Facebook How to Get Started Safely by Hewie Poplock [email protected] Presented Sunday March 16, 2014

Intro to Facebook Presentation – Facebook, How to Get Started Safely

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Intro to Facebook Presentation – Facebook, How to Get Started Safely March Program for the Central Florida Computer Society – Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 2:00 PM Many people do not use Facebook for several reasons. Many are extremely concerned about their privacy and fearful of sharing information with the wrong people. Most of these people are not aware of how they can enjoy Facebook and limit their vulnerabilities and exposure. Hewie Poplock will present a program “Facebook, How to Get Started Safely” to CFCS on March 16. He will show the many favorable uses of Facebook, and how you can connect easily to many old & new friends and places. He will also show how to use Facebook’s settings to protect your information, while enjoying the service. He will show you how you can be a “lurker” or be active and yet be safe. There are more than 1.23 billion of Facebook active users. Of those 250 million play Facebook games. Over last 3 years, the number who are 55+ has exploded with +80.4% growth. As of Jan 2014, 32% of online seniors over 65 are using social networking sites and that number is about 15.6% of the Facebook users. This presentation is aimed at those not using Facebook. However, those who do use it will gain some insights and will update their settings knowledge, as well as be helpful to those around them who have been hesitant to join Facebook. The presentation will be at the General Meeting of The Central Florida Computer Society on Sunday March 16, 2014.

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  • 1. Facebook How to Get Started Safely by Hewie Poplock [email protected] Presented Sunday March 16, 2014

2. This presentation is aimed at those not using Facebook. However, those who do use it will gain some insights and will update their settings knowledge, as well as be helpful to those around them who have been hesitant to join Facebook. 3. There are more than 1.23 billion of Facebook active users. Of those 250 million play Facebook games. Over last 3 years, the number who are 55+ has exploded with +80.4% growth. As of Jan 2014, 32% of online seniors over 65 are using social networking sites and that number is about 15.6% of the Facebook users. 4. Why Use Facebook? Find & Connect to Friends Current & Past Organizations that you belong to Schools that you attended Re-visit old home towns Follow world & local news If you wish - share your interests, info, etc. 5. Why use Facebook? Must have account to view your friend's Newsfeeds Play games by yourself or with others Use Applications Instant Message & privately email with only those who you want to Follow products that you like or use Follow organizations that you belong to 6. You can almost be invisible Important to use security settings and not depend upon defaults Post or dont You can just lurk Do more interacting once you feel comfortable 7. Create an account 8. Initial Settings Screen 9. Initial Settings Screen (Scrolled) 10. Each setting can be controlled as to who will see it 11. If you choose Custom 12. You can make your own choice 13. ?No matter where you are, click on the facebook logo and go to the News Feed Page 14. News Feed Page 15. Privacy Shortcuts 16. Who can see my stuff? 17. This is what your timeline looks to 18. This is what your timeline looks to Felicia Shannon 19. If someone is looking for you 20. And they find you 21. If they click Photos 22. If they click Friends 23. Privacy Who can contact me? 24. Everyone or Friends of Friends can send friend requests 25. Blocking someone 26. Privacy Settings 27. General Settings 28. Message sent by Hewie 29. I have a private message 30. List of messages 31. Lets look at Hewies Facebook News Feed 32. Lets look at Groups 33. My Groups 34. Here is one of my groups 35. News Feed from the Group 36. Some photos from Group 37. Where to Find & Add Friends 38. Where to check & send Messages 39. Where to see Notifications 40. Facebook Items 41. Visit The Help Center 42. Help Choices 43. App Center 44. My Apps 45. App settings 1 46. App settings 2 47. App settings 3 48. Candy Crush is very popular 49. Candy Crush info 50. Even a video to demo the game 51. Download your information 52. Your Info 53. Your Info 54. Your Info 55. Your Info 56. Your Info 57. Your Info 58. How to opt out of social ads Facebook can use your Likes as a way to advertise for brands. If I like the Applebees Facebook Page, then Facebook would be able to show my profile photo and a tagline that says something along the lines of Your friend Amit likes Applebees, check out the Applebees Facebook Page to learn about our newest lunch combo. To block Facebook from doing this, go to the Ads section of your Account Settings. Go to the section that says Ads and Friends, hit edit and then select No One where it says Pair my social actions with ads for. 59. Where to change settings 60. Facebook Ad Settings 1 61. Facebook Ad Settings 2 62. Facebook Ad Settings 3 63. Facebook Ad Settings 4 64. Facebook Ad Settings 5 65. App Settings 1 66. App Settings 2 67. App Settings 3 68. App Settings 4 69. App Settings 5 70. Security Settings 71. Security Settings 2 72. How to opt out of social ads. Facebook can use your Likes as a way to advertise for brands. If I like the Applebees Facebook Page, then Facebook would be able to show my profile photo and a tagline that says something along the lines of Your friend Amit likes Applebees, check out the Applebees Facebook Page to learn about our newest lunch combo. To block Facebook from doing this, go to the Ads section of your Account Settings. Go to the section that says Ads and Friends, hit edit and then select No One where it says Pair my social actions with ads for. 73. Facebook Precautions Real Names Does NOT Mean Friendly People Facebooks real name policy means that most of the people you see are actually using their real name. It lulls people into a false sense of security, which can lead to trouble. This helps scams like the Western Union transfer scam and work at home scams take hold, because it starts with a local group and a friendly looking face with a real profile. The same goes for most 74. Facebook Precautions Careless Words Can Cost You So, youre grumpy at your bosss decision and you lashed out in a Facebook update? You could lose your job. Or maybe you griped about a piece of software you use for your job, could that be considered sharing company secrets? If so, you might lose your job and be up for a lawsuit. A bad attitude, inappropriate photos or poor grammar could also make you look like a bad decision in the eyes of an employer. 75. Facebook Precautions Data Costs Can Add Up When youre using Wi-Fi at home, its no big deal for most people. You look at Facebook on your phone and upload photos and theres nothing to worry about. Once you start using 3G or 4G data plans, you are usually facing a lower data cap and could face a large bill by using too much data. If you go overseas it gets exponentially worse, with roaming data costs set at exorbitant amounts for most carriers worldwide. 76. Facebook Precautions You cannot keep a photo private Editing the privacy settings for your Facebook photos can help us minimize our exposure on the internet but we must not forget that, although our albums are configured so that a small group of friends can see them, anyone can copy the URL of your image and share it with anyone. Do No Upload Photos in High Resolution. Images in high resolution are much more likely to be used for commercial purposes. 77. Early Memory 78. Early Memory 79. Orlando in the 60s 80. Bill Gates visits CFCS 81. Are you ready to try Facebook?