How to manage multiple social media accounts

How to manage multiple social media accounts

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How to manage multiple social media accounts

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Managing a social media account can be a time-consuming task, one that can pull you away from more essential tasks, but also one that no business should be without.

But what if you are trying to manage multiple accounts? How are you supposed to find the time?

Don’t worry. We’ve put together five simple rules that will help you manage all of your accounts at once (however many that may be, across however many platforms).

More than that, these simple guidelines will help you optimise your social media accounts to make sure you are getting the most out of them.

So, let’s get started...

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1. Don’t manage it if you don’t have to

This may sound simple, but it’s not. Make sure you are only using accounts that you need. If you don’t have a visual product,

for example, you probably don’t need a Pinterest account

Figure out what you are trying to do with your accounts.

Know who you are trying to talk to.

Only use platforms that allow you to do both of these things.

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2. Know your audienceGet an idea of your perfect customer in your head and address everything to them.

Try using Twitter Analytics to help construct their persona (analytics.twitter.com).

Once you know who you are talking to on each of your platforms, target your content towards what they find interesting.


Just because you find something interesting doesn’t mean that your customer does. Always keep them in mind.

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3. Don’t be afraid of repetition

The chances are if someone is following you on multiple platforms, they like hearing what you have to say.

Try using cross-platform pollination to populate your Facebook and Twitter accounts with photos from Instagram. Websites like IFTTT (ifttt.com) will let you do this easily.

Just remember to keep it relevant and interesting.

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4. Timing makes a differenceIt is much better to post at key times throughout the week rather than posting constantly or when you remember to get around to it.

Think about when your customers are likely to be checking their social media accounts. Is it on their way into work? Perhaps after they’ve put the kids to bed?

Try using Followerwonk (moz.com/followerwonk) to find out when your customers are currently online.

Buffer (buffer.com) also has its own recommended timings for each platform and can be used to schedule posts so they go out when they need to.

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5. It’s about having conversations (so listen!)

Responding to posts in a timely manner is obviously important, but there’s

more to a conversation than responding. It’s about listening and joining in.

Try using the Twitter Dashboard (dashboard.twitter.com) to find out what is being said about you

and areas your company are interested in. It will pick up on people who don’t mention you directly and let you get to the heart of the conversation quickly and easily.

Making lists of interesting people on Twitter and following them on Facebook is another good way

of staying abreast of the conversation.

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1. Don’t manage it if you don’t have to2. Know your audience3. Don’t be afraid of repetition4. Timing makes a difference5. It’s about having conversations (so listen!)