Facts, Fake news and Facebook UTAR, Kampar July 12, 2017

Facts, Fake news and Facebook

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Facts, Fake news

and FacebookUTAR, Kampar

July 12, 2017

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The challenge in 2017 and beyond

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Where is everyone?2 billion monthly active users

Malaysia: >23 million

1b unique users/month, 6b hrs watched/month

300hrs of video uploaded/1 min

1.2b monthly active users

Malaysia: 75% penetration

600million active users/month

500m registered users

Malaysia: >3m

328m monthly active users

Malaysia: >2m (estimate)

200m daily active users

Malaysia: ?


Sources: Statista(Apr, 2017), ExpandedRamblings.com, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter,

Socialbakers.com ,YouTube , GreyReview, Google, Tumblr, Instagram, Whatsapp, DMR

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Facebook > China/India

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DFTZ and e-commerce

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Media diet has changed

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Edelman Trust Barometer 2017

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Competition from unlikely places

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Media today: Big Data






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Fake or real?

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Act of terrorism or crazy guy?

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Trump Effect

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Photo purportedly of recent refugees

were actually of rally in 2012

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How journalists attribute and verify


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Verifying information on social media

• Examine profile: bio, links, email, previous updates, retweets, friends, followers

• Check time of update esp. breaking news

• Check photos, location, correlate with other tweets, updates

• Send email, message, ask for permission to use photos



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Attribution for journalists• Always ask for permission: even though you are

their ‘friend’ on social networks doesn’t mean they want to be quoted. Respect privacy.

• Be skeptical: Photos, videos can be manipulated

• Always attribute to primary source: plagiarism can get you in serious trouble

• Find and link to primary source. For images: Use tineye.com, images.google.com

• Caveat: “This information as yet to be verified through independent sources”

Link: http://stevebuttry.wordpress.com/2011/10/31/you-can-quote-me-on-that-advice-on-attribution-for-


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Verify before spreading

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Be a hoax-debunkerand stem the fakery

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Advice for future debunker

• Be skeptical of anything you receive

• Check the URL

• Check the publisher, source, author, date

• Google the headline with the word “hoax” in it

• Do reverse image search on Google

• Do not share unverified gory pictures and videos, especially of children

• Do not share memes unless the people in the photo are clearly identified eg. a celebrity parody

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“Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them,”

Steve Jobs

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“Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them,”

….or AlbertEinstein?