I have spare time there are better things I can be doing than social media

There are SO many demands on our time. But if growing your business is a priority then social media should definitely be on your radar.

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#12 What would the ROI be? How can you tell?

Social media can be hard to measure in terms of ROI as a lead may have seen you on Facebook but come to you through another channel, at another time. There are however stats you can measure in order to see which strategies are working and what needs to be changed.

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#13 Don't have a website and no interest in having one, so no need for social media

Social media can be a way to let people know what you do and how to find you without the need for a website.

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#14 "Too Hard”

So is running a business but you have that under control! There is unlimited help available to help you with your social media, reach out and don’t be afraid to ask for help!

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#15 Tall poppy syndrome, I’m not one to blow my own horn!

You don’t need to promote yourself … let your happy customers speak for you! But offer advice, educate and be as helpful online as you are offline … that is the way to build your business.

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#16 If I don’t do any other advertising, why do Social Media?

Because social media is opt-in and a multi dimensional channel of marketing and communication. Compared to traditional advertising, social media has many more benefits to offer.

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#18 Our industry is not really a ‘social media’ industry. You’re talking about accountants and business services, not builders and plumbers!

I hear this a lot! There are people listening on social media who have burst pipes, need wiring work or want a fence mended.

Be present where your customers are present.

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If you need help getting started …Simply email me, I’ll put you on the right track!